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The Legislature

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- The Legislatura adjourned from Saturday to Feb. 10, ten days. - Senator Hiñe introduced a bilí providing that any person dtiving along the public highwhys, betwoen the lst of May and the lst of November in any year, sheep infected with the disease named, shall be liable to arrest on complaint of any citizen, and upon conviction subject to a fine of f 25 to $100, or in default thereof to iniprisonment. - At the last execution in this state, of Siuimons at Detroit, Walter Watson rcsided in Superior and was suminoned to act as guard on that occasion. He played upon bis fife the dead march for the procession on its way to the scaffold. He now petitions the legislature for three days pay and interest at seven per cent for services performed nearly fortynine years ago. On motion of Senator Childs thn petition was referred to the Judioiary coramittee. - The personal statistics of tbe Senate show that only iour members were born in Michigan, Messrs. Conant, Moore, Patterson and Palmer. Thirteen were born in New York, tbree in Vermont, two in New Hampshire, two in Ohio, and one each in Maine, Sootland, Pennsylvauia, New Brunswick, Ontario, Conuecticut and New Jersey. Twelve are lawyers, and 13 farmers. All except Senator Farr are married. The oldest is Senator Hewett, who is 60, and the youngest is Senator McPeek, 30.


Old News
Michigan Argus