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NE W ADTERTISEMEKT8. HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. X J. WjHTNEY, - MaSAGKR AND LkSSEE. Monday and Tuesday, Feb. 3 and 4. Special engagement of America's greatent emot iotnil actress, Gbarlone Tloijson! Jupported by hir own superb cuiupauy in the folowaig popular jiliy: Monday cvening- J ANE EYRE. Tuesdiiy eveniug- HUNCHBACK. Genera) oJmisIon 80 cents; Gallery 25 cents. ÏMervcd lents, 75 Cfflti- pQW o sale t Watti' lolry rpiIK MONARCH Brunswick BILLIARD HALL ! UNDER COOK'S HOTEL, AXN ARBOll. 6 New Biiliard Tables. CALL AND SEE THEM. 3 WM, FRANK, Proprietor. Estate'of Honry De Povr. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, as. At a seasion of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office tn the city of Ann Arbor, on Wednesday, the twenty-ninth day of January, in the year ono tbousand eight hundred and seventy-nine. Present, William D. Ilarriman, Judge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Henry De Pew, deceaaed. Henry Kempf, ad ministra tor with the will annexed of said estáte, comes lato court and representa that he ís now pre pared to render his final account as such administrator. Thereupon it is ordered, that Tuesday, the twenty-fifth dav of February next, at ten o'elock in the forenoon, be asaigned for exaiaiuin and allowing such account, and that the devíseos, legatees, and heirs at law of aaid deceased, and all other persons interested in said estáte, are required to appear at a lOBêloo of said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor Ín said county, and show cause if any there be, wliy the said account should pot be allowed : And it is further ordered, that said ad ministra tor gtve notice to the persons interested Ín said estáte, of the pendeucy of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thU order to be published in the Michigan Argu$, a newspaper printed and ciroulating in said county, three successive weeks previous to said duy of hearing. WILLIAM D. HARRIMAN, (A true copy.) Judge of Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Lstate of Thomas Van Giesin. STATE OF MICHÍGAN, County of Washtenaw ss. At a sessiwu of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office Ín the city of Ann Arbor, on Saturday, the twenty-fifth day of January, in the year oue thoun i 1 alfr It t il 11 Tl1 win 1 n nn DAimn t r m i i i . KUU eigiii uuuuini uuu ."il.1 v t;n 1 ) -m lic. Present, William D. Harriman.Judge of Probate. Ia the mattter uf the estáte of Thomas Van Oieson, deeeased. Thomas Van Gieson, administratorof said estáte, comes intocourt and representa that he ís now preparedto render lus final account as such administra tor. Thereupon it is ordered, that Wednesday, the twenty-iixth day of Februury next, at ten o'clock in the forenoou, be assigned for examining and allowing uch account, and that the hcirs at l&w of said deceased, and all otlier persons interes ted in said estáte, are required to appear at a session of said cotirt, then to be holden at the Probate Office in the city of