Fashion Fripperies
Coiffures tend to compaetness, and are wom lower in the back. Ceremonious dinner toilet demand elbow sleeves and lace ruines. Braids or sliort curls down the back are worn with dressy evening coiffures. Ball and evening shoes mvist be trirnrned with a flower or bouquet, but it must be very small and flat. Oriental silks, Persiun and Egyptian silks, satins, velvets, brocades, and corduroys are all used for waistcoats. Very small figures, chocks and stripes on white grounds, are the feature in the new spring calicóes and percales. A doublé cape of heavy silk chenille, with tinsel thread twisted in the same, is the latest novelty for the neck in place of a scarf. White satin dresses of creamy or leaden tint are worn by the elderly ladies for full dress, with full trimmings of creamy oíd point laces. The long waistcoats worn with dressy toilets are separate garmentsand may be worn with several different kinds of coats and skirts. Snake bracelets, winding several times around the aim, and having jeweled eyes, are among late novelties in jewelry and ornaments. Square necks are much worn on low eorsages. V necks are also seen, but round, low necks are preferred by most young ladies for ball toilets. The hat of the passing moment is the equestrienne, in rough gray feit, banded with threo narrow ribbons placed at intervals around the erown. Birds of paradïse, butterflies, and insects of all sorts in form of gold filigree and Impegan feather ornaments are worn in the hair for full drcss.
Old News
Michigan Argus