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Tired, Tired Of Life

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An old citizen of Ann Arbor, Frederick Sehneider, a resident of Miller avenue went home as usual about 5 p. m. Monday for supper. Bringing in kindling with whioh to hasten the fire to prepare the evening meal, he took a. position behind tüe stove where he sat until preparations were completed. The remaining members of the family assumed their accustomed places around the fainily board and solicited the head of the bousehold to assuine his. Without roaly he quietly alipped out the back door. Mrs. Sohneider feit alarmed at the pro;racted absence of her husband, and, after partaking of supper went out in search of him. She calletl and callea and elicited no response. Moving about n tho yard she espied in the silent gazes of the moon, a human forin standing )eneath the limb of an apple tree. Approaching it she was strioken with horor at the sight of her husband who was hanging by the neck, dead. This was at seven o'clock in the evening. ieighbors wero promptly summoned nd the deceased removed within his ate residence. Mr. Sohneider had been a hard drinkr for thirty-Boven yeara, spending nearly all his earnings as laborer for intoxicanta. It was while he was under such influenoe, if indeed he had been for years out of it, that he took his life. Twenty years ago, after informing Mrs. S. of his intention, he started for the woods, with a piece of clothes line to perform the terrible deed he consummated on Monday. But hE wife sent a neighbor after, who overtook him, and togotherthey returned.he thenlaughing at the idea. On Christmas night he was found intoxicated lying on the sidewalk, a kind friend saving him from freezing to death by remoing him to his residence. An inquest held on Monday evening by Coronar Terry returned a verdiot of suicide while laboring under temporary iusanity, superinduced by drink. The deceased will be 59 years of age on the 18th of this month, and leaves a widow and three children to niourn his untinibly departure.


Old News
Michigan Argus