Ann Arbor ín said county, and show cause, ff any there be, why the said account should not be allowed. And it ís f'urther ordered that said adiiiini.strdtor give notice to the persons interentcd in said cetsle ot the penden cy of said account and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be published in the Michigan Argus, a newspaper printed and circulatlug in said county, three successive weeks previous to said day of hearing. WILLIAM I). HARRIMAX, (A true copy.) Judgeof Probate. Wm. G. Doty, Probate Register. Ral Estáte for Sale. JTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, Cj sa. In the matter of the eBtate of Hornee llosier, deceaaed. Notice iu hereby given, that iü pursuiince of an ordei granted to the undereigned, iidminiatratrix of the estáte of uttid Ilorace Kosier, by the tlon. Judge of Probate for the County of Washtenaw, on the fourteenth day of Jaauary, A. D. 1879, there will be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the otSce of George C. Page, in the village of Dexter, in the County -t Waahtenaw, in said Stat, on Tuksday, the KLKVENTH DAY OF MaBCII, A. D. 1879, ut ten o'cloek in the forenoon of that day (subject to all enoumbrances by mortgage or othorwise exlsting at the time of the death of said deceased, and altto subject to the right of dower of the widow of said deceased therein), the iollowing described re.-il etiite, feo wit: Land situated in the township ot' Hcio, Washtenaw County, Michigan, towit: Be ing part of sections öve and six, and beginniiiK at the common corners of sections five, six, even and elght, thence along the aaid section Une twenty chaina and fifty links toa stake in the midjle ot' the highway ; thence north one and one-fourth degreea west, perpendicular to said section line, sixteen chains and Öfteen links to a stake iu the xniddle of the Ann Arbor road (so called), thence north forty-nine and a half degrees west along the center of said Ann Arbor road five chaina and ninety links to a stake, thence south eighty-nine degrees and fort y minutes, west twenty cliains and sixLeen Unks to the center of K. street, nccording to the recorded plat of the village of Dexter; thence south forty-two and one-fourth degrees, west twi chains and eighty links to a stake in the center 01 G, and K. streets, according to the aforesuid plat thence north forty-seven and three-fourths degreei west along the center of K. street three chains and two links to a stake, thence west twenty minutes eight chains and twenty and one-half Unks to a Btake, thence Lsouth pan Hel to the. Baker road (so called) twenty chains to the center of the highway thence eaat twenty-five chains and nine links to the place oí beginning, contaiuing seventy thret acres and fifty one huudredtha (73 50-100} more or less. CHRISTIN1 A A. ROSIER, Administratrix. Dated, Januaiy 14, 1879. m CX--COHPOUND EXTRACT OF _ I T TT $"' E3? TT 1 I Jol IJ V JÜi, M 1 (tokte, Jüiiiper Spits of Nitre ín a mutHiTiuru pjrm, for ÍDiseases of the JT.ineys & Bladder, dcEorrhea, Wcataiesse:, C7e Eiortions, 51et, Strictïr, O'ostTuction of t5ie lTrine, ♦ iitl nll IiseHN'--í ftf Mie (::iary ■ üAu-r of bo lunii BMMdU. nü'i wliyther iu MALE OR FËMALE. l'rlfo, Ono Ioll!iv. PnrparH t .