- Judge Huntington held court at Plint last week. - Chas. Bogardus of Ypsüanti has received the appointment of Deputy marshall. -Dr. F. K. Eexford has heeu elected by Common Council, supt. of the city poor of Ypsilanti. -Dr. W. B. Lewitt, formerly of Ann Arbor, has received the appointment of demonstrator of anatomy in the Medical College of San Francisco. - Charlotte Thompson, her husband, Loraine Bogejs, and her manager J. K. Tillotson, were guests of the Cook House during a two days sojourn in the city. -Mr. Watson Snyder, candidato oa the Prohibition ticket at the last election for Governor, bas gone to New Jersey, being callod thence by the sickness of his father. - A letter dated Jan. 30, from Mr. L. C. Eisdon to a friend iu this city conveys the information that he and his bride had reached Jacksonville, Fla. They contemplatod joining a party of twenty-one that left Detroit on the 21st., for a trip of 210 miles up the St. John's Eiver. - The N. Y. Graphic of reoent date, has a portrait of Hon. T. M. Cooley, one of the judges of the Michigan Supreme Court. Judge Cooley was bom in Attica, N. Y., January 6, 1824. He removed to this state, settling in Adrián in 184G, and his record sinco, as ajurist, has been highly honorable. -Adrián Times.
Old News
Michigan Argus