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Michigan Legislature

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Monda Y, Jau. 27.- Sen ate. -The following billa were iutroduced : By Mr. Huston, to egulato attornoys' and solicitors' feoa in mortgagea, and ou the forecloaure of the saine: by Mr. Childs, to amend an act eoneeruing churchoB and religioua eocieties, establiah uniform rules for the acquisition, teuure, control, and dispo'ition of proporty eonvoyed or dedicated for religtbna purposes; by Mr. Btowb, to authoiize the county of Kalamazoo to raiee money by taxation to buy and improve gronnda for agricultura! fair pnrpose; by Mr. Bell, to amend an act uranttng and deflning the powcrs and duiies of i iioorporatíid villages: by Mr. Chamborlain. relating to the support of the poor by townships ; by Mr. ïluston, to amend an act relating to conrta held by Justicea of the I'eace ; also, to amend an act to incorpórate tlie villago of Vasar; relativo to entry f ees in the Circuit Conrt. . . . Tbis body conaumed much time iu committee of the whole. House. - Billa were iutroduced: By Mr. Ferguson, to prevent disseniination of the disease known aa yellowB in peach tree; by Mr. Turck, for surveying and establishing aection corners of unsurveyed lauda ; albo, relativa to primary achools; by Mr. Moulton, retative to couduct of electioiiH and canvaaaing i'ud declaring the retult.. . .Billa paaeed: To incorpórate the village of Petoskey City; to amend an act rolaUve to Justices' coufte; to authorize the mee of iiijum-tiüiiH 1y Circuit Judges of I joining judicial distrieta in ocrlain caaes. Tuer))AY, Jan. :.';i- Senate.- Billa passed: To próvido for the care and preservation of astates of peraons missing or absent and poaeü to be dead; to mthorizo boardsof hcaltli ] ín cities, víII.ikc índ townships to fürtlisfa vaceination to inhabitanta therenf . . . ..loint , resolutions ere passed : Asfcing Congress for un appropriation for the improvement of the oh&nnel of Lalie St. Clair, at the mouth of' Clinton river, and for dredging of the ehaunel of said river; tö ai.l úi BSönrtag homestead riglits to se.ttlers upön pártala socallod railroad lands in tho conntk-a of Allegan, Ionia, Kent, Muckegon, aud Ottawa Billa introchieed : To próvido a remedy against persona selling llquors to Imsbands or children in certain caaes ; by Mr. Duffield, relativo to the prohibition of tho taxation, aBaesomcut and collection of Ilegal feea by county officera, and to poilish the violaüon thereof by procedÍBgi in i the Circuit Conrts; by Mr. Hewitt, relativo to the rato of interest 011 money; alao, to araend an act rclatiug to interest upon inatallmenta falliug due on written contracta A. petition from the Katon county Supervisors was received, aaliing for the paasage of a bilí to prevent donblo asHctismeiitH. Houhe. - BíIIh passed: Relativo to duties of Connty Clerks and County Treaaurers; incorporating the villagea of Petosltey and Ishpeming Billa íntroduccil: Üy Mr. McCormick, relativo to appeal frora judgmouts of Juatice3 ofthe Peace by perso.a convicted in criminal cases; by Jir. Jaclion, autliorizing the township of áault Ste. Marie, iu Chippewa county, to borrow monoy to pay any judgminta againHt said township, and to bond the townsmp for paymentof highway iudebtcdiicaa ; byMr. Shattuck, for the appoiñtment of Connnissiouers and Inspector of Lumbcr, and to define their duties ; by Mr. Cutchcun, relativo to suminonsos from Justices' courts ; by Mr. Young, for incorporation of Scandinavian societiea; by Mr. Moore, for the establishment of wills dnnng tho lifc of tcHtators; byMr. Moulton, relativo to judgmouts of Justices of tho Peace, and other ófteers ; by Mr. Moulton, for the onlistment, organiziition, eqnipment and Klustering into the State service f a military company at Grand Kapide; byMr. luouiton, reiauve to appeaia iiuni j umicuo conrts; by Mr. Moulton, relative to dockets of Justiccs of Peaee in criminal and quasi-criminal cases: byMr. Bowen, for an appropriation for the support of the State Keforcn School for 18T0 and 1880; by Mr. Bowen, for an apSropriation for a chapol, new cottage or wing, aciitional dormitory aocommodations: by Jlr. üoobel, for railroád from Detroit to eome point on LakeSt. Clair; by Mr. Monltou, relative to feosof Justices of the Peaeeaml constables; by Mr. Sawyèr.'providing for salaries of State ofiioeiB 'The usual flood of kerosene oiland deer petitions poured in A remonstrance was made against the passage of the Sentte bill providing that tire Probate Judges of Ingham county have power to appoint a Probate Kegister .... Representativo Gould introdneed a resolution to prohibit oard playing in the committee rorms, poötofiice, cloak room, etc, of the Capitel. Quite an interesting debate aróse. Tne matter was indcnintely postponed A resolution was introdueed to properly investígate the charges brongbt against W. ft. George & Oo., State Printers, to the efffet that they use a peculiar style of type wliieh increases the cost of printing to the" State by 8 per cent. ; also that that flrm have procured their contract with the State by bribing other contractors k) withdraw Vtiilw Wednekday, Jan. 3ft - Senate. - Bills introduced : By Mr. Conant, to amend an act for the incorporation of asBociations for yachting, huuting, etc; by Mr. Chamberlaiu, to amend j act providing for the dispqsdtion of funds derivcd from the eale of intoxieating liquors; by Mr. Ambler, to amend act on courts held by Justices of the Peaee; by Mr. Billings to amend au act to provide for the exercine by religious societies of corporate powers for certaiu purposes. House.