■ -:íkí! of rR. HIÏ.L, !i -1 lj W'. .lüHNSTON CO., "'t J ffenon Avenue, DETROIT DIN8EY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY - AND - KLOOK & PKKH STORE We keep conBtantly on nana, BREAD, CEACKERS, CAKES, ETC POR WHOLESALE nd RKTAIL TRADE. We shall altfo keep a eupply of DELHI FLOUR, 1. M. 8WIFT ft OO'S BEST WHITE WHEA FLOUR, RYE FLOUR, BUCKVVWHEAT FLOUR, CORN MKAL, FEED, o., fto. At Wholesale ana retail. A generul stock of GROCERIKS AND PROVISIONS GonHtantly on hand, which will be sold on tía rea sonable terina as at any other house in thip city. Cash paid for Butter, EgB, anü Country Proloc Renorally. ■3 Oooda delivcrci '0 auy part of the city with out extra onarire. ttlNSKV & MMKOIT. Ann Arbor, Jan. I. 1878. 15C4 GET YOUR PROPEETY IN SURED BY C. H. HILLEN, Insurance Agent No. 4 South Main Street, ANN ARBOR, MICH, Thö oldeat agency in the city. Established a, quartor of a ceDtury ago. Repreaenting the following firt class oomnaotf' Home Jnuranco Co. of N. V., Assers qver 3,O"0,0OO Contincutal Ins. Co. of N. Y., Asetü over $3,000, ÜOU Niagir Fr lus. Co., H. Y., Assets 1,4 12,400 Qirard oi P., Aasets over 81,000,000 Oriënt of Hartford, Assets 8700,000 J Ratea low. LuMfl Hbrully adjusted anJ proiuptly pulí. 7oo V, H. MILLEN. Abstracts of Titles. All partiei who ara dosirous of usoertnining the oondit ion of the title to tlioit lirndB, or parties who winh to loan money on real estáte will do well to cali at the Register' otttoe and consult a Compared Set of Abstract Books. Said books are ao iar advanced that. the Register ean furniah on short notice a Perfect Statement as to the Titk ;f any parcel of land in Wushtenaw County as ihowu by the original records. C. H. MANLY, Register. O OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. Located in a desirable part of the city, and in food rtpair. Also a house to rent on favorable ruis. laquire at the Akoup office, ot 22 THOMiJON STBEET. Ann Arbor, Jan. 1)0, 1879. Jtf NNNTTAL STATEMENT For the year endioff December 31, A. D. 1878, of the condition and affaire of the Germán Farmers' Fire Insurance Co„ Locat'd at Dexter, organized under the laws of the Stat'1 ui Michigan, and doing business in the County of Waslttenaw, in said State. 8IM0N F HIRTH, President WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. MEMBERSHIPS. umber of nierabers lxcember Sist, of previ008 year, S28 ïumber ofmenihers add.'(! duiin ilif pr'Hi'iit year, 68 Total, 8% Jeduct Dumber of mfiobers withdrawii during the ycai1, umi rancelt'd lolitMos by reasoa ot sale or otherwiae, 42 ïumber of members now belongitif; to coinpaay, 854 HISKS. Unount of property at risk lec. 31t of previous year, W):i74t4-fi9 00 Ainuunt of risk.s addcd during preaeut year, 163,540 00 Total, 82,537,999 uu )educt rlska (■uKcoled, w i t lid ra w ü or Le rui i - iiaUd, 109,.r40 00 Vet amoiiDt nnv ut ii-k by cuuipany, S'2,428,4.9 00 BESOUKCKS. Amount of premium or deposit notes now in