HILL'S OPERA HOUSE. C. J. Whitnky - Lksskk and Manaukr, Thursday Evc'g Fcb. 13. The world-famed Califurniun and Aiutrülian Stars Miss MAGGIE MOORE ■ 'AND MR. J. C. WILLIAMSON In their Phonomenai Suoceas, STRUCK OIL! Aa performed by Mr. and Mrs. Wilhainson Over One Tliousainl Times. Haviní frppeftred tn every promiuent English mpeakiog city in the world - in Australia, ]New Zealand, New South Wales, Indi, Tasmania, Englitnd, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and irora one end of the world to the other. Admission 75, 50 and 25 cents. SeaU can be secured, withuut extra charge, at Watts' Jewelrj Store. DEPOKT of the conditiou of the First National Bank of Ann Ar bor At Ann Arbor, in the State of Michigan, at theclow of business, January 1, 1879. HESOuncEa. Loans and Discouuts, - - - $181,(i9:i.l3 Overdralts, - - - (09.11 ÜS. Bonds to secure circulation, - 105,000.00 U. S. Bonds on hand, - - 20, 60,1.00 Other stock, bonds and mortgages, - . 20,000. CO Due from approved Reserve Agents, - 64,739.95 Due from other National Banks, - 8,780.71 Due from State Banks and Bankers, - 18,825.08 Beal Estáte, furniture and fixturt, - 19.000.0 Checks and other cash items, - - 2,719.50 Bills of other National Banks, - 2,191.00 Fractional curreucy (iuoludlog nickela), 49.40 Specie (includiug gold Xreasury note), 4,355.90 Legal tender notes, - 17,548.00 U. 8. Certificates of Deposit for Legal Tender notes, .... 10,000.00 Redemption Fund with U. S. Treasuier, (3 per cent. of circulation), - - 4,725.00 Total, J4ö,IS)1.84 LIABILITIES. Capital itock paid in, ... 8150,000.00 Surplus fund, - - - - 50,000.00 Other undivided profita, - - 10,077.12 National bank notes outstanding, - 89,900.00 Dividends unpaid, 8,154.00 Iiidiviciml deposita subject to check, 1S2,O16.9 Demaud certifleates of deposit, 22:177.07 157,98.76 U. S. TaiesdueWth iust., ... 986.9 Total, Í466.491.84 State ohMichiuax, Countyof Washtenaw, ss. I, J. W. Knight, Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear tliat the above statement is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. J. V. KNIGHT, (Jashicr. Hubacribed and sworn to beforo me this ülst day of January, 1879. Newton Süei.don, Notary Public. Correct - Attest, E. WELLS, 1 I'HILIP BAC1I. Director. J. W. KNIGUT, ]
Old News
Michigan Argus