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- Judge Miller spoke in Manchester on Sunday afternoon. - Chas. Shier will address the next meeting of Ypsilanli's Prohibition club, Feb. 12. - Sons of Temperance give a social at New Jeru3lemChapelin Ypsilanti this evening. - D. Bethune Duffield of Detroit addressed a meeting at Light Guard Hall, Ypsilanti, Sunday afternoon. - Mrs. Attorney Mary E. Foster of this city gavo a temperance address at Milan on the evening of the 21st., ultimo. - Good Templáis of Ypsilanti have fitted up a hall 80x25 feet, for theirconvenience, and aceoinmodation of traveling companies at $1.25 per night. - Eev. Dr. Pierson of Detroit speaks this evening ; J. E. Clark of Tecumseh, to-rnorrow evening ; and E. E. Frazer of Aan Arbor Sunday evening, at Chelsea. - Good Templara of Ypsilanti elected Messrs. (J. S. Pitkin, Wm. McAndrew and John C. B.Forsyth, Trustees. New officers were inst ulied Monday evening. - A very enthusiastio temperance meeting was held in the opera house Sunday afternoon and the address by Eobert E. Frazer was characteristic of the ruan and the cause he represents. The exercises were conducted by the Union School Club and the reoeipts of the meeting were $22,50, and 14 united with the club, and believing that there is great need of reform among some of the denizens of the Fifth Ward, the Ann Arbor Eeform. Club propose to hold a series of temperance meetings iu the M. E. Church on Wall street. As a result of the meeting Sunday evening 17 new signatures were added to the pledge. The entertainment in the opera house Friday evening by ineuibers of the Detroit club was a very enjoyable affair, and more than paid expenses. A series of similar entertainments under the dicection of the club hero, are t o be given in which the members will take part.


Old News
Michigan Argus