The Stolen Despatches
Thus lar the Kepubhcans havenoreason to be proud of the figure they cutin the cipher dispatches business. These elegrams were delivered up to the Moron Cominittee, on a subpcena. While n the committee's possession one Bulock, messenger to the Coinmittee, stole ;hose that passed between Demócrata during the Presidential struggle. Bulock has since been rewarded for his theft by an appoiutment as Conaul at Dologne. Mr. Tyner, Postinaster-General uuder Grant, and now First Assis;ant, was allowod to withdraw all of his own despatches because, forsooth, they might be ïnisconstrued ! William E. Chandler and Mr. Frank Hiscock had ;he handling of a portion of the stolen despatches, and they sent them to the Tribune. No wonder the Herald charaoterizes the investigation as a Eepublican boomerang! The Grant crowd at Washington is riotously jubilant over the recent senatorial elections. Boss Shepherd, Landaulet Williams, Babcock, Belknap and the' rest are howling their joy because ;hings begin to look so much like what ;hey used to be. With Kellogg and Cameron in the senate already, and with Logan and Carpenter surely coming, and a hope of Chandler following, .hey see a cortainty of the return of the lappy days of whisky rings, district rings, railroad rings, pa ving rings, credit mobilier rings, and all the beautiful things that made lite so happy in Graut's time. France has another crisis on hand. The Eepublicans resolved on certain changes in the army, so as to weed out officers supposed to be hostile to the Republic. MacMahon has refused to sign the decree, and threatens to resign if the thing is pressed. Theexcitetnentin Paris is becoming intense. France is the scène of bo frequent crises, and has of late come out of them all so satisfactorily, that we are not disposed to be much alarmed at this one. The Lee family have won their suit for the recovery of their Arlingtonhomestead; but they havn't gotten possession yet. The United States, which isreally the defendant, will appeal the case, and a protracted litigation appears ahead. - Unquestionably the Lees are entitled to their property, but rather than give up the graves of the 16,000 Union dead, the government will probably in the end conclude to give a money indemnity for the place.
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