- Bills wero introduced: By Mr. Parsons, authorizing the Ladies' Library Association of Kalamazoo to hold proi)erty, real and personal ; by Mr. Ward, relative to graded and high schools; by Mr. Palmer, to amend law for iucorporating companies for miuing, smelting, andmanufachuingiron, eopper, sil ver, mineral coal, and other ores; by Mr. Hill, to prevent tramping and vagrancy; by Mr. Donnelly, for taking private propertyfor public use j and'oponing streets and ulleys i cities and lages; byMr. Doimelly,to authorize formatiou of gaa-liglit eompanies: by Mr. Willet, foreompensating peraons who msy kereafter suffer false impiisomnent in the State prisons at Jackson or Ionia ; by Mr. Donnolly, to amend the act rela - tive to incorporation of mutual fire-insuranee companies Bills passed: Mr. Griffej's bill to extend the time two years fov the tion of a railroad from the Straits of Mackinaw to Marquette harbor, whieh appropriates sixteen sections of swamp land per mile to any railroacl company that Mimi! i-uimtmut and oomÊlete such railroad in running order before ee. 31, 1881; to amend the law relative to Boards of Health in cities and villages; to amend the act to provide for the organization, regulation and management of tho asylums for the insane, and offectnally to provide for the care, raaintenance and recovery of the insane. Joint Session. - Both branches of tho Legislatura assembled this afternoon in Representativos Hall to unite in doing honor to the memory of Congressman A. S. Williams, reeently deceased. AU State officials and many prominent men from Detroit were preseut. Eulogistic resolutiona were drafted by a joint Dommittee, aml read in an impressive manner by Representativo Cottrell. Short laiidatory speeches were also made by different mombers. ; Thursday, Jan. 30. - Sjlxate. - Bills were passed: To amend the law relating to churches and religious societies ; to amend the law relating to foreclosure of mortgages by advertisement; t ameud the act prescribing proceedings against debtors by attachment Bills introduced: By Mr. Weir. to cliange the commeucement of the fiscal year of the city of Detroit from the lst day of February to the 1st day of July, and tó authorize the Common Council to provide means to maintain the City Government during the interm occasioned by sucb. chango; by Mr. Cochrane, to amend the act establishing the Detroit House of Correction and authorizing the confiuement of convicted persons therein ; by Mr. Moore, to incorpórate tiie villago of Eidgeway in the county of Macomb; byMr. Conant, to amond the law relating to coürts held by Justices of the Peace; also to amend the compiled laws of 1HT1 relating to replevin of beasts distrained; by Mr. Hine, to prevent the infection of footrot amoDg sheep; by Mr. Ambler, to amend tho act governing courts held by JusticeH of the Peace. House. - Bills were passed : To authorize the village of Au Sable to borrow money to be used in construeüon of a bridge, and to issue bonds therefor; to legalize the election of officer of certain school district, which provides that any election heretofore held in any other manner than by ballot is legal and valid ; making an appropriation for the State Reform School to cover the deficiency in expenses for the year 1ST8, whieh appropriates $3,622.51; to incurporato the village of Marcellus A joint resolution was passed to amend section 1 of article 14 of the constltution of the State, relative to speoitie real estáte taxes Bills introduced : Bv Mr. Campbell, relative to courts in chancery ; by Mr. White, relative to payment of expenses of Circuit Judgos; by Mr. Campbell, relative to inaurance ; by Mr. Ward, I elative to observanco of the flrst day of the week ; by Mr. Henderson, amending the law relative to iiin and hotel keepers ; by Mr. Gqebel, relative to actions agaicst railroad companies for negligonee; by Mr. Eastbrook, amending the city charter of East Saginaw; byMr. Chcney, forthe relief of the State treaeury by the collectiou and payinent of certain assessments on logs and timber rloated in ölê rivers and waters of Michigan ; bv Mr. Turck, authorizing the election of Town Drain Commistnoucrs aud empowenng them to lócate, establish and construct ditrhes, drains and water-oödbse; hp Mr. Cbeney, to amond the act of ineorrtoratipn of the villsige of Itookford; by Mr, J. Btrong, relative to Conntv Suyerintendènts ot' Foor; by Mr. Stanehtield, relativo to public roade througb orchards; by Mr. Littoll, toopontlio Agrirultural College and all educational institvrtions of the State for the educatiou of femalea: by Mr. Tnvok, relative to frandnlent and p&Tl-plid sharea of tho stock of railroad compaaies; by Kr. Kstabrook, to regúlate tho responsïbility of insuranee agente doing business in Michigan; by Mr. Estabrook, to proteet ownera of property upon the waters of Lalte Michigan and me bania and shoree thereof. Fkiday, JaD. 81. - Senate. - A bilí wae passed to amend the law relative to foreclosure of mortgage by advertisement Bills introduced : By Mr. Weir, to amend the laws governing courts held bj Jnsiicea of the Peaco; by