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The Williamsons

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The Williamsons will appear at the Opora House on Thursday eveuing of next week, in tho popular play "Struck Oil." The Indianapolis Sentinel of thu lst iiist. says of their appearance in that city: Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Williamson produoed their eucoessful play "Struck Oil" to a large audience at the Grand Opera House, last evening. As good wine needs no bush, so their drama, which was received with so much favor when it was first played here last season, requires nothing in the way of commendation. It is thoroughly enjoyable from the rising of the curtain to the fall thereof. Mr. Williarnson's portrayal of the oharacter of the honest, blundering and jolly Germán shoemaker, who, to save his home, goes "mit de war" as a I'substitution" for the rascally deacon, is as true to nature as ever, and Mrs. Williamson, as his daughter Lizzie, ia as live as a oricket. Both received frequent encores. The support is very good, and the piece is well set. The camp scène opposite Pittsburg and the view ot' Oilsburg were greatly admired. Saline, Feb. 3. - Owight Crïltenaen is happy. - 'Tig a girl. - Joshua Webb ia confined to the house by a stroke of paralysis. - Au effort is making by the young people to organize club dances. - A. M. Clark has been confined to the house for the past week with neuralgia. - Billy French, colored, after a ten inonths sojourn at Jackson prison is again on our streets. - It is expected that Jerome Murray of Toledo will speak to the Reforined uien Feb. 23, afternoon and evening. - The Rev. Dan'l Shier will address the Reform Club at Union School Hall Sunday evoning, Feb. 9. Admission 5 cents. - The Baptist church society are having an animated debate over the question of "Who ehall serve us the coming year." - "Marshal" Eccles has been putting his house in order to receive guests ; the place of honor assigned to tramp shoem akers. - Henry Johnson has taken up hig abode in Ann Arbor ha ving entered into a partnership with Wesley Seabolt, formerly of this place. - Jacob Stang will answer to a charge of assault and battery on the person of M. Sohneider, "Wednesday, Feb. 6, before Justice Frueauff. - Henry Lawson has returned from his trip to his old home at Eochester, N. Y., and will assuaie his duties so suddenly broken, off at Mrs. Gillets. -Prof. Dickey of Albion College will deliver a lecture before the Ladies' Lecture Association at the M. E. Churoh on Friday evening, Feb. 7. Subject, "Clear Grit." - The Beforin Club are making arrangements to celébrate the anniversary of the redemption of the " Forty Thieves," it being the 22d of February, that they renounced allegiance to old "King Rummy" and donned the badge of temperance. - The Presbytery met here on Monday of last week and had undcr coneideration the Murray-Phelps scandal. They adjourned after a days labor and referred the whole matter to a cominittee consisting of Dr. Brown of Ann Arbor, Dr. Peirson of Detroit, and Dr. Richmond of Ypsilanti. The Presbytery advised Mr. Murray to withdraw andintimated that his resignation would be accepted.


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