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-"Únele"' Andrew Kobison of Manchester, is quite feeble this winter. Four new members were added to Manohester's A. O. U. "W. last week. -The Saline Standard has been consigned to the newspaper grave yard. -Dr. Root of Manchester, died on Thursday morning of last week, aged 75 years. -John H. Miller of Manohester, left last week for Colorado, to be absent three months. - Peoples' bank of Manchester, reports at close of business, Jan. 6, $62,607,53 in deposita. Two cases of scarlet fever are reported in the family of Wu, Kirchgessner of Manchester. -Scarlet feíer has appeared in Dexter, in the family of Michael KyanPive children have it. -James Bailey of Manchester received a severe gash in his wrist by fullïug upon a cross-cut saw. -The Normal of Ypsilanti expects a visit from the Legislativo Oommittee during the present month. - C. H. Wilson of Milán, has factured during the past year 500,000 feet of lumber at his saw will. -$2,105.80 has been subscribed by Ypsilantians, iu aid of the tower fund, all collected last week save $10. -Martin & Bickford of Ypsilanti, dealers in boots and ghoes, have disgolved. It ia now Martin & Cremer. -"On the whole," says the Ypsilanti Commercial speakiug of the Court House, "the building ia a credit to the county." The Morgan school in Augusta has joen closed for the present, on account of scarlet fuver among the scholars and n the neighborhood of the Bchool. The Common Council of Ypiilanti are squabbling over what a man shall be paid for lighting the street lainps, and meantime the city is left in darkness. -The Raisin Biver lodsre of I. O. O. E passed a series of resolutions over the death of Past Grand Obediah Priest l ordering the chair lately occupied by , him draped for thirty days. , - Result of First National bank j tion in Ypsilanti : President, I. N. ( lin ; Vice-President, D. L. Quirk ; , íer, F. P. Bogardus; Direotors, I. N. j Uonklin, D. L. Quirk, L. A. Barnes, E. Bogardus, E. F. Uhl. , The assembly hall at Ypsilanti has been adorned with five worka of arti comprising in part buats of Milton and Shakespeare, presented by chief engineer Bogardus, and president of fire department, Clark Cornwell. There were last week about 5,000 bushels of wheat in the froight house of the L. S. & M. S. railway freight house at Manchester; and about 1,500 bushels in the D. H. & S. W. railway elevator ; one-thir J capacity of storage only occupied. Highland Cemetery Association of Ypsilanti, elected, at a late meeting, T. Ninde, 8. H. Dodge and F. K. Rexford, trustees for three years. From among the nine trustees officers were elected as folio ws: President, Thomas Ninde; Clerk, F. K. Rexford ; Treasurer, E. Bogardus; Sexton, C. King. - The committee appointed at the recent railroad meeting held in Pinckney, to wait upon Gov. Ashley and get bis terms for extending the T. & A. A. Railroad through Pinckney and thence on to O wasso, via. of Howell, visited Ann Arbor lately but did not see the Governor, as he was in Washington on business. The contemplated meeting, on this account, did not come off as was e.xpected, but as soon as the Governor's views can be obtained there will be another meeting called. - On Tuesday morning last Thoma Farrell of Dexter township, was in this village on his way to Detroit, where he had secured employment as brakeman on the Detroit and Bay City railroad. About mid-night as he was engaged coupling cars, he missed his footing and feil into a culvert, when the brake-irons jaught him and cruBhed both thighs in i shocking manner. He was removed to Harper Hospital, but died on Wedoesday raorning. He was about twentyflve years of age, and uninarried. - Leader. -The Order of Patrons of Husbandry No. 56, held a regular session Wednesday evening, Jan. 15th, in Batchelder's Hall at Ypsilanti, and the following officerg were installed for the ensuing year: Master, Henry D. Platt; O verseer, Kalf Rice ; Lecturer, Andrew Campbell ; Steward, Augustus Qardnbr ; AssistantSteward,ChasFletcher; Chaplain, J. Evarts ömith ; Treasurer, Chas. Albin; Secretary, Newland Carpenter; Gate Keeper, Peter D. Martin ; Ceres, Mrs. Lucinda Hogers; Pomona, Mrs. Sarah Platt; Flora, Mra. Juliet Oardner ; Stewardess, Miss Alta Peck. A novel entertainment was intro.uced New Year'a eve at the Baptist hurch in Mooreville, reoounted by a orrespondent of the Monroe Commercial ■ 'Instead of a Christinas tree a snow íouse was ereoted in the rear of the hurch made of oloth and oovered with ;otton batting, whioh gave it a very mowy appearance. Said house being the headquarters of oíd Santa Claus, for one night at least, and who, at the proper time, emerged with a huge bundle of toys and presenta for all the scholars, some of which were quito valuable. Altogether it was a very enjoyable occasion." Abram Cooper writes a longthy letter to the Ypsilanti Commercial giviug his views of Texas, froin which State he recently returned. A short extract : "Tbe poor man stands no chance in Texas ; he can get land to work on Bhares, but he will work undor a cutthroat lease, and will get a poorer living than a pauper would get here, and would not bo worth one cent more at the end of the year. If a man had money enough to buy a team, farming iinplements and to stock himself with keeping for hia team, and provisión for his family for one year, he might do well ia pome parts of Texas by working a faiin on shares a year or two. Then he would know what to buy. But he uiight get into a locality where they would all be sick and not be able to do anything. I have seen instancei of thit kind." -One or two cases of diptheria are reportad in Chelsea. - Chester Higley of Milan, had amputated one of his toes - on account of a froze. - Business is looking up in Milan. A new billiard table bas just been brought there. If . C. Putnam & Co. of Milan, have bought produce to the amount of $18,000 for the five months ending Dec. 31, 1878. - R. Pescelius and Marvin Davenport of Mooreville, each lost a valuable horse, supposed to be oaused by overdriving. -The city Council of Ypsilanti thinks the cost of lighting the streets, as charged by the present company, is too great, and has disoontinued its use. A new arrangement will probably be made in the near future. -The Ypsilanti Sentinel revive an old project, viz.: To créate a new county out of the eastern townships of Washtenaw, added to two or three of the western tier of Wayne. With Ypailanti as a capítol, of course. - This year as last, the first collector to settle with the county treasurer is Andrew J. Sawyer of Webster. On Tuesday last Mr. S. paid over every penny which his tax roll called for, including dog tax, to treasurer Fairchild. Frank Johnson of Milan, was hauling logs and walking beside the load driving, when in passing a tree he passed the Unes around it ; and at the moment the end of the log striking the tree, severed both fingers in an instant, mangling them badly. - A tight board fenoe about six miles in length has been ereoted long the line of the Toledo and Ann Arbor Kailroad between this place and Azalia and Samaría and Alexis, on the west side of the track, to prevent the snow from blockading the road where it passes through several deep cuts. - Another case of malioious trespass in town of York. The acoused are Albert Case and Dalton Richards, charged with inj uring a dweiling house in that of removing windows anddoorg, rendering it untenan table. A goodly array of counsel are engaged on either side and a sharp contest is anticipated. Set down for trial Feb. 1 1 before Justice Granger. - Sealed propos for rendering the medical service needed at the County House, etc, for the year 1879, will be received by the 8'iperintendents up to 10 o'clock A. M. of Tuesday Fobruary 4, 1879. Packages marked "Proposals for Medical Services," may be left at the County House before the day and hour named, or handed to any one of the Superintendents, who reserve the right to reject auy or all bids. - Washtenaw Encampment, 1. O. O. F., No. 17, at Chelsea, was resuscitated Wednesday evening of last week, J. Sprague of this city representing the Grand Patriarch for that purpose. The following officers were then elected and installed: A. Blackney, C. P.; George Wright, H. P.; James Hudler, S. W.; J. A. Palmer, Soribe ; J. Schairer, Treasurer ; E Hammond, J. W.; G. E. Wright, representative to the Grand Encampment. -There will be a meeting of the Farmers' Club of Washtenaw County held in Ann Arbor at 1 1-2 p. M., on Saturday, Jan. 25, at Fireinens' Hall, for the discussion of the following subjects : " The Farmer, his p&sition and duty as a citizen, and to his profession." "Beit breedsofcattlefor Washtenaw County." And suoh other aubjecta as inay be brought before the meeting. A general attendance of farmers of this county is requested. A meeting of the Poniological Sooiety of Washtenaw County will be held on the same day, and at the same place. - On Wedneaday last Miss Lulu Buck, a pupil in Miss Towner's room, was sent to the Superintendent for putting pepper on the stove. On being sent back for her books she left the school building and started tor the country. Wednesday night found her at the house of Chas. A. Moore, a farmer living about four miles south of this city. The Marshal could get no trace of her until Friday morning, when she was discovered by Mr. H. A. Weeks, who niet her near Schades' grocery. It seems that she had returned to the city and had started for , Detroit. The Marshal overtook her ] about three miles east of town and j brought her, stoutly protesting, back to this city. Miss Lulu is about thirteen years old, and the fact that aha had got ■ the impression that she had committed soine awful crime, led to her departure. - Tpsilanti Commercial. In last week's Ahuus mention was made of the loss by theft of a horse, cutter, &c, by Nicholas Van Riper of Webster, who hitched his horse to a post in the Btreets of Dexter while he dropped into a store to do some shopping. The thief proves to be one Mclntyre of Pinckney, about 18 year of age, who seized the equipage in the light of day, drove to Lansing where he offered to sell it for $40. A local officer hearing of the low offer, invited the boy to ride, and accused him of having stolen the property. The boy drew a revolver and shot at the officer. The ball passed through two coats and lodged in a silk handkerchiet in a wrapper. He then iuinped and ran. Being pursued he hot himself in the lei't breast above the leart, and then walked a few steps and hot himself a second time within an nch of the same place, both baila enterng the left lung. He lived about five ninutes, and before dying said he caine 'rom Dexter. No papers were found on ïiin by which to identify the boy. His purse contained $2.02. Sheriff Case was promptly notified of the oocurrenoe. Mr. Van Biper started for Lanaing and lecured all his property. The father of the boy also went to the Capitol and returued with the corpse of his son. The afl'air and its denouement is a saii lesson. We hope it will serve as a warning to other boys, who fancy it to be funny to jump into peoples' outters and drive away their property. Did you know that the stock of OvERCOATS at the Star Clothing House had been marked at prices to close. Thig is a bonanza to those suffering with the cold. 1722-2


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