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Senator Conkling Beaten

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The con test bet ween Senator Jon Icing and President Hayes over the spoils of the N. Y. custom house termiuated on Monday by the defeat of the former. Messrs. Arthur, ex-collector of custoins, and Cornell, ex-naval offioer of the port of New York, have long been tried and ;rusty, lieutenants, ready and willing at all times and under all circumstances to romote the political fortune of tbeir chieftain. Two more faithful followers are rarely found. For these reasons they were superseded by Messrs. Merritt and Burt. It is no secret that a suppressed hatred has existed bet ween the senator and )resident since Mr. Evarts was placed n the cabinet. Although Mr. Hayes owes his nomination to the Conkling lelegation which gave him a majority n convontion, he seems blind to the ule of courtesy which tho senator is entitled to, and substantially ignores ïiin in the distribution of federal patonage. Amoug the first acts of his administration was the decapitation of hig 'riends, whioh, following upon the heels of the Cincinnati convention, and the electoral commission bill, conceived by Jonkliug, was a return hardly to be exected frorn oue for whoru the senator lad done so much service. This being a quarrel among Republicans, in comme u with Democrats we care little which wins. There is however, independent of spoils, a sort of ïonor between men that should not be 'orgotten. We hold to a belief in gratiude, a spirit perhaps not much praoiced in politics; but still, it is not euirely omitted from the decalogue. Mr. ïayes owes much to senator Conkliug. And the indebtedness would have been remembered, had it not been for the nfluence of the secretary of state who ïopes to build himself up over the politcal degradation of the distinguished senator from New York.


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