force, None Amount of cabh premiums (or aosessDienta) actually on hand. 81,102 54 Auiouut of outtjianding asessments not canceled, 19 44 futuro and amount of all other resources, viz . uone Total resourucH, 81,121 98 LIABILITIES. Claims for losses due and payablc, none Claims for lusjes nut matured, "one 'laiuiM for lossus reslstod, n Nature and amouutof all other claims one viz : none Tutal lUbllítles, none INCOMK. Auiount of premium on deposit notes taken donfig the year, none Amuunt of premiums received during the year, none Aniount collected on asseasments which were levied duriog the present year, :.,-U 15 Atnount colk'cted this year on assesmeuts walüb were levied in prior years, . none Auiount reetived frora membei'Mhip or poliey fees, 2u3 00 Amount reeeived from percentage on inereased or decreased insuraeee none [ncome fruni all other sourees, viz: froni iiioiny loaned, interest, 68 8.'ï Total ineoine lor the year, 9518 28 KXI'ENDITIKKS. Amount paid lor lowea during the year (of whiee none oeeuried in prior yearsj, 33,104 7S Amount of salary and fees paid to office rs and directora as per item in Schedule A, -U3 68 An ii mnt of all other expendí tures during the year as per Schedule B, 22 50 Total expeuditures during year, M870 iiti SCHEDULE A. NAME OFOFFICEB OK DIRECTOR TO WHOM PAI1. Simou V. Hirth, President, $25 00 Wm. T. Buss, Seeretary, 97 "25 John Schenk, Treasurer, :í;í oo Jacob Jedele, Director, M (K) Micnael Stacbler, " 2Í) 00 A. L. Feldkamp, " 47 00 Jacob Raab, Agent, 25 00 John Keppler, " 14 00 Michael Schenk, " 10 00 Daniel lleininger, agent, Q 00 John Schenk, collecting fees, 42 00 A. L. Feldkamp, ' " ;ï4 oi Jacob Jedele, " M x h John Keppler, " " 7 92 Michael Schenk, " " n 3 Total Schedule A, $443 0 SOHEDULE B. ITEM3 OP "ALL OTHER EXPENSES." Printing bilí for advertislng last year's report, $10 5 New books for records, (i 9 Printtng bill for advertising annual meeting, 2 0 For the uso of the house for annunl jweciintf, ■ 2 0 Statlonery, 1 q Total Sctedule B, $22 ö MISCELLANEOUS QUESTIONS. 1. How many assessments have been madedurin the year? A na dno. T. what is the amount of all the assessment made during the year? Aus. S3,2;iO 89. 3. What is the rate. per cent of such asesment on the property insured ? Ans. .0015 per cent. 4. What is the rate per cent of such assessinen on the premium or deposit notes? Ans. No pe cent. 5. What amount was re-assessed for assessment that were uot paid? Ans, None. 6. What amount of losses are allowed to accumu late before an assessment is levied? Ans. No eer tain amount. 7. Does the company, in making an assessmen provide therein for any surplus fuud over the aetu al losses accrucd? If so, howmuch? Ans. It doe not. 8. What proportion of the actual loas sustained by a pohcy-holder does the company pay? Ans The company i usures at threc-fourths of the actua val uc, and pays accordingly. STATE OK MICHIGAN,) CüUNTY OF WaSHTBNAW, ƒ S3Simon F. Hirth, President, and "William F. Buss Seeretary of said company, do, and each for himsel doth depose and say, that they have read the fore going statement