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- Another county treasurer ruined.- Location, Fayette County, O. Politics Rep. - Secretary Sherman expresses his determination to do evory thing to gel silver out of the Treasury vaults except to give a chromo with each dollar. - Au investigatioö into the Syracuse N. Y. asylutn shows the pauper insane have been squeezed down to 85 cents por week. Almost unheard of suffering and barbarities have betin practiced. - Minnesota has a "drummer" in Europe and an agent in New York. She issues annually 250,000 copies, in various languages, of a pamphlet which adiuirably sets forth the advantages she can offer to iminigrants. - About thia time Priuce Bismarck steps around to his tailor'sand remarks : Say, Schneider, just put a copper lining to dein goats and bants, vill you 'i 1 dinks ve have auoder Zocialist schutaenfest poody suddeu, maype." - Money in New York, on cali, 11-2 a2 per oent. And yet it is not long since we heard somebody say there is not money enough per capita in this country. It looks, however, as if there was too inuch money to the square inch of business. - At New York a will has just been offerod for probate, by which Alice Swift, an Irish wonan, who kept a small grooery, hopes to prove herself heiress to a $2,000,000 estáte inEnglnnd. She crosses the ocean next suininer to secure the property, if possible. - "Whon., Emma," has become stale "Nancy Lee" is nearly throad-bare; "Grandfather's Clock," the chord ig busted, and the old thing has run down; and now if they will give us about five years' rest on the "S weet Siuger of Michigan" we can live in peace. - A Branch county farmer is in trouble. He killed sixteen hogs, leaving the heart, lungs and midriffs in, strapped the bodies together, let them freeze solid and then sold them.


Old News
Michigan Argus