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Two mokk MolUe Magnates, Charles Kharpe and James McDomioll, havo just been banged at Mauch drank, Pa., for a nmrder eommitted moro thau fifteen years ago, the viftim boing a mine ownert Both proteeted their innocence to the The Governor respited tho doomed men, but the reprieve arrived just half a minute too late. One of the finest business blooks on Broadway, Nuw York, has boeu destroyed l3fire. It was crammotl from top to bottom with fancy gooda aud clothing, the oecupants being Edwin Bates & Co., Naumburg, Kraus&Co., and Iloward & Lauer. Soveral firemen were injured, one of thcin fatally, by falling walls. The total loss is estimated at f 1,750,000. Another Molly Maguire was hanged ut Tottsvillo, Pa., on the lOth inat, making ninetcen who have suffered the doath penalty in that State. The last victim was Martin Bergin who murdorod Pati-ick Barns, a coaluiine clerk, in 1870. The trial of Mrs. Kate Cobb, of Norwieh, Ct., for the murder of her husband, by poisoning, has excitad a good deal of attention at the Eaet The jury fouml her guilty of murdor, and tho Judgo suntenoed her to Ufo term of impiieonment. Her paramour will be tried in March. A fiee in Wortli street, New York, on the 17th inst., burncd out soveral large drygoods importers and inflicted a pocuniary loss of over #:,000,000. Followlng are the ostimated loases: Van Valkonburg & Leavitt, $1,000,000; Walkingshaw ,t Voight, $rüO,()OO; Schnabel Bros., $150,000; John Slado & Co., $150 000Henry W. T. Malloy t Co., $100,000; William Sinipson, Sons & Co, $50,000; Nouotuck Silk Company, $50,0(10; B. 8. Smith. $150,000: Forstinau Co., $50,000. Two NOTORious counterfeitcrs, Henry C. Cole and Charles Ulricli, have just beon arrested in New York. To tbom are traced the eonntcrfeits npon Beveral national banks in this ! country, and the maiiy cownterfeit bonds and notes 80 oxtensively circulated in Germany aud brougbt to this country by oraigraute. Matthew T. Bkennan, late Sheriff of New York city, and ono of the leading i mauyites, ia dead. It is asserted by tlie " knowing ones" in New York that the body of tbo late A. T. Stewart waa long since recovered, that it was fnlly idintifled by the famüy and frionds of the deeoased, and that f 50,000 was paid for the delivery of the remains. THE WEST. The Giant Powder works of Bandman, Nielson & Co. , near San Francisco, CaL , exploded a few days ago, killing fourjvhite men and one Chinaman, wounding a mimbor of others, and complotely demolishing the works. The massacre of thirty or forty Cheyenne Iudians at Fort Robiiison, the recapture of flfty others, and the flight to the foot-hills of the remainder of the band, has been heretoforo recorded in these columns: Those who ; were plucky enough to escape tlie bnllets and sabers of tlie relentloas soldicry took refuge in the bed of Indian preek, and strongly iortilied themselves by throwing tip breastworks. Here they were b?sieged for two days and nights, nut on the third night they silontly etole away, and their pursuers decidodly crestfallon at the discovery that they had been outgeneraled by the dusliy warriors as silently stnle back to Fort Eobinson. The casualties during thie carnpaign were flve soldiers killed and eight wounded; thirty-two Indiana killed and about a dozen woundml. A fibe .at Atcliison, Kim., last week, burned the round-house and maehine-shopa of the Atehieon and Nebraska railroad. The loss is estimated at $100,000 S. D. Richards, the diabolical Nebraska murderer, has been tried frrand guilty, and senteueod to be hanged on the 2Bth o! April. The Grand Jnry at Sfc Louis has indioted the offieors of the defunct National Bank of Missouri, and they hare all been held for trial in bonda of $10,000 eacb. THE SOUTH. Liedt. Gov. Hn.1,, oï Florida, lias beon iiKlicted by tbo Uuiteii Htates Grand Jury.' at Jacksonville, in that State, on a charge of conspiracy with others in obtaiuing returns of elections in Brevard cuunty. Information has been received at Wisl-ingkuof Ihi iiuul bv a Tntmnrt ot the Sfate or municipal authorities of Alabama of United States District Attorney Mayer and United States Marshal Turner, the lattèr being now in jail, and the former having been released on a writ of babeas coi-pus issued by tnited States District Judge Bruce. These oflicerswerecommauded by a State court to deliver beforeit certain ballot-boxes and ballotsusodat the November election, they being at the time in question used by the Grand Jury of the l nited States Court, sitting at Montgömerv as eyidenee in eertain casea thereiu pending oñ iudistments for violation