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Whig Anti-slavery

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Somc Liberty mun h.ive talkcd of unitin wiili nny p..rty ihnt will go fVr nniisl.ivery. Tliis wiü liever lo uniess a pnrty can be founl will makeihc Aboliiion of Slavery tlicir paramüunt object. Whi-re sliall we finí suca a pany ? - The Whiys ore Inr from t!n standard. The New York Tnbuiie, in nmny rcsects. is an nniiêlnvcry pancr: au.) yct il ia tta ly to go tor aslavo holding President in S-IS. In answer toa correspondent of the Chronotype wlia ajkud tb question explicitly, Mr. Greely snys: "Sir; our round was chnlked out long ngo. - We sh ill :upp-rt that oue nmong ihc candidutet who oppears to have n chance foí uccess wmsc tledion seeais to im likely to effect the most good iiud prctiiU fke most ov:l." -We ehould preier rbal our cnndidaie for next Preatdent should b oplost d. to du; es()iice a well && to theion oí Slavery ; we íhould like 10 have birr a Peetotaler, a riid obsérvcr ofall ike Commandnenis, tlie advocate of" Proteciion to Home inlusiry. of National Iniernal ImprovcinCMs, of 'orpotual Fcace, economicn! Govcrnmeiir, o rr.rcnchment of our Naval nnd Military forcc to' he lowest possible limit, wiih liberal payment to' ha Soldiera and Snílor, as well as to tbe OÍTi"ers. so that men should alwaya be ready to serve lie Country. Wo Very greatly def-ic thnt our ïindidaic should favor the disposal of the Public' ..nnds to Actual Settlers önly n limited quantiics, innlicnnble to oiher ihan JandleBí persons. Yei shall are not, very probably. find n candidato vho rccardsall these quesiíons just as we do; und ve. shall Kuport that oe having n chance for ucces who ir ouf judgmeñt comea ncarcst to-' ur standard." Tbc answer of tho Tribune will do íor a hunJrcd Whig papers íti tho free States. They mend to go for tbat Whig candidato who can proSrtbly be elected, whevher lio be Abolitionist ur Slavcho'der. They would honcatly prefer, no doubt, an Abolitionist, but, if neccssnry von!cl support a 8laveholdcr if he Lo only a good Whip. [n othor words, they will support any boáy thnt nny be nominatod, consideriny ihat lbo succesa of the pirty, with almost any candidatc, would f '"eflect trío mO9t good and prevent the most ovil," And a porlion oí the party, allhoith they' mjght hesitate to say it in so many words, wauld ací n necordance whh tho ssntiment' of a prominent Whig-, who, when nsknd in 1 .54 1 if he would support Mr. Clay, replied - "ƒ leovld voto for thc oíd Cíoccn-Foot Itimsdf, shoald lio be nomine tcd.J' We hope our Liberty friends will remember ihis frank roply of the Tribune, ond not be deceived by the antislavery professiona of Whigf editor and politicians. Tliat causo can only be safe in the hands of thosc who will nol defcr iu claims to any other object.