Trotting Horses--the 2:20 Class
The following table sbowiug the nuniber of heats trotted in 2 :30 or better by horses having a record of 2 :20 or less ■was conipiled by Wallacr's Monlhhj, and will be fouud valuable for referGHCG Kanis KMI Alternarle ÍS Golrtsniith Muid S SMok Swlveller 83 Hopeful M Geo. Palmer Si Lula Ml Himnla ïl Smiiíífíler 44Comee 11 Ludlle Gotddnet 87]Ciorie IS American fürl 1B Protelna 15 Occident.! 86 Bodine Ii6 Otoster Ij'.ÜThoB. L. Young 2( n.-xti ■ Si Eilwurd .- SU diid 4H Flora Temiile il Nettie 51 Oomórs ; 5 Judge Full.Tton 1U4 Adelaida ;2 Great Eutem 80 MambriBO Gift 17 Edwin Forrest 3' Fleety Goldrtust IS Lady Tlioru 106 May Queen. . . 28 Ladj-Mauil :s:',;Frank 15 Lucy.. BS Littlc Fred S-l Midnisllt illPruspcro 8 Slow Go 38Nancy Hackett 7 Col. Ia-viíh 11 John H W Amy Ii ïalBonesetter '0 Cozette ro'
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