of tho election laws of the United States. Mayer and Turner refused to obey the mandate, henee their arrest. WASHINGTON. It is reported that Justice Hunt, who roci-ntly received a bad stroke of paralysia, will ehortly resign bis Beat on the Supreme bench, to be suceeedod by Attorney General Deveus who in tnrn will be succeedêd by Stanley Matthews. Confiemations by the Senate : Eoger S. Green, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Washington Territory ; John P. Hovt, ant Justice of the Bnpreme Curt of Washingtonïcrritory; George Hand, Secretarv of Datota Territory; Lewis E. Payne, of 'Virginia Lnited States Attoraey of Wyoming Territory! The President has nominated Wm. ö. Thompson, of Iowa, for Chief Justice of the Supremo Court of Idaho. I'OLJTICAI,. Hon. John P. Joxes has been roelected to the United States Senate from Nevada. The Democratie Senators held a caneus at Washington, the othor day, to oonsiaer their courso on the reaolutions reeeutly submitted by Mr. Eanftmds, deelaring that the last three constiiutional araendments liave been dnly ratified; that the laws aliradv enacted for their enforcemont should be faithfully executed, and that Congress should further próvido for their eiiforcement by additional legislation Alter some discussion, the subject was reforred' toa committo!) of seven, headed by Judge Ihurman, to report to afuturo caucus. The Democrats of the North Carolina Legislature, on the loth inst, nominated Gov. Zebulon B. Vanee as the euccessor of Mr Merrimon i,j the United States Seuate, which is eqmvalent toan election. The Democratie members of the j sourj Legislature met in caucus, Jan. 15, and nominated Oen. James Shields for the short henatonal term, and George G. Vest for the long term. The Bepublicans of the Indiana Legislature met in joini canons on the ïeth nut, and nominated Godlove S. Orth for the short term, as ünlted States Senator, and Gen. Bc-ii : Harnsou for the long term. The Eepul)licans of tlie Coimeetiont Lcgislatuie, on the lTthinst., nomiuated (which is eqivalentto c-le.-ted) O. H. Platt, tosuc oeed Mr. liarimm as T'nilcd States Sonator from thKt Btate. Gen. Hwley av.l ex-Oov Jewell yrere ho two leadiog candidates, and Platt shpped in as the " dark horBe." The Republicana of the Ulh-ois ' , ïHlature met in caueus to uwntoité a I date for United State SenaU-, td snooeèa Mr ! Oglesby, 01, the ITth no. Onv two candidatos ! were named, and fhere was !mt one bal!„t. itl theremüt: Jolm A. to 80R J.Oglesby 3a... Ballotinsinr T ,m,,l siates Senaiorüi : began Jan. 16 and pn that and the sníoeeding I daye thii y ; ., were lm,, the y()t m b. f mg divKlod prettye(iualyl,etwe,;n Messrs. E. A o.u'cus of the P.epiibUcun ; lrsoftheNewYorklx' and ll.wcoe Oonkling was nominated ter 1 nited naed f:."1.',"""111'1 Dorfhoimcr was no,,,. tht i ,i ■'■' r" The Demócrata of i hñwVf1' "1"t ncaicns andnominactdi). W. oorhces on the fir.-t ballot The first vesael of Aranderbilt's new ! Bteamehip line sailed from New York for Havr. last week, wit], a cargo of grato and provisión direct from the Wesl . . . .l)llü, Burlow A Co. port thut the failnres in the bnited States and añada last reacliod th. uimrecdentp : ívKEm ll,. habditKB rere 1334,883,132 ot abont 19 per cent. rr thsn ,i10 r,m; " 'l.atl, ni two oentenuiang1 le a,,noun"d-Mrs Elizabett Rentter, of Baltimore, aged 113 ami Mrs. Lucy Nichols, of New Haven, aged 101 KOKKIGN. Am.thkií great colliery disaster has DOCnned to Waleí, By an explosión of Hre ' damp, in a pit near Potity-Pridd, forty-eight infortunato niiners lost their lives. A oonvention between Austria and Turkey has been eompleted. It lea ves Austria freo to admininter Bosni and Herzegovina, continue tho Turklsh adminiwtration. and establisli a mixed oceupatkm of Novi-Iiazar Edward Matthow Ward, the emintut jínglish paintor, is dead Yakoob Khan, sfn of the Ameer of Afghanistan, lia followed his father in lija fiight to Itusma A dispatch from Philippopolis states that a railway train fell into ttie river Arda in Turkey, and that a Kusaian General, several other officorp, aud Ü00 iren were drowned. The accident wa caused by the breaking down of a briaga A steeet rumpus opposite the Bank of London attracted a largo erowd. which led depoaitora to believe that thore was a run on tbs bank. Thon thero was a run in roality, that came near draining tho institution of "all its cash. Weston, the American pedestrian, hat' started from London to walk over the highways of Lngland, 2,000 milen in 1,000 hours. A sekioüs Ministerial crisis has been averted in Frauce by a compromiso botween the Republicana and Conservativos of the Chamber oí Deputies, and a resolution passed expresaing coutideoce in the Govermm'nt. THE I1I..UM! INVIÏSTIGATION. The Teller Committee, on the láth, oxaminod T. 8. Shaeffer, of 8t. Joseph parish, who testified to the killing of an Irieh laborer by a nogro constable and the lynehing and shooting of tlie constable by a band of armed whites. Gaspre de Cuir, of Pointe Coupe a member of the Legislature, testified that he hoard.