and kuow the contents thereo and that they have good reason to believe, and d believe said statement to be true SIMON F. HIRTH, President. WM. F. BUSS, Secretary. Sworn and subscribed before me, at Ann Arbor in said State and County, this 15th day of January A. D. 1879. L. GRUNER, Notary Public, Washtenaw County, Mïch T VIBBATOR' - Bet.HuokH. s THE ORIGINAL &ONLY GENUINE Vibrator" Thresüers, TVITH ISrPROVKD MOUNTED HORS E POWEHS, Iml Steam Thresher Lnglue, Hade only by NIGHOLS,SHEPARD&GO., BATTLE CHEEK, MICH. THE IVIatchless 4iriiin-Siivinff, Time I baving, iiii.I Itloney-Savfne Ttireshen of titla r'ty mud ITonerAtfoii. Beyond 11 Rivalr; for Rapid Wgrk. Pwrfeet Clt-u:iiDg, t.aJ for 8vlilL Grain trom WantiiRe. SRAIN Rniscrs wtll not Submlt to the trioi-momt WiiitKico ufGrniu A tlie Interior woik lomj tr ihti otlier nmcliins, wbeu once postea on the differeace. THE ENTIUE Threshlnff Expenses ,auú oitt-n :í !. 5 Tintes ttiat amouui i ru tiTinate b liio Extra Grain SAVED by theso luiprove J UclilD. NO ReTolylns Shnfts Inslde the SepnSuilMhl!11 ï" Baat.ii, Ficker, Il.Lil.ilrü, cntloiu. Perfectly adapted to all Kinilsand CmiÜltUmïoï Giai, Wet or Üiy, Loug or short, HeaJedor Iktuad, NOT only Vaatly Superior for Wheat, OaIh, KFly, Ky,nd lik raiiis, Lut the os"f "t certtul Threêherin Piax, Tlmothy, Mlllet, Clorer, d1 like St- cl. Bcqtii-cs no " attchmenU" er "röbulldlax to cliauye frora U tain to Seedt, MARVKLOIJS for Kimplicltr of Part, iilns Ii'hb ttmn oii-halt ti.„ uuHl balt ua üeaiï M.JteB no Litteriiiii. or Öcatterlns. rit! Sisees nf Hppnrator Mudo, rnnirm_- from Ml to Twclve llore iite, uU iwg tylt f Ji.niuteil Huröt) Poven to match. STEAM Power Threshers a Bpeclalty. a -iu'uI suu paraïoi made ojcirt!tuty lor blcaui Power. OUR Unrivaled Stenm Thresfaer En l iik, wuii VuiiMble Improvenwui aut Üiëtl&ctivo t.-iuuros, fiir beyond any ottier makd or kid. 1 Thoroucb Workmanshlp, Elevan hfniH.i, iVrn-iliMii of Paris, rmnplMi-twuia orKqulptnat. rta., pur -■ViHuvTOK'ITlirfc8berOutöi-IncoinpftrWe, FOR Pnrtlculara, cali on onr Dealers .ir wrtte to u lor illuair.tUU Cii-cular, which w mail In THE GREAT ENGLISH BEMEDY! GItAVS BPECiriC MEDICIXE TRADE MABK!.l9 MnmiM, rf„. TRAPE IVK. jéfiy-Tk ommended un un jyS8 Brfore TaJdBgSilrïlï y, Universal Lassitudk Pain intke Back, DiacB88 of Visiun, PiiEMATUitii Old Aue, and many ther diseafieö tb at lead to Insunity, Oonsumption nd a Piematnre Grave, kII of which as a rule are rat oaused by rieviating from the path uf nature nd ov.T indulgeuce. The Specific Medicine ia the resultaf ft lifd atudy and many years of experince in treating theae special disenaes. Kuil p.'irticular in uur pamphlets, whieh we , re to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Prugjjiats at 1 per pHckage, or aix pnekages for $5, or will be S ent by mail on receipt of the mom-y by addvejtfiug THE GRAY MEpICXVB CO., 1G74 No 10 Mechamos' Blook, Detroit Mich. 4-Suld in Aun Arbor 'uy Eberbaoh k tiou, and j all drugglats eTerywhere RAILROADS. MICHIGAN CEHTRAL RAILROAB. MAY 12, 1878. oís west. - ■ i ji a i u , . . , A. A.M '■. I'. MtfP. H. V.M. -etroit,leave, 7011 9 85 4 45 2 50p 20 9 50 U.T. Junotion, 7 1.