Sabbath Reading
Takemy life, and letitbe CoiiBeerated, Lord, to Thoc; Tak iny hands, and let thom move At the Impulse of Thy love. Talie my {set and let thom be Swift and beautiful ior Th; Tafee my roice, and let me siiif? Always, only for my King. Take my allver and my gold - Not a mite wonld I witbhold; Tiike my momonts and my aayH - Let theni flow in ocascleas praise. Take my will and inakc it Thine - It shall be no lonper mine; Take my lioart. it la Thine ownIt ehall'be Thy royal throne. Take ij love; my Jjord. I ponr At Thy fft't lts treasure tore; Tai u ; ■ L. and I fl ï 1 1 bc Evr. onlv. all fnr Tbee.
Old News
Michigan Argus