ing of year - 799. Aim Arbor City markets. Ann Arbor, Feb. 6. Receipts have fallen off of late owing to tbe warm woather. Prices remain about the same. Apples - Green, wantod at 30e. Pried, wanted 2i4a3c. Beans- Quiet at 75c. Buckwheat - 50c. Clover Seed- $3.60a$S.80. Corn- Shellea 36c ; ear 18c. Fura- Stuuk 15c to 81 .25; iox 20a75c ; coon 15a SOcj rattalOc. Hides- hlp green. Hogs- S3.50a$. Oatu- 23c. Pelts- 25ca$1.50. Potatoes- Noi plenty and wauted at 50c. Poultry- Chickens 8, turkies 10, fowl 7c. Timothy Seed- $1.2Sall.5O. Wheat- 86a88o new ; old 95atl. KETÁIL RATF.9. ApplesGreen, 40c. Bacon- Beans - 5c per quart. Bran- 60cts per hundred. Butter- 16c. Oabbage- None in uiarket. (Jheese- 12Uc. Clover Seed- $4a$4.25. Corn- 25c ear ; shelled 50e. Corn Meal- Coarse 1 ; $1.50 bolted. Cranberries - 10c per quart. Eygs- 20c. B3 Flour- $4.50a$5.50. Ground Feed - SI. ' Hams- Sugar cured 10c. Uominy - 4c per lb. Honey- 15a2Uc. gr. Lard - 8c. Oats- 30c. Oatmeal- 4c. Potatoea - 60c. Pork- 8c. Salt- Onondaga 81.35. Shoulders - 7c. Tallow- c. Timothy Seed- $l,50a$1.75.
Old News
Michigan Argus