- Jeff. Diívia wiTl lecture in Atlanta. - Modjeska is playing to large audieuces South. - Misa Kellogg has decided to retire from the opera field. - The Cabiuet is puzzled to kuow what to do with Sitting Buil. - Twelve years ago Minnie Hauck was a poor Germán girl singing in the streets of New Orloans. -Frank Moulton, lately made an address at a Brooklyn church fair, in favorofafenceat the parsonage, saying that he believed in fencing ministers in. - Hamilton Fish saya Gen. Grant has an incouio of about $) 0,000 a year, but that he Is now traveling on a $25,000 spfp. hfi maflei" O;i.lifn in-1 -'ainiTufotooUo a few years sinoe. - Gen. Shermau had a graud reoeption at Atlanta the othor day. Thousands of citizens carne out to meet him, though the military turn out was uothing like that which greeted him at his visit in 1864.
Old News
Michigan Argus