PÜBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING Ia the third Btoiy of the brick block corner of Main ml Huron streels, ANN AKBUR, - - MICHIGAN. Entrance on Huron streot, opposite the Gregory House. a-amsr 3xr. bailby, EDITOR AND PUBLISHEIt. Term), 83.00 a year, or SI. 50 in advanee. BATES OF ADVEBTISING. ano, i ■. i ■■: - '■ m ö '" l 'ear I square.. Í 75 SI 25 $1 60 $i ISO 8 50 $5 00 $8 00 2snuaro. 1 S0 2 OU 2 50 3 50J G 00 8 00 12 00 3nnnares. 2 00: 9 80 3 M 6 00: 7 50 10 50 15 00 l-5coluniD 3 BO i 001 4 50 0 00!10 00 15 00 25 00 V column 4 00 5 OOi 6 00 8 OU 12 0lla8 () 30 0( 3 ootamn 6 00 7 00 8 00 ld 00 16 OOM 0d 3S 00 W column 7 0(1 10 00 13 00 15 00:20 00 30 00 55 00 ] column.. .10 00 15 00 18 00 22 00 M 00 M 00100_00 Twelve lines or less consídered a square. terda in Directory, $1.00 a line per year. linfiiness or Bpecial uotices 12 cfnts a line for the flrt-t iiiBertiou, and 8 ceata for each subsequent iuBertiou. Yearly artvertisera have the privilege of changing their aflvertisements quüiteily. Additional chan, inp wül be charred for. Advertisements uuaccompanied by written or verbal directioM will be iiubHehed three months, aud charjid accordingly. Legal advertislDf?, ftrat insertion, 70 centa per folio; 35 cents per folio for each subaequent inertion. Whenapostpouenieut is ailded to an advertiaeBiut, the whole "will be charged Ui6 same as the first mwdiui JOB PRINTING. PamphletR, Póstera, Haudbiün, Circulare, Carde, Ball Tickets. Labels, Iilank, liill-Heads aud .other varieties of Plaiu aud Faucy Job Printing executed with promptuess, and in the beat possible Btyle. Letter and Note-Heads, VUT tip IN ïlodder's Blotting-Pad Covers, - OR - EASTMAN & JENNE'S "STERLING COVERS," At ordinary theet priees. AIbo, Biil-Heads, Stateiuent(, &c. BUSINESS DIKECTOEY. Dl!. TAYI.OH. ATTOBNBY AT LAW, . Chelsea, Micli. DONALI) MACLF.4N, M. n., Püysician and Surgeon. Office and residence, 71 Hurón street, Ann Arbor. Office honra f rom 8 to 9 a. ni. and f rem to 3 p. m. MIW. SOPHIA VULLANI), M. 1)., ! cían ani Surgeon. Office at residence, 44 Ann ! etrept. YV'iü atund to all professional calis prompty, day ana night. Wíl. JACKMOM, Dentist. Office corner of i Main and Washington etreetc, over Bach & Abel's store, Ann Arbor, Mich. Anesthetics üstered ií required. WJ1. WAGNEK, dtaler Ín llcady-Made Cl oth iup, Clotlis, CaBBimeres, Vestinge, Trunks Carpet Baga, etc., 21 South Maiu Btreet. Cm: h AKHKltr.K, Ti -ac-htrof tho Piano-forte. Pupila attain the desired skill iu piano-playíug by u oourse of iiiBtruction. For ternis, app)y at rettidence, No. 12 W. street, Auu Arbor. Prompt attention paid to piano-tuning. FKÜEA.UFF í OOK BIN, A T T O R n'e Y S AT LAW. E. K. FU . E UFÏ, Justice of thc Peace. All business promptly attended to. Office No. 8 Kast Washington str-eí, Hinsry & Seabolt's block. HENEY B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer In Keal Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Office, No. 3 ODera House B:ock, ANN ARBOE. EVERYBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUCH IS THE Soss Photographer of Ann Arboi j Fourtk Street, Eant of Court Houne; lsí líoor. J. H. ISTICKELS, FRESH & SALT ME ATS,, SauHajres, I-ard. et!., STATE STREET. OPPOSÍTE NORTHWEST CORNE11 OF UNIVEESiri' CAMPOS. Orders promptly ñlU;d. FarmcrB having raeats to Bell should give lina . cill 1568-vl THE ANN ARBOE, SAVINGS BANK Aran -Artoor, 2VIiciiiga.n.. Capital paid ín 50,000.00 Capital ecurlty 100,000.00 Trausacts a general Banking Business ; buys aud Bella Exchiinge on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; Bella Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe ; aleo, Belle Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Loadon and Glasgow, via theAuchor Line of Steamships, who?e ratea are lowe.r than moet other firetcltss lince. This Bank, already ha ving a large buginesa, invite merchante and othera to open accounts with them, with the asaurance of the most liberal dealing consistent with safe banking. In the Savings Department interest ia paid eemiannually, on the first daya of Jauuary and July, on all sums that were deposited jthree months previoua to those days, thus affording the people of this city and county a perfectiy safe depository for their f unds, together with a fair return ia interest for the same. Aloney to Loan on Approved Securltlei. DiBECTOBs-Christiau Mack, W. W. Win es, W. DHarriman, Daniel Hiscock, R. A. Beal, ïïm, Deubel, and Willard B, 8mith. OFFIGEBS : CHRTSTIAN MACK, AV. W. VINES, PresideT.t. Vice President CUAS. E. HláCOCK, Cashier. A CARB. The undersigned respectfully iuforms his friends and the public of Ann Arbor and vicinity. that h haa purchased llie stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articlcs, Bic Stvjfa d-c, Formerly owned by the late öeorge Grenville, and tliat fee continua tho drug business, in all its branches, at the old atand, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. By giviiiff Ktrict atteution to business, and eelling goods at reasoiiable prices, he hopfs to nioiit a hare of th?1. public pairor.agi?. It3? Particular attentíon wil I be paid to the eompounding and filling of Fhyslcians1 Preeeriptions by compsteit assistants. EMANUJEL MANN. Ann Arbor, March 25, 187H. EBERBACH & SON,. Duran uit P&armacists, 12 South Main St., QB !iand a largc aul well selected Btock of DBUOS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8 ÊRTI3TS' & WAÏ FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Aptlcles, Trusscs, Ktc. PURE W1NES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furnihhing of Phy liciaai, Chsmists, Sobools, etc, with Piulosophica nd Cae-nical Apparatus, liohemian Chemica Gliisswaiv, I'ürcoiaiu Ware, Pure Heagents, etc. PüvBicún' ptVSCTiptiooM carefuily prepaiei a!l hour' Jiitfi Enforcid Silenee for Twenty ïears. There has just died in this county a lady who, at tlie ago of 10 years, from soine cawse or otlier, stopped the use oi her tongue, and, until just before her death, twenty years after, she was never known to uttñr a word. As her last hours were drawing near, she sent for some of her friends and dictated her wil in a manner that proved her sound in mind and fluent in langiaage. She . spoke of many tliings that occurred in the country during lier appnrent dumb ness, but gave no reason for her strange conduct. An attempt was made to break hpr wül on the ground of insanity b it it failed.- Oglethorpe {Ga.) Echo. WoRKiNasiEN in Philadelphia have ovdi' ,;TO,u.K).oot) invcshnl in co-operative loan associatioas,
Old News
Michigan Argus