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Macmahon's Letter Of Resignation

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The following is the text of Marshal MacMahon's letter aniiouiicicg his resignation of the Presidency of the French Keimblic: At the opening of this session of the Chambers the Ministry presented to you a programme which, whilo afforciing satisfaotion to public opinión, appeared to tne 'Cabinet such as might be voted without danger to the security or good administration of the country. Putting asido personal views, I had given the programme to which conscience coinmaiiiled me to remain faithful. ïo-day the Ministiy. thinking to respond to the opinión of the majority in the two Ohambers, propoHCS to me in regard to the military conunanda eome general measures which I consider contrary to the intcrests of th armyf and consequently to those of tho country. 1 oannot subscribe to them. Any other Ministry, taken froni the ma.íority, would impose upon me the saine coaditions. I oonsider niyolf, tlierefore, bound fo shorten the duration óf tho maní1 vte which tlio National Assembly eonflded to i 9, and I therefore tender my rosignatiou. In qóitUog power, I havo tho consolation of thinliing that, during the üfty-three years I have devotcd to _the service of my country as a soldier or Sfhzén, I have never been guided ly eentimentH iïther than by absolute devotiou'tu my oounMy. I request you to commuuicate my decisión to the Chumbera, Jl acMahon, Duke of Magenta.


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