-, U ,„, 5 gg ., lir, (; x ,„ 1(, Wayna JuDcüon ; .10 10 26 i M2 3 80 7 10 10 4 Vpailanti, 8 10,10 45 6 00 3 51 7 30 11 04 Jeddes, Ann Arbor, . 8 30 11 00 6 80 4 06 8 10 11 21 'elhi, I 8 44 6 43 iexter, I 8 5v ; ti 53 4 22 8 31 _- Chelsea, i 9 15 7 08 4 40 8 46 GrasísLake, 9 47 '7 33 5 05 9I7 r.M 1 A,M. ackson, 10 20 12 15 8 00 f, 00 9 40 12 46 Albion, 1104 12 4 o 47 10 33 J 23 Marshall, 11 50 I 10 -" o 7 15 11 031 1 45 P.M. O o BattleCreek, 12 19 1 55 f ! i 7 4r 11 35: -2 10 Ualesburg, 18 52 ' 8 20 12 07 a.m. a.m. íalamazou, I 18 2 3 J 30 8 40 12 25 2 53 -.awtOD, 1 54 5 05 1 08 üecatur, 2 11 ó 2u 1 27 Dowagiac, 2 M 5 4B 1 67 Siles, 3 05 4 07 0 30 2 88 4 15 Buchanan, 3 19 6 43 '1 54 Three Oakn 3 49 7 13 New Búllalo, 4 03 4 57 7 38 3 45 Michigan City, i 4 30 5 20 7 55 4 15 5 3o Liake, 1 5 13 G 02 8 40 5 04 ü l'J Kensiugton, i 6 00 6 50, 9 10 : 5 IMS 7 10 Jhicngo, arrive, ! 6 50 7 40 10 30 8 M 8 00 OOINGEA8T. i ' M . ü 3 I - I Ij I _?__ __ _g US_g s A.M. A. M. y. M. iP.M. P. M Chicago, leave, ! 7 00 9 00 1 4 00! 5 ló 9 0 Keosingtou, 7 50 9 501 4 60! 6 05 9 50 Lake, 8 40 10 32 5 45 6 50 10 32 Michigan City, 9 25 11 13i 6 35! 7 40 11 20 NewBuffalo, 1 9 47 U 29 6 57 i I :11 39 Three Oks, j 10 02 7 12 i A. M. Buchanan, 10 32 7 43 . Niles, 10 4512 15 8 12 ! 9 00 12 35 Dowagiac, 11 15! 8 40; 1 03 Decatur, 11 39 9 05 1 21 Lawtoo, 11 57 9 38 a. M. Kalamazuo, 12 S.r 1 40 10 00 6 6(1 10 20 2 17 GaleBburg, 12 52 . 7 09 37 Battle Creek, 1 27 i 2 13 M 7 40 II (18 3 15 Marshall, 2 26 3 00 'jp 8 10 1157 349 A.M. Albion, 2 52 3 21 a.m. 8 35 12 OS 4 10 Jackson, I 3 45 4 05! 5 40 9 40112 50 4 55 Grasu Lake, I 4 08! 6 W 10 00 Chelsea, 4 40 6 81 10 ÍS Dexter, 5 00 ; 6 4710 30 Delhi, ' 5 10' ' 6 55 ' . Ann Arbor, 5 20 5 1 7 10 10 46, 2 0B 6 30 Geddes, ! Ypnilanti. I 5 38 5 24 7 27 11 00 2 20 6 45 Wayne June, (i 02 5 45 7 52 11 22 2 44 7 09 G. T. June, i 33 6 15 8 '25 1 1 50 3 20 7 4fl Detroit, Ar., i 6 48! 6 30 8 40 12 05, 3 35 8 00 Grand Rápida and Kalamazoo Express arrivés at Grand Rápida 2.20 p. m., and lea ves Grand Rápida 6:15 a. m. SundayB excepted. ISaturday and tíunday exoepted. tDaily. H . B. LEDYARD, Gen'l Manager, Detroit. H. C. Westwobtb, G. P. & T. Agt., Chioato. Toledo and Ann Arbor Railroad. Taking effect Mouday, Nov. 4, 1878. GOINO NOKTH. OOING SOUTIt. Mix. i L.xp. Exp. ; Exp. ;Exp. MïjT. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. I'. M. 6 50 10 30 4 05 TOLEDO 9 20 2 50 6 40 6 5110 331 4 08 Norlh Toledo 9 26 l! 47 6 38 7 10 10 43: 4 19 Detroit Junction 1) 1 2 40 6 17 7 24 10 52 4 29 Hawthorn ' 9 07 2 34 6 02 7 36 11 00 4 ;s? Samaría ; w j 29 6 4!) 7 48,1108 4 45! Seola J 21 5 30 7 561113:4 50; IjUlu 847 2 20 6 28 8 04 11 18 4 55 Monroe Juneti.m ïK 216 5 20 8 28 1127:5 061 Dundee 8 28 2 10 5 OS 8 40 1132,8 11 Macon ! 8 22 !M 4 42 8 58 1140 5 20 Azalia SU 1 f,5 4 24 9 26 1153 S 34 Milan 8 00 1 4i. 8 54 9 44 12 01 5 4:! Nora 7 51 131 :; ■■ 10081211:555 Urania 7 40 1 2" 812 10 26 12 20: 6 04 1 Ypsilanü Juuc. 7 31 1 12 2 S4 10 50 12 28 6 15 ANN ARBO1'. 