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- Soarlet fever at Little Lake. - D. L. Parma fails for $15,000. - 805 convicta in Jaokson prison last week. - Toledo underwent an $85,000 fire n Friday, Jan. 24. - Martin Halfpeuny, Sr., of Fontiao was found dead in bed. Age 74. - Pontiac people are considerably exrcised over the mili dam uuisauce. - There were 462 arresto and 959 loders at Jackson'g pólice station in 1878. - Peter Bros., long hardware dealers n Harshall, fail with liabüities of $20,000. - Water is io scarce in Tecumseh that people buy ice and melt it for washing urposes. - Toledo is to hare the next regatta of the North Western Amateur Rowing Assooiation. -E. H. Hudson of the Hudion House n Lansing will managn the Brunswick louse of Detroit. - Mrs. Ophelia B. Lawrence, a resident of Mouroe since 1831, died Utely n her 78th year. - Thomas F. Mann vras found dead n Albion. Cause - too free use of liquor and ezposure. - Joseph Jackson of Pontiac, who tempted to kill bis wifelastauturan has recaived 15 years ia Jackson. - John Helderbridle of Honriotta sought to get out of this world through four ounces of opium. Ho live. - "Prof."W. B. O'Meary, a reformod temperanca leo turar got lodrunkat Adrian he could not delivur an address. - A Toledoan bas been lookiug around Whiteford Centre to fiad the thief who was reuioving soiue of hit best timbur. - Lovers of soandal iu Detroit are rugaling theaiselTos over an unaavry trial of adulterous paitiei, Meir-Franibaoh. - Lenawee couuty bas nu oourt house, and is not likely to have for some time in the future. Too tnuohjealousy around the county. - Astonished the editor of the Langing Journal might well be over the payment of a three years ad vanee subsoription by öeo. M. Dayton. - Flymouth church of AdrUn, is advertised fot sale on a mortgage. L. P. Barnum and Samantha Queal hold the mortgage, on which f 4,900 is due. - After an experienoe with lightuiug rod men, farmers of OakUnd Couuty don't propose to be swindled by a oalled owaer of m puteut right gata. - James K. Pattersou, a prominent laember of the bar of Pontiao, bom in Boohester, and educatod at Brookpor, (N. Y.) Collegiate Institute, died recentiy- - The Mouroe Commercial has diacontinned its seiui-weekly odition, whioh it began three weeks ago. It didn't pay. and publishing a newspaper for glory has played out. - The postoffice at Little Lake isabout to be remored to Samaría, a station on the Toledo and Ann Arbor Bailroad, in the to wn of Bedford, and one znile north of the Little Lake postoffice. - Sunday, Jan. 19, 1083 persons attended churoh in Coldwater, divided as follows : Fresbyterian 257 ; Methodist; 200 ; Catholic 180 ; Baptist 167 ; Episcopal 110; Lutheran 73; Wleyau 30 New Lights 44. - The Lansing Journal suggests the name of Hon. G. V. N. Lothrop of Detroit for Supreuie Court Justioe, In case of declination tho name of Judge A. C. Baldwin of Pontiao. Also Hon. Win. Newton of Flint fur Kegent. - It is reported thata resident of Henrietta who had the misfortune to lose a tnember of his family, buried the remains in a grava twelre feet - saven feet deeper than is customary. In filling small stone were mixed with the earth, the object being to circumvent grave robbers. - In Jackson prison Wealthy of trott niakes 100 dozen broouia daily ; Pinger and Smith 500 pairs shoes ; Sutter Broa. 20,000 oigars ; Shultz of Lansin g, 400 pork barreli; beaidea 160 convicta engaged with Wirthington Cooley & Co., and 250 employed by the state in and about tbs prieoa. - Norton Olinated inveigled a school girl of 13 nained Cora Norton, intomarrying hitn, and togetber they visited a relative residiug three milea west of Coldwater. About an hour after retiring, an official, on complaint of the bride'a motber, arouaed the pair and marcbed the groom to jail. Olinated ia oharged with haviug been too muoh married. - Hon. Henry Waldron ia a banker and residea in Hilladale. Win. E. Montgotnery ia a Greenbaok supervisor of the ward wherein tbe bauker reaidee. To show bis UaUod of boudholders aud natioual ourrency advocates he oaused to be raiaed the pbraoual property aaaeaament of Waldron from $37,000 in 1877 to $200,000 in 187H,or nearly one-eighth of the en tire oounty. Mr. Waldron proposea to conteat the outrage and hopea tofind justioe in the coarta. - Frederiok Samplea, aerving a life aentence at Jackaon priaon for mnrder In Detroit, b.9 been tranaferred from the oigar shop to the bakery on aoqouut of ill health. When he arrived nearly fire yeara sinoo bis hair wai jet black, bui now it ia quite gray from the hardshipa of prison life. He was convioted entiro[j on circunistantial eridence and as it t)as beon proven that he had notbing to do with the crime directly, hia frienda, It ia aaid, will more to have hia aentenca ootnmuted. Kelly, hia aacoinplioe, who confesied that he cotnmitted th tuurder, was aentenoed to twenty yeara' imprisonment. He ia employed in the trip ïatnnier shop.


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