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Letter From The State Capital

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Ijansing, üeb. i, löy. ( The most important event of the last j week, in this city, was the large gatlier' ing in the House, on Wednesday, known , as the ! WILLIAMS MEMORIAL EXERCISES. Clov. Croswell presided, assisted by Lieut. Gov. Sessions and Speaker Ricb. Among the distinguished men present were the Judges of the Supreme Oourt, the State ofïicers, cx-Gov. Bagley, Hon. G. V. N. Lothrop and others. The committees on the part of hoth houses, consisting of Senators Palmer and Duffield, and Representativea Cottrcll, Allen and Jackson, through Mr. Cottrell, reported a series of resolutions, which were nnanimously adopted by a rising vote. Senator Palmer read a letter from Gen. W. T. Sherman, warmly commending the life, character, and publie acts of the late Gen. A. S. Williams. Mr. Palmer then addressed the convention in favor of the adoption of the resolutions. Among others who addxessed the eonvention, extolling the dead hero, MfB liepresentative Moore, Senators Brown, Hodge and Duffield, Representativos S. V. Hopkins, Campbell and Allen. Hon. Ci. V, N. Lothrop, of Detroit, was called out and spoke eloquently and l'eelingly of tlie many noble traits of character possessed by the deeeased. Mayor Langdon, of Detroit, alluded to the effort being made to raise money to erect a monument in lionor of Gen. Williams. He asked the co-operation of all the friends of the dead hero throughout the State. MAEQTJETTE AND MACKINAC RAILKnAI). A bilí extending for two years the time for building the Marquette and Maekinac railroad, aiter a sharp discussion in the House, was pasaed last Yeunesday. Mr. Thomson, of Sanilac, moved to strike out all after the enacting clause. He said the grant of land was ampie to build the road, yet nothing had been done upon it for two years past. The lands were being kept out of market, and their settlement was rendered impossible. He conceded that the road was an important one to the people of both peninsulas. He thought, however, that the State ought to have some guarantee that the road would be speedily put through. With a still farther extensión of the time, and the improved condition of things, he hoped to see the road eompleted. Mr. Young alluded to the importance of the road to the people of the State. The matter had been pretty thoroughly canvassed in the House, and he hoped the members would act intelligently and promptly. Mr. Campbell strongly urged the passage of the bill. Mr. Moore thought the bilí should be disposed of now, so that action could be taken under it. Mr. McNabb stoutly opposed the bilí. A tliousand men, he said, eacli with a farm oí 1G0 acres, are better than 1,000 miles of railroad. Mr. Thomson finally withdrew his motion to strike ont all af ter the enacting clause, and the bill was agreed to, and, subsequently, passed. INDEMUITY TO INNOCENT PRISON'ERB. Mr. Willett haa intrinliu-ecl !i bill in the House, which should have been a law long ago, as it Í3 but simple justice betweon man and man. It provides tlmt -n-henever any person, by false swearing, mistaken identity, or other causes, is convicted of crime, confmed in the State prison at Jankson, and afterward pardoned by the Governor on evidenee establishing his or her innocence, such person shall have a claim on the State for compensation at the rate of $1 for each and every day falsely imprisoiied. The claim shall be made at the court where the conviction was made, and the person shall produce a certifícate of the Warden, showing how many days he or she was deprived of liberty in the prison. christiancy's resignation, so near at hand probably, has caused quite a flutter among the Kepubltcan politicians in the Legislature and throuehout the State. As I write, the Senator has most likely reachecl his liome in this city. As is well known, although far ulvanced in years, he lias a youiig and fashionable wife. A few years since, he erected a flne residence in Lansing. Bnt jnst now the queslion among the politieians is, " Who shall succeed Christiancy as United States Senator?" With the Ëepublioan politieians Chandler is still strong and jjopular, altliough, as was the case four years ago, some members o the Legislature, among his own party, can not be induced to support him. Ex. Gov. Bagley, of Detroit, has many political friends, who would be glad to see him in the Senate. It is understoocl here that -.Tudge Ohristiancy's resigiiation takes effect March . THE INVESTIGATIONS. The joint committees on the Insane Asylum at Kalamazoo will resume their labors in that village next Tuesday. They have been authorized to send for persons and papers, and they will have a stenographer to aid in taking testimony. The committee appointed to investigate the State printing make very slow ])rogresa, having done little or nothing up to this date. GAME LAWS. There has been considerable debate upon matters pertairing to pigeons, deer and elk. Many pigeons and n large numberof deer are anmially transj'urted from Michigan. If the stoughttr goes on, the nuinber of these birds and noble deer will continue to " grow small by degrees and beautifully loss." THE LONG KECEPH. Til e Legislatura now takes its accustomed long vacation, to enable the committees to visit the State institutions. Whether this is wise or not, peoj)le will hold opposite views thereon. My own opinión is that the practice is not wise or necessary. A " exit and dried " visit is a humbug and a delnsion. G. W. II.


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