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- The Junior Laws patroniza the fine skating down at the riverpretty freely. - Chapel exeroises will be dispensed with next weet owing to examinations. - The University Orchestra are drilling preparatory to giving soms conoerts - The Boat Club owing to a pressure from creditors have sold their boats to Mr. Hangsterfer at a sacriüce. - Prof. Morris' lectures at the John Hopkins University wero highly spoken of by the press of Baltiinore. - The Law Students do not seein to to make very rapid progress in their preparations for Washington'sbirthday. - The University of Wisconsin oertainly appreciates the work of our professors by thewaysheinakes them offers. - Most of the Senior Laws have had theirphysique photographed by Mr. Hanger, who is gi ving them good satisfactinn cion. - Nearly all the copy oí' the University Calendar is in the hands of the printers aud it will be issued in a very few days. - The music for the Junior Hops wil be furnished by Detroit parties. I promises to bo the most recherche affai of the season. - The Glee Club were out serenading Monday night to the apparent satisfaotion of those serenaded. Tho boys say they like oranges. -Spencer R. Sniitb, '79, Literary dopartment seeins to have made a hit a Fort Wayne, Ind. with his lecture on " Woman, her Relation to Literature. ' -The Mendelasoln Quintette Club, advertised to give an entertainment before the Students' Lecture Association on Tuesday eveuing next, has been obliged to cancel its engagement. They will appear later in the year. -The üniversity Glee Club will give a concert in Plint the 14th, and one in Pontiac the 15th. Judging from their fine selections and careful drill the people of Flint and Pontiao can look out íor a rich, musical treat. - Dr. F. E. Bodemann has requested permission to resign the position of AsBistaut in Surgery to Dean Franklin ia the Honicepathic Department in March, as he ig desirous of returning to practice in his native town Burlington, Iowa. - The lOth annualre-unionof the Phi Delta Phi Fraternity of the Law Departmont will be held to-day. B. F. Bower of this city furnishes the intellectual part of the entertainment and Hangsterfer will cheer the inner man in his usual fine way. - The athletic association haveacourse of oatertainment8 in view, and have ap. pointed Messrs. Bowwan, Clapp and Webster a couimittee to secure entertainments. We are inforined the aseociation are making efforts to secure the renowed actress, Mary Anderson. - Following is the prograinme of the i .. uwuuu ovii. ij iui mib ovo mug ; jteading, G. A. Laubscher- " The First Virginians, " by Prof. Tyler. Oration, J. L. Witmyor. Debate, Resolved: That the 15th amendment of the United States con8titution was impolitic and premature. Affirmative, A. Johnson, R. C. MoNamar. Negative, Win. Looinis, H. G. Wanty. - There seems to be a general awakening at the University in reference to a gymnasium, not only among the boys but several of the professors hare agreed to meet all those interested in the subject of physioal culture at a grand mass meetiug to-day. It is hoped some means may be devised by which a good gymnasium may be added to the Univeisity at an early date. - There will be a joint public meeting of the Webster and Jeffersonian Law Literary Societies, in the law room, on the evening of February 27th. The following gentlemenwill take part : Debate }-K.Mhlls Webster. Jw Richards Webster. ]. C. Milner Jeffersoman. Oration. !?L efl" WdaUr, K. H. b it-ld Jeffersoni,,,,. Reading. J. B. Booth, Webster, C. S. Finch, Jeffersonian. Subject for debate : Resolved, that the eigns of the times indícate the continuance of the Republic. Webster disputauts have the affirmative. - It dow seems probable that, unless soinething is done soon by the Regenta in regard to salaries, the University will lose many of its most prominent teachers. Professors James C. Watson and Albert H. Pattengill will soon be gone, and two other instructora, whose names are withheld for the present, have made up their minds to accept more lucrativo positions in other places. It seems too bad that the University of micnigan, tor so long a time the highest ornament of the State, ahould be obliged togive up her best professors in favor of such institutions as the TTniversity of Wiaconsin for a few hundred dollars difference in aalary.


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