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Condition Of The City Finances

Condition Of The City Finances image
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Kecorder Clark ha nearly completed his annual report tor the fiscal year ending February 1. The report, although not yet completed, filis 55 pages of legal cap. It is neatly arranged so as to le at once clear and syatematic, while it reflecta highly on the marnier in which the Recorder has performed his duties. From the report following summary of expenditures, receipts and balances on hand are taken : EXPENDITTJEE3. General Fund, .... f6,401.42 " Street Fund, - - - 2,181.37 lat Ward Fund 142.02 2d do do .... 799.47 3d do do 1,108.96 4th do do .... 1,047.30 5th do do 414.00 6th do do .... 520.72 Contingent Fund, - - - 3,092.77 Firemeu's Fund, .... 635.00 Court House Aid Bonds, - - 3.460.00 Total, $19,803.03 CREDITS. General Fund, appiopnations nud receipts $7,050.88 General Street do do - - 2,315.12 lst Ward do do do - - 350.65 2d do do do do - - 1,383.63 3d do do do do 1,109.47 4th do do do do - - 1,101.00 5th do do do do 501.67 6th do do do do - - 628.64 City Cemetery tuud, 3th ward, - 29.38 Firemen's Fund, - ... 635.00 Iuterest acct. C. H. Bonds, - - 3,460.00 Coutingent Fund, - - - 5,556.79 Total, 124,122.24 CASH BALANCES ON HAND. General Fund, .... $ 649.40 General Stroet Fund, - - - 133.75 lst Ward do do - - - 208.64 2d do do do - Ú84.16 3d do do do -.. 51 4th do do do - - - - Ó3.7O 5th do do do 87.07 6th do do do - - - - 107.92 Contingent, 2,464.02 City Cemetery Fund, ... 29 38 Total, f4,319.21 TOTAL. Expcnditures, .... $19,803.03 Cash balance on hand, - - 4,319.21 f24,122.24


Old News
Michigan Argus