Weekly News Review
The boiler of a locomotivo exploded near Bradford, Pa., a f'ow daya ago, instantly killing John Yaugh, tho engincer, and Jolin Adils, a laborer; fatally injuting (eo. Grogan, the conductor, 0. Ij. A. Hheppard Assistant Superintendent, and Miko Hnllerin, the fireman, and seriously injnrhig fonr other men At Mortville, Me. , John McFarland, wifo and granddanghter were killed by an insana man nanied Kmvell, wlio wan later shot dead liy a ueighboi whom lie had attacked. The New York Star asserts that A. T. Ktewart's remains wore retornad to Jndge Hilton, Nov. 14, only cight days after tho theft, by a go-betivcen, and tliat the amount of money wiiich changed bands was between S:;5,CCH) and f45,()0O, bat tliut no ftgreement was entered into to protoct the thioves, wlio were fivo in num ber ït m reported that Jay Gould is seriousy embarrasecd financially, and his early dowufall is confldontly predio ted. Dr. Lindeeman, Director of tlie Unitol States int, at riiiladelphia, is dead. Richard H. Dana, the well-known poot and author, died in Boston tho othor day, at tho advanced age of 91. The business center of the town of Loe, Mass. , lias been wiped out by fire. Loss, Sll(i,O(X). . ..A Boston dispateh annovmees the failnre of two htavy Connocticut wool flrms- S. H. Saylea, of Dayville, and S. L. & T. D. Saj'les, of Versailles. They wcre very larqe mauofaoturers, and the liabilities are hoavy. TILE WEST. Theke was a doublé execution at Imlianapolis. Ind., on Wednesday, tho 2'.lth uit. The victima wèrfl John Aehey, a gambler, for the morder of George Leggett, a member of tlio mie dinreputable prof ession, and William Merriok. who put his wife out of tho tray hy giving ber Btryohpine in a glas of wine. Merrick asserted his innoeeuee to the last. Aehey said on the gallows, '■The people waated a banging, and he waa ready for it." Both of the èulprits displttyed wonderful eoolness to tho fiual moment, i Another County Tres urer has gone wrong, and also gonp to the peniteotiary lor yeara ; - Cüarles i. :" -ridliue, Htepheiwon eouuty, III. A terrible exjilosion is ropoi-ted from Socor, Woodford comity, HL Tho saw and grist mili of L. Gasner was almottt totally deatroyed instantujieously, timbera and b aards being thrown a quarter of a mile by thfi exploBion of tho boiler. Four persons were instantly hülod, their todies being horribly mutilated, and one thrown 300 feet through the air. i (itiier was fatally iujured. M. J. Sdllivant, the famcras Ford ! ooiuity (111.) farmer, died reoenSyon an Oliio rivcr Bieamboat while lonrneyiug from Henderson, Ky., to Louiavüle. ilr. Sullivant waa celebrated as the largeBt farmer in the woud. owmug and cultivatiiig a place of 47,000 acres, compneing nearly all m Ford oountr, 111. The farm was so extensivo that small' dwellings eonstruoted nu wheels were drawn by oxen to varions parta of it, eonveying laborera who wonld be for weeks absont from the village headqnarters A fue at St .Toseph, Mo., desrroyed Bailey's (5ry-gooda storo and Hax's tunuture storo. Loesos, $95,(XX) and $125,000, ropeetívely. One of the captive Cheyeniie Indians at Fort Robinson- Wild Hog by name- attcimpted to end his uuhappy life. He etabbed himself four times in the rogion of the heart, and is dangerously wonnded. THE SOUTH. A tornado swept over a portion of Inka, Miss., occupied by blaek people. One colored woman and fivo childrcn were killed outright; two of the latter were fouud a quarter of a mile from homo. Eight other colored people were wounded, one of whom has sineo Oled. . . .It is reported from New Orleans that J. Madison Wells. Rurvpvnr nf tVin P.rt. liad iDn „ ■ WUKJ U TIJ UI UI IJLHJ (.Uit, PKt" UtJfll indicted by the United States Grand Jury for ! inalfeuaaiice iu oliioo. The city alms-house at Louisville, Ky., was dentroyed hy fire, last week. Thero were 340 inmatea in the insütution, and it is fortúnate that a great many of them were not burned tu death. Severa of them leaped from the Windows to save their lives. Four persona were killed and a nninber of others injured in the wild stampede to escape frora tho building. Tlie structure oost $1(10,000, and was insurod for $70,000. A lakge number of persons have been arrested in Caddo, Tensas and Natchitoehes parishes, La., on the charge of violating the Federal eleotion laws. They were taken to ! NewOriems and held for trial in bonds of I 8,000 each. Her:,iak, Frederick, and Arthur