Death Of Hon. Andrew Robison
One of the pionoera of Washtenaw Jounty passed over the river Monday yening. Andrew Robison, father of tepresentative Robison, and long a reslent of the towa of Sharon, was a nave of New York, and carne hither rom Phelpa, Ontario County, about órty-five years ago, lived and died at e ripe age of 78 years, 3 months and ine days. Mr. Robison has held many prominent laces, gifts from his fellow-townsmen. He has filled the positions of Jusice of the Peace, and Supervisor of hr.roii about eight terms altogether, csidesthat of Eepresentative one term. n politics he was a faithful member of ie Democratie party until the birth of ie Republican party when he cast his ot with it and in it remained. He was ■ell and favorably known throughout ie county. The esteein in which he was held is evidenced by the large atendance of friends and acquaintances who crowded the church building to ay their respects to the departed. By equest of deoeased, made many years go, Rev. Mr. Way preached the sermón, lthough the services were conducted nder masonic auspicos. The deceased ïad reached the degree of Knights 'einplar, about twenty-fivo of the fraernity from Ann Arbor and other cities nd villages attesting appreciation of iieir fraternal brothor by attendance at xunerai titea. ïae aeceasea was long troubled with kidney affection, f rom which grew other complaints, all combiping to broak down a strong constitution. Hia wife went bef ore abont one year since. The deoeased leaves several sons. Hon. John J. Robison of Sharon, Charles Bobison of Grass .Lake, Albert Kobison, residing on the homestead, and ona daughter, Mrs. Virgil It. Peck of Manchester township. Charlotte Thompson at IlillV Opera House Monday and Tuesdity Evenlngs -Noxl. The performance of East Lynne laat evoning drew a much lurger audience than wehadexpected tosee thereandthe welcome of Miss Thompson as she carne bel'ore the footlights showed that on hor former visits she hadgained the esteem of St. Paul audiences. As the play progressed it was evident, however. that the audience bad not antioipated so taking a representation of the part as Miss Thompson gave tliem. In the opening soenes she was espeoially attractive, and by the vivacity of ber acting relieved the part in a great measure of the ioiprobability which attaches to it finiahed piotures of happy though joaious love, whiohmade the af ter scènes more affecting by oontrast. The tragic ending of the play was well sustained, and through all Miss Thompson more than maintained the reputation claimed for her as an actress of the highest class. Her support was good. We are inclined to say that Miss Ida Lewis in the closincr scènes lef t iniDressions of a verve-ood ctre98.-
Andrew Robison
John J. Robison
Old News
Michigan Argus