7 20 12 8i 2 :iü The 7.20 a. m. express eouth makes close coiinections at Monroe Junction for Adrián and Monroe and for points on the Lake Shore; at Toledo with Columbus & Toledo and the Wahnah. The 12.68 p. m. expresa south connects at Toledo with tin1 :'. o'elock train east on the Penusylvania Ro:id thro to New York. All traías run by Cólnmbus time - 7 minutes faster than Ana Arbor time. J. M. ASIïLEY, Jr , Superintendent. DETEOIT, HILLSDALE AND SOUTHWE8TERN EAILROAD To take effect Aug. 19, 1878. OOINO WEST. aoJVÜ BAST. 8TATIONB. MaÜ. Exp. I STATIONS. Exp. Miïl Ypsilantl 8:15 6:05 Mi p M' Toledo June. 8:35 6:25 Bankers 5:00 2:00 Saline 9:25 6:45 Hillsdale .. 5:30 2:10 BridirewHter.. 9:47 7:07 I Munchebter. . 8: Manchester. 10:22 7:33 Bridgewater !:('( f.aa P. M. Saline 9:50 4:42 Hillsdale 1:00 9:47 Toledo June. lffclO 4:55 Bankers 1:10 10:00 Ypsilanti 0:35 5:15 Train run by Chicago time. W. F. PAKKEB, Sup't, Ypsilanti. CANADA SOUTHERN R'Y LINKS. The Only American Koute Througb Oinada. Trains leave M. 0. R. R. Depot, Detroit, city time, as follows: Atlantic Express, daily, 4 00 a. m., Wagner car to Boston. Faet Day Express, daily, 12 10 noon, Wagnei -ar to New York and Boston. Lightning Express, daily except Sunday, 11 10 p. m Wagner car to Buffalo and Bochester. Toledo trains leave 7 50 a. m. except Suiulr.y : B 10 p. m. daily ; 6 50 p. m. except Sunday, For Fayette 6 30 p. m. except Sunday. For Information and tickets appiy to 6. W. öharpless, agent M.C. B. R., Ann Aroor. W. K. MUIR, Gen'l Manager, St. Thomas, Out. M. C. ROACH, Pass. Agent. Detroit. FRANKE. SNOW, en. Pass. and Tick.t Agt. Detroit. - Note important changos in the time tabla of the D., H. & S. W. Railway. A DOLLAR SAVED IS A DOLLAR EARNEB ! NEW GOODS ! And prices LOWER THAN KVKR. I hare purchased in New York, for rah, anJ I am now daily receivin one of the Inroest and moat select stocks of Groceriea' in Waslitenaw Pounty, coneisting of a full and well aelectcd LINE OF TEAS, All of the new erop - includin;' Guupowdera, Imperial, Vaimg; Si y. .ons, II) ons, Japans, Oolongs, Kor■uosaw, Colicolis, Souckongs, iitl Tiraukays, Together with a full line of COFFEES, consistmg of the following branda: MOCHA, OLD GOV'T JAVA.MAUACA1BO, LAQUAYKE.SANTOS and RIO, both roasted and ground ; a full and well selected stock of SUCARS, SYNPUS AND MOLASSES, Together with everythini? in the line cf Pure ápices, Canned fruita, and Vegetables. We have a 'uil and complet" line of BOOTS & SHOES, HATS, CAPS, GLOVES And Husiery. Also, a choice asaortment of Liidiea1 and (ientlenienB Underwear Cali and exnmine Joode and Prinea and we will inaure satisfuclion. EDWABD DÜFFY. " Maynard's lilock,-' cor.M&in and Ann slreets Ann Arbor, Mich. rfTHijihest Ciiah price paid for all farm roduce,0 MWUEÍ C8MPAM. Capital, - $3,000,000. Assots Jan 1, 1876, $6,792,649.93. Loasea Paid in ') Years, $ 44, 760, 391. 71. tur-plus nver all Liabilities, inclu'i;i Re-Insuranoe Resorve, $ 4, 735, 092. 86Ht Siirplua over Linbaiiiea, including Relnaurunce and Capital Stock, $1,735,092.86. C. MACK, Ageut, Aun Albor.


Old News
Michigan Argus