The County
- Doxter s cornet band is improving with the aid of new instruments. - The late A. D. Sumuer of Mooroville left a $10,000 lifo insurance polioy. -All but about $1,300 of the taxes has been collected in the first district of Ypsilanti. - Mesara. Deubel Tiros, of Ypsilanti expect to begin soon the manufacture of patent Minnesota flour. -The wife of Dr. B. Hewitt of' Ypsilanti died Friday night, aud Dr. S. W. Pattison lios critically ill. - Not inany nights ago twenty tramps stopped with jail-keeper Gilmore of Ypsilanti during óne day. - The Ypsilanti Sentinel says the Ann Arbor Red Kibbon minstrel entertainmeut in that city waa a poor one. - At a target shoot ia Dexter the three best sooreis were J. W. Williams 157 ; John Dixon 121 ; John Pratt 7.S. ■-Ashley Van Dusen of Saline, is said ;o own a large collection of birds, havïng 600 fine specimens, native and foreign. - The Michigan Central was unable to provide cars last week for the removal of wool owned by Gregory and Coatello of Dexter. - Enz and Bruegel of Manchester, made an assignment Jan. 29 to Dr. A. Conklin. Liabilitios about $3,000. Assets about $2,000. - O. E. Thompson, ot Ypsilanti, a dealer infarming implements, has added to bis business by beginning the manufacture of seedinar drills. - Barnuin & Earl, a jewelry firin of Bronsou, hayo removed to Ypsilanti, at whijh place they have purchased the stock formerly owned by W. F. Kinne, now deceased. - Justica Eugene K. Frueauif of this city united in the holy bonds of inatrimony on Monday, Mr. Jacob Sohanz of Lima and Mrs. Caroline Christina Oberrauellür of Freedom. - The white aociety of Ypdilanti is in a fearful state because of the rumor that two merry makers who were belles at a ball were ladies of color, but disappeared before unmasking carne. - A rendering of "Over the Hills to the Poor House" by home talent of Manchester, assisted by Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Miller, was received so well that it was repeated on Friday evening. - A building owned by Chas. Bartholoinew, residing one mile south of Milan, containingpork, grain and farming tools, was bumed Jan. 21st, from sparks frota a chimney of a dwelling near by. - Mr. Orsou Cody, formerly a wellinown young gentleman of Ypsilanti, Haal -- „ „_ L 1 _ .3 _ __ 1% 1 T uuv uow oí ijeaar tapias, lowa, stopped on bis return to the west at Allegan and took with him a bride thu rernainder of the distance. -Dweiling house of John Wilson, five miles southwest of Mooreville, was consuined by the fire fiend lately. The fire broke out in the middle of the night; the family were absent, and nothing therefore saved. - Miss Lora E. Eaton of Ypsilanti, who reoovered $1,000 damages ftotn Hiram Day for slander, was married te Wm. E. McCullough Jan. 29. Their friends turned out numerously and set them up well in the line of presenta. - Albert Younglove of Ypsilanti, son of Henry Younglove of Monroe town, was seriously injured the other day by the falling of e, tree which he was chopping. The butt of the tree struck him in the stomach, resulting in such internal injuries as will probably cause his ' death. ] - James Pierce and Edward Moffat of Ypsilanti, colored, wanted to go west ' and be trappers, and therefore forcibly ' seized Harrison Stevenson's traps, of Superior township, who had them placed ready for game in the woods. Mr. enson now has a warrant for the colored gentlemen. - The unusual amount of Bickness in the city is exciting the interest of Ypsilanti'a residents. A great many deaths have oeourred. iácarlet fever and diphtheria have been the cause of most of the deaths among the young, while lung diseasea are extensivoly prevalent among the old. - On the 3d inst. a young man of Dexter not engaged in any useful employment, was brought before Justice Page and flned $25 and $4costs for ha ving, on last Saturday evening, secured a quautity of whisky and enticed two or three lads, sonsofrespectable citizens to drink until sonie of them became intoxicated. - Ypsilanti's Common Council visited Detroit to inspect the workings of gasoline as used in the street lamps. Passing up Jefferson Avenue they were attraoted by the brilliant illumination outside of Theatre Comique. Inside they went, and, looking upon the "Dizzy Blondes" forgot their errand until the curtain dropped. - Chas. Gwinner of Manchester coniïnitted suicide on Thursday by shooting himself. Cause - financial embarrassinent. After ar. inquest was held, which agreed upon a verdict "that he carne to his death by his own hand," there was found a letter stating he did not have money enough to pay his taxes, and that he did not want to live long enough to see his property sold. - A lodge of A. O. U. W. was instituted in Dexter lately with the following line of officers: P. M. W., Jas. T. Honey; M. W., Marcus S. Cook; Q. F., G. H. Coleman ; O., Alex H. Rogers ; E., Wirt W. Waite ; F., Henry C. Gregory ; E., Harris Ball ; G., O.. E. Hoyt ; J. W. Silas Thrasher; O. W., Jas. B. Joyner; Trustees, Chas. Ho wol 1, John Croartrin, Edward Bennett. Regular meetings Wednesday evenings. - Mrs. W. E. Hewitt, the wife of one of the oldest residents of Ypsilauti, was buried Tuesday afternoon. For a long time she had been an invalid, and her death, while creating a profound sensation m the community, was not wholly unexpected. Oa the occasion of the funeral of JJIrs. Hewitt thore was used a new rough-box designed to protect the body from the grave robber. It is made of heavy plank, the top being divided by a sheet of iron, rendering boring through impossible. The cover fastens automatically from the inside and many houra' labor would bo required to molest the reinains. - C. Baylus of Ypsilanti contributed $1 to the local treasur y for ueing vulgar, and obscene language. - Geo. Davis and Marshall Ayers of York, accused of malicious trespass in cutting down trees, were tried before Justioe Granger last Thursday and acquitted. - James Pierce and Kdward Moffat of Ypsilanti charged with stealing Harrison Stevenson's game traps from the woods in which they had been set, settled their oase and prosecution was withheld. -On Saturday afternoon ast, as Mrs. Casper Wagoner, living three miles southeaat of Deiter was standing on a box in her cellar to reach some articles from a shelf, the cover gave way, throwing her over, and breaking both bones of her leg below the knee. She is 65 years of age.
Old News
Michigan Argus