Heiurieh, three brothers, aged respectively 16, j 14, and 10, were drowned in the Ohio river, i Bear Lonisville, Ky. , by the overtnrning of a ' nkitr For the first time sinee 1ÏS60 the New Orleans mint is coming moncy. WASHINGTON. üepresentative BucKNER, Chaiiinan of the House Committee on Bankiug and Curreney, says that he does not believe it is blo to get aijy additional financial legislation ! through the Honee at this session Senator! Christiancy, of Michigan, has accepted the post of Minister to Peru, and will resign his seat iu tho United States Kenate The Finance Committee of tho Seuate has deeided to reeommend a reduction of the tobáceo tax to 20 cents per ponnd. It is announced from Washington that horeaf ter interest on Goverument bond3 will bo paid in gold, when demanded, at tho various sub-treasuries in the country. At a Cabinet meeting, the othér day, the Arrears of Ponsion bill was the principal subject under consideration . Socretary Kherman thought the law inoperativo, and that the framers of it have been so carele? s that it will not bo poseible to pay any money nr.der it. This appears to bo the opinión of the aecouutiDg ofücers of the treasury, who are the only pernons who can pass upon the qnestion. The subject was referred to the Attornev General. The excess of exports over importa for December, 1878. were 085,128,000; for the year 1878, $304,54:,0(fl. LlEUT. COHMANDEB KeLLS, of the United States navy, who, during the politieal exoitement in Louisiana, wrote an insulting letter to Senator Kellogg, of that State, has been senteneed by court-martial to dismissai from the service. A Washington dispatoh says it is the general opinión among lawyers familiar with the subject that the Arlington ejeotment suit, which the United States District Conrt has just determiaed in favor of the Lees, will also be deeided by the United State! Supremo ('ourt, to whioh it bas been appealed, in tlieir favor. The Army Keorganization Vrill wan uddeuly and effectually disposed of iu the House of Representativos last weok, much to the consfcernation of its friends. The House did nut take i direct vote on the bill, but indicated onmistaksbly that ahould it ever reach a stage when a voto can be taken the bill will be defeated i y a large majority Nearly 40,000 bids have been reeeived for carrying the maile in Missouri, Ioa, Illinciis. Alicnigan. Wisconoin, aud Minnosota. A month will lie required for opening them anti making the awards The President lias tendered to ex-Gov. Boutwell the positiou of Asniatant Treasurer at Boaton. TirE public-debt statement for Feb. 1 sasfollowH: Six pcrcral. bo!id sj gg 889 000 I'i re ycr ccut. bondi 708,2fi6H60 Four and a lialf per cent. bonai 256 000 000 Tuur jitr ctiit. bouds :: j. Total coin bouds Jl,M,fO5,fiS0 Matureddebt Ufad tendera irhficrites otdepersit ■10.Ü-KI.0O0 Fractjonal curreuey 16 027 4ÍÍ5 Oold audsihercertificates a0,107S0 Total without Interest $ 433,908,408 Total ,lel)t S,885,8SÍ,1 S6 Total interest 88,0268!) Curreucy had for redemptloo of frac tdoual currency 5 g n 1 2 , s,„c:ui depoaits held for redetnption Ol certifleates of deposit 40,040.000 Total in traunry $ 882,450,896 IKbtlwBcaahiu the treasury F.b.l, vr9.$2.O25.s%.i:.O iseduriiig Jauuary. .. . 8,751 9Ï0 we Blnce June 80, 1878 ' 9,890711 isened tr t!.' Pacific Kaüroart paule, interest payable in lawtal money: Principal outetandjng.. Í4,SÍ,512 Ui resl : Lrned and not yot paid 828 11 J laten st paid by the üolted States 41 7;:j'7}fi Interest repaid by transportatíon .■L 1,1!lilils. ■■■ lti.CT.o Biüance of Inti real paúl l,y the rnitoa ' 81,116,7 GENERAL. A Balïimore dispatch says the oyster aohooner Adamantine has been found sunk 11 tho bay. Hor Captain, Horace Jiakir, 01' Philadelphia, was laelied to the bmast, ana tne borhes of nine men oompoeing tl: were lashed to the deck, which was several feet under water. Tho sohooner went down on tho d of Januaiy last. It is reportad that the Mexiean Govflrnraent is eriously eonsidering the ty of asking for tho renioval of Minister i er. It is said that a coolness exista between ] ilr. Foater and tho Moxican Government on iccount of the letter of tho formar to tho : ago Manufacturera' Assoeiation, and that for bat reason little can be accomplished in diplonacy whiio he remaina Joaeph, theehief of ho Nez Perc es has agreed to üie sale of fortyight hundred sonare miles of his people's land n Idaho to the United States