Democratie State conveiitioii. The Democ...
Democratie State conveiitioii. The Democratie State Central üomniittee bas appointed Friday, tha 28tli day of February, 1879, at 2o'clockp. M., as the time, and the Opera House, Lansing, as the place for holding a Democratie State Convention for the purpose of nominating a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court and two candidates forRegentsof the University. Each County will be entitled to four delegates for cach representative to whieh, under the last aprioitionment, it is entiiled in the lower branch of the Legislature ; and each unorganized County to at leabt two delégate. By order of the State Central Committee. A. W. COPLAND, Chairman. WM. BEODIE, Sec'y. Detroit, Feb. 4, 187D.
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Michigan Argus