öevoral uegroes werewhipped and beaten by tho whitea. Undcrstood it was because the negroos liad orgauized revolutionaiy bands endangering the livos and property of whites. Charles Decenig, of Caddo, Deputy Marshal, saw two dead negroes at Calodonia, the day after the election. Understood the negroes were killed on election day. The Teller Committee, on the 15th, examined Clement L. Walker, attorney, of New Orleans who testified coucerning the election there; that he belieyed the returns promulgated were not indicativo of the true results, the votes polled for the Conservativea being counted for the Domocr&ts. He charged generally that thero were irregulanties and frauda in the conduct of the election. O. W. Johnson, J. A. Johnson, David Young, Charles Lincoln, M. D. Randolph, all colored, oí Concordia, testified to general charges of intimidation and fraud in the late election. G. W. Walton, of Concordia, a member of tho Legislature, denied in effect the charges made by the previous witnesses. E. Kennel!, colored, a Coronor of Concordia, said there were seven men killed, all colorod. Five wero hung and one shot A. J. Bryant (coloredj, State Senator from Tensas parish, testified that he was forced, by threats of hanging, to vote the Democratie ticket at the laat election. He 8aid that no Republican ticket was nominated in that parish beeauee the whitos told the blacka that they would consider euch action a declaration of war. Abraham Thomas (colored), of Tensas parish, testified before the Teller Committee, on the 1 7th, that, diiring the late elecüon, he met a body of armed whites, who chased witness. That night the same men came and took Charley Bethel, a colored man, out of his house, shot him, and cut hia throat Ross Stewart, a prominent colored politician, of Tensas, a member of the Legislatura, testified that threats of violence prevented the Repnblicans from nominating a ticket Witness testified to everal acts of bulldozing, and gave the namea of fifteen negroes alleged to have been murdered. The Teller Committee, on Jan, 18th, I exarnined W. B. Merchant, District Attorney of St Mary's parish who testified concerning the attack on Newman's houae, but nothing now was developed. It was 01dered that United States Commissioner Lane take testimonv of witneseeg not tamineci for Natchitoêhes, Tensas and Calalioula parishes; that Morris Marks represent majority and I!. F. Jonas the minority. The testimony so taken will be transmitid' to Mr. Teller and treated as if takfn by the commitI tee. The eommittee thmi left for Charleston, THE POTTER COMMITTEE. J. Henki Burch (colored), a Presidential elector-at-large in Louisiana, testified i before the Potter Committee that he signed a second set of certifícate because he had been advised that there waB an informality in the fin-t set; he knew nothing of the forgeryof certificates. Kelly (colored) was placed upon the stanil, and testifled that the name of Jeffrian, one of the electora, was forged by D. P. Blanchard, a clerk in Gov Kellogg's office; in answer t a queshon aa to the whereabouts of Blanchard, witness stated that he died last snmmer of yellow fever. Geu. Ben Butler, -nho conducted the groator part of tho cross-examination, proceeded npon the theory that Kelly, the colored messengor bad himself committod tue forgery. He asked Kelly to write his own signature upon a piece of paper. Keliy did so. Then Butler asked the witness, who wrote very readily, to write the name of Jeffrian. This tho witness very positively refused to do. In answer to a question by Mr. Cox, as to whether anybody approached witnesa regarding the character of the evidence he should give before the Potter Committee, Kelly eaid he was visited by a man narned Maddox, who stated that he was employed by high authority from the committee to ascertain what his (Kelly's) testimony would be. The object of the committee was, 'ho said, to mako political capital for Tilden against Thurman. As a furtlior inducement to testifv, Kelly was told he could go off a considerable distance. even as far as San Francisco, and could then be Bummoned back, profitmg by the miieaeo.


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