Who Heard This?
The Louisville uourier-uouniui uas of late prescnted its readers viith some stage stories. Aniong them is the following in relation to the eider Booth : Once " Richard III." was played in Kocb ester, and at a rehearsal tho members of the company warned the gentleman to whom Riehmond was assigned, and wlio had never played aainst Booth's Richard. He was tokt that Booth frequently made the duel a very serious matter, and his apprehensions were workcd upon to such a degree that he resolved to prepare mmself for the enconnter. Instead of applying to the property man for the swoid usually used by Riehmcnd, he obtained the immense weapon reserved for the Richeliens. The play was duly produoed, and, when tho final scène carne abont, Booth thunderod on and met his Riehmond holding aloft a blade of enormous size. " What the do yon mean by having auch a sword as that'" exclaimed Booth, sotto voce. 1 " Look here, Mr. Booth," whispered ; Riehmond, "Pre heard of yonr doiugs 1 in this scène, and if you come any of vor.r trieks upon me I'll beat the lite, out of You." Booth was so astomshed that the eombat and deaÜi of his Richard is said to havo been on the occasion (-(''(li)ia)y tamo tm! CÜ8ppointing.
Old News
Michigan Argus