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New Prints just receired, the choicest seleotions of all the best makes of Shirting and Dress Prints, at 6tf Mack & Schmid's. Saline, Feb. 4. Chiistiau Henry a Uerman of the township of Freedom was arrostod to-day aud brought before Jmtice Forbes charged with rapo oommitted on tho person of Margaret Snyder. Tli8 facts aeem to be those, that on Friday of last week hor people were away from home atteuding a funeral, aud whüe in tbeir absence the prisoner went to her muthers house and committed the deed xvith which he is charged, Btaying with hor all day. When her people returned ahe rcluted to them the circuuistunces and her brothers causad his arrest. The young lady is 18 years of age and ihighly respacted in the neighborhood where ahe resides. The prisoner is a ïnau of about 35 yeara of age and hitherto haa borne a good reputution. He haa been paying atteution to her tor the past year or more. The case was adjournsd until Feb. llth, the prisoner giving bail for the sum of $500 for his appranee oa that day.


Old News
Michigan Argus