Oovernmont. Tho ribe will get in oxchango six townships of land in ludían IVrritory and 4 per cent. intorefet on a quarter of a milüoii dollars from tho treasury. The Signal Service Bureau at Washington promúlgate tho f ollowing woather i Dostics for the month of February : For the upper lake región, winda blowing from the Bouthwest or southeast, or from directious botween those pointe, are found to bc the wind most liliely to be i'ollowed by rain or snow. Winda blowing from the uorth or west, or from directions between those points, are found to be the wiuds least Hkely to be followed by rain or anow. Canada has temporarily proliibited j the importation of American eattle. POUTICAL. The LouisianaLegislature bas chosen B. F. .Tonas Unitod States Senator to succeed John B. Eustis. The Kansas Legislature bas i ed Hon. John J. Ingalla United Status Senator for six years from the 4th of Mareh next LouMana's new United States Senator, B. F, Jonas, ia a native of (Juiney, 111. He went South bofore the war and servod as a private in the Confedérate army. An analysis of the vote on tbe tirmation of Gen. Jlerritt as Collector of tho I'ort of New York shows that tiftcen j lieans vOte3 to sustain the administration by coufirming the nominations, namely: Burnside, Conover, Kirkwood, Ifatthews, Oglesby, Camerou (Wis.), Ferry, Hoar, Saunders, Windom, Dawes, McMillan, Morrill, Christiancy, and l'hirab. Twenty-threo Republicans ranged themselves on tlie side of Mr. Conkling and voted against confirmation, viz. : Alliaon, Booth, Howe, Patteraon, Spencer, Anthony, Bruce, Con Hing, Jones (New), Mitchcll," ltollins, Teller, Blaine, Chaffee, Hamlin, Kellogg, Paddock, Sargont, Edmunds, Ingalls, Sharon, Dorsey, ánd Comeron (Pa.). The Demócrata voted largely in favor of conflrmation - Barnum, McPherson, Cockrell, Eaton, McDonald, Garland and Voorhees (seven) being th? only Demócrata recorded as voti.Mg in the negativo. FORKIGN. The British troops contimied their aJvani'O into Afghanistan, and at last accounts were well on their way toward Cabul A definite treaty between liussia and Turkey has been concluued, and peace is now established between the two naüone Great distress is reported in the Englisli mining ! distriots. . ..í'ro.h ontbreaka of tlie rinderpest are reported in Prussia Germauy, Austria and ItaL are devising measures to ward off the plague A ltome dispatch announces the death of Cardinal Antonucci Stanley, the explorer is preparing i o make another ex'ulorai tion of África. In consequence of tbe an-ivul at Liverpool of a cargo of cattlo infected with incipI ient pleuro-pneumonia, from Canada, the Brit1 ish (iovernment has proliibited the importation 1 of cattle from America Propositions i aro bofore both housea of the French Pax-liarment for f uil amnesty to all the Communiats In Germany, tlie opposition to a protectivo tarilï is ranidlv increaeintr in nnmhnra and power ltev. Hugh McNoill, Dean of Ripon, Eng., is dead The great Iiusaian fair of Simbirak has been poatponed on account of the plaguo In Franco there is talk of conatruetïng a telegraph line acrosa the Desert of Sahara. The conflict between Marshal ! Mahon, President of France, and the cana of the Aseembly has ended in the I tion of the former, together with his eutire C&binet. The refusal of MacMahon to accede to tlio deminds of the Hepublican leaders for certain chantres of army commauders was the immediate canso of his resignation, though the recent eleetions were a hint to Mm thut he waa not wanted any longer. The two chamberaof the Assembly ir.inic.liately aeseicbled in joint eonsress, and elected M. Grevy as the successor of MacMahon, and he was accordiuglv proclaimod President of tho French republic for j the term of Beven years. Gambetïa lias been elected I dent of the Freneh Chamber of Deputies, receiving 314 votes, out of a total of 405 A dispatch from St. Petersburg says tlio Czar of Russia has ordered the burning of Wetlianka and other;vülages where tho plague has broken out, togethcr with all the furmture in them, and theremoval of inhabitants to hcalthv places A St. Petersburg dispateh says tlie Ameer of Afghanistan has arrived on the Russian i tier. His followers were disarmed. The Bian sathorities ei deavored to persuade him that it would be ueeless to go to St. Petersburg. The Ameer appears to bp a&toniahed at his treatment. Two of the Directora of the broken j Glasgow Bank have boen sontenced to eighteen njontlis' imprisonment for embezzlement, and i five other Directora to eight months' ! ment for uttering falso balancea Paul de I i Cassagnac, whose election was invalidated by i the Freneh Chamber of Deputies, has been re elected by a majority of CÜO The Czar of Russia has diapatched Gen. Melikoff to Aatrakhan with power to adopt extraordinary meaaures to stop the march of the plague. He is fippointed Governor General of the I strieken district?, which are created into a i ! province during the contirmance of the ] demic. In Austria au imperial ordinance identical with tliat of Germany prolübita the importation of a large nuniber of articles from Russia, and orders the diainfection of all i I rivals thorefrom. The Galieian authoritiee ' i memorialize the Government for the immediate establishment of a cordon against Eussia. In i Home, the Sanitary Council has been convoked to take precautionary measurea agiinst the i plague. Roumania has determined upon the ! establishment of a quarantine end military ■ cordon to prevent the spread of the pestilence, Col. Peect Wymdham, the distinguWicd soldier of fortune, forcierly with baldi and with the Union army in the American civil war, has been killed at Itangoon, India, j in attempting 'a balloon asoension Albert ! Grant, the well-known Engliéh speculator, I has tailed for L(iH2,000 The following is ! given aa the origin of the plague ! now raging iu Russia: A Cossaek returmng j I from the war to Wetlishka, in Astrakhan, I brought his lady loye a shawl, which she wore , two days and thou aickened, with all tlio symptonirt of the plague, and died. The following I four days other members of her family died. i The diseaso epread rapidly, the local authori; tiea not paying any attention to it till half of the inhabitanta died, and the remainder were un ! able to bury tiie victima, The dreadful pesti lence has continued to spread ever aince. TUK CIPHER XKI.EGKAMS. The Potter Committee was oceupied, ' on the 28th, chlsfly in trying to ünd out how copiea of the ciphere camo the possession of the New York Tribune. Assistant ! master General Bi-ady and Wüliani E. Chawller r lated their eounection with the dispatches af ter t-hey lef t the custody of Bullock, the messenger of Senator Morton's Committoo on Privileges and Elections. Mr. Biady detailed the maniier in whieh he carne into possession of the dispatclien through Mr. Evaus, member of I ■ gresa from Indiana, wlio received them from Bullock direct, before the latter lef t for Cologni-, as Consul. Mr. Brady stated how he tuut delivered portions of theso dispatches to William I E. Chandler, and the marnier in which they had i been separated, culled over and examinod. Mr. Chandler lotailed the mauuer in which he j dropped a paekage mysteriouHly upon Qon. Butler'H d,;k, without tolling Gen. Butler of the fact, or of the contenta of the dispatches. 1 Mr. Chaudler also relatod the manner m which i he had carefully colleeted oertain dispatchea i . from the packago ar;d forwarded thom to Mr. I Wliitelaw lioid, of New York. The Potter Committee, on the 29th ! ; uit, recalled William E. Chandler, who said, ' . when he flrst saw the cipher dispatches, lie did ! not know their meaning. William P. ! laad, an expert, on examination of the writinge, I teatifiad to deciphering the Oregon dispatches. Thore was no one present at the time except Senators Morttn and Mitchell and Mr. Burbank and two experta from Oregon. Gen. Brady waa recaUed, and produced the telegrama alludod to in his previous testimony. Tranelated, they read aa follows : Tallaiiassee, Deo, l.-Jchn Winti. Washington: 1 norida will fro Lor Hayes. Bkauy. Washington, d. O.- Sen. Brady. Tallcvuum: Florida in tronble. I siiuak advieedly, Have no other fears. Jas. N. Iïsit.. Washinojon. -Oen. Brady, Tallahasxet: Beliable i information lmrc says Bemocrat claim two of ' Florida Beturiüng Board. Do you believe Vl WiNit. Taixahahsee. - John Wig, Washington: We have no iatimation of trcat-liery. except on the part of one of our own mmber. It' wc to grief, it im throngli liim -the New Yorker. Wo ,-ire adviged he recommenda contrary to our interests. His many and mystorloua interviews arouse aiiHpicion. Brauy. i The witnes, on croas cxaminatiou, explained that " Si'.vf Yorker" meant Gen. Barlow, wbile "John VVing" wm a fictitious ñamo for John N. Tyner. The committee called Mr. Tynor, who proceeded to explain the meining of the cipher telegrama that pased between him and John W. !'i)st?r, of Indiana. He said that the phrafos, "Smith arrangement," ''Brown arrangemour," and the words "certaiu1 and'early" were the ciphers uaod. '-Smith arrangement" ref erred to securing the services of theareeubaekers, which were foiind desirableby the Republicana of Indiana at that time. "Brown arrangement ' meant tho purchaf" of the ludiauapolis Si-„tiiiii. wliii'h was propowed, %m placing it in charge of a competent Greenbackor in order that the Grcenbuck voters shonld be taken trom the Democratie ranks. " Certain " meant $5,000, und "early" meant $10,000. To carry out the former arrangement #5,000 would be rcquircd, and the latter $10,000. As to the dispatches exchangod botween him and Zach Ohandler, Mr. Tyner frtated that in these diapatehes the" pirrases "one Indian Agent" and "two Indian Agente" were respcctively usod to represent 5,(KXI and $10,000. It was estimated that aboiü the smn of 5,000 was necesaary to riay persons for In-inging ont voten, and that $10,000 was the ainount whieh conld bensed to advantage for the logitimate purposes of the Chandler had statcd that the National Committee had about $ 10,000 which it could place to tho credit of Indiana. The money was to be deposited in a New York bank to the credit of the Central Bank of Indianapolis, aa the President of the latter nationul bank raised objections to caahing a draft upon the Stato Central Committeo. Whitelaw Keid, of tlie New York Tributa, was before the Potter Committee on the 30th uit., and explained how he carne into poasession of the cipher dispatches piiblished in that paper. Ho said he recoived a portion of them from William E. Chandler and a portion from Congressman Hiscock. Beforo they woro deciphered, he published oditorials on the subject, with a view to iuducing some one to come forward with a key to tho cipher, hut, that failing, tho copiea were attacked seriouoly. Messrs. Hazard and Grovenor did tho entire work of translation. An Associated Presa dispatch drow attentiqn to tho fact that the cipher usod was an old mining ciphor, and was taken from tho " Household Dictionary. " Tho l'rib)m- experts then procured this dictionary, and tho cipher was plain. The witnesametGov. Tilden about the time the publication of the diapatches commenoed and told hini they were bothered by these ciphers, and ho ought to givo them tlie kev. Tilden replisd in tho same jocular way, and subacquently, at Saratoga, said he did not know anything abont the ciphers, and did not believe auy had been delivered at his house. Keid undcrstood him to mean that he did not even read the telegrama then heing published. The Potter Committee, at its meeting on the Sist inet. , condueted the proceedings in secret. No witnesses wero examiuod. A resolution was adopted that a committee of fivo be sent to New York to taketestimony. Messrs. Mcliahon, Steuger, Springer, Cox, and Hiscock were designated as the committee. THE BtAINE IN-TESTIGAXION. AT CHARLESTON, S. C. A lahge number of witnesses, black and white, Demócrata and Republicana, were ; examined by tlie Teller Committee on the 28th. I William Kilev and Fred Knox, oolored Ropnblicons, of Barnwell county, teatifled that there was i intimidation, and that ina ny Kepublican negroos were afr&id to vote. Thonnis H. Moaos, colored Democrat, and threo white Demócrata testified, on tho other hand, that the electioii in I Barnw oll was peaceable, that there was not a I semblance of iutimidation, and that most of I he negroes Toted the Democratie ticket. Orangeburg county was next takon up, and Sandy Keith, colored Kepublican, and E. A. Webster, white Republican, swore that liepublican meetings were broken up and hundreds of negroes discharged by their employers for voting tho Kepublican ticket. B. Byers, colored Democrat, testifjed to the bulldozing of { colored Demucrais by colored Republicana. The witnesses exarained by the Teller committoe on the 29th uit. gave tostimony I similar in many respecta to that proviously given. Two Republicana testified that Georgetown county was given to the Demócrata by throwing out Republican vators on account of allegod 'informalities. R. Smith, a colored Democrat, was positivo that over ii,0lK) eolored men in Charleston voted tho Democratie ticket at Ihe late election. This closed the inyestiga tion at Charleston, and the committee left foi I Washington.
Old News
Michigan Argus