Democratic State Convention
Elsewhere will be tound a cali tor a Democratie State convention to moot at Lansing on the 28th of the present month to place in nominatiou a candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court and two candidates for Regenta of the University. Washtenaw coupty will be entitled to twelve delegates. Considerable discussion has been elicited in the press of the State conoerning a coalition with the Nationals in the spring campaign ; and an attompt made by Mr. Moses W. Field to capture the Democratie organization in the hope of attaching it to the National kite is happily frustrated by calling the convention at an earlier date than that announced for the holding of the National conven tion. An abandonmeut of the Democratie party, with its long history, co-equal with the formation of the government, with a record that can be honorably recalled, for the purpose of uniting with an organization that has had but a short existence, with little or no hope of success, is asking altogether toornueh. The cana3S of last autumn conclusively proves that wherever coalition was effected the Democrcy suffored. In the light of such facts, it needs no further proof than the necessity of keeping the good old ship clear from breakers upon which it inight be stranded. Thus far the National movement has only served to aid Republican victories at the expense of the Democratie party. As a tender to the Eepublican engine, the third party has been a success. If it has won any substantial success for itself, or for any organization other than the Republican, we have not chanced to hear of it. After all that has been demonstrated, the men who shall keep th third party alive can have but one motive in so doing. They will be unable to blind others to their real purposes, for everybody will understand perfectly well that they are working in the interest of the Republican party. To all Demócrata who have been deluded into the third party movement we would say, in all siucerity, that if they would not longer play into the hands of the Republican party, tlie sooner they get out the third party back into the ranks üf the Democracy, the better. - They cannot butsee nowthat they have been made catspaws of to draw Eepublican chestnuts out of the fire. The choice is limited to Democracy and Republicanism. There is no half-way. - Those who do not prefer the principies and aims of the Democratie party will choose the manlier course by joining the the Republicans outright, rather than serving them under the false guise of a third party. We are not impugning the honesty of those who supported the Natioual ticket last f all. Many Demócrata voted that ticket in the best of faith, supposing that their Republican Greenback neighbors were equally houest in their declarations. It required the election to lift the veil and exposé the little Republican game. It has since transpired that Greenback organs were kept grinding until electiou day by Republican money. Do our DemocraticGreenbackers want any better evidence than this single fact in whose interest the third party has been kept in being? Connecticut is aroused on the subject of tramps. Her chief cities are in the line of travel that these knights of the turnpike take in their migrations between Boston and the East and New York and the South. More than ever before have they bothered the inhabitants of the Nutmeg State in the last twelve months, and more than ever is there clamor for a tramp law that will afford relief. Two bilis have been introduced in the Legislature ; one proposes to establish the whipping post for tramps exclusively, and treat every offender to fifty lashes, while the other makes begging by tramps punishable by imprisonment iu the State prison for two yeais or more. Gambetta was chosen president of the French Chamber of Deputies Priday, by a vote of 313 to91. The French national assembly, congress, or parliameut, is composed of two houses, the Senate anc the Chamber of Deputies. The Chamber of Deputies isequivalent to the British House of Cotnmons, or the American House of Representatives. M. Gambetta thus holds a position somewhat analogous to that of Speaker in the American' Congress or the British Cotnmons. He will be more than ever the political leader of the ruling party in Franoe, and is altogether its foremost man. The perils of the rail have been notably reduced of late years. The number of accidents reported last year on American railroads was 740, against 391 in 1877, and 1,283 in 1873 ; while the ihe nuuaber of passengers killed or wounded was thirty per cent. less than in 1877. Cases of broken rails are v'ery raro uow, me cuiei cause or disaster Dwing the misplaced switch. T wo more United States Senators carne out of Friday's grist. Louísiana electec B. F. Jonea (Dein.), a new man in national politics, to aucceed Ssnator Eustis ; and Kansas eleoted John J. Ingalla (Rep.) to succeed bimself. Only one Senator remains to be chosen, and he from New Hamp8hire. The Demócrata have eight to ten majority, according as Judge Davis of Illinois, is notor iseount ed with them. The World's Albany correspondent i responsible for the statement that Qov ernor Tilden has forbidden his nephew Colonel Pelton his house. "Itisunder stood, " writes this oorrespondent, "that he has not been allowed even to cali al the Gramercy Park house for severa! months." Alas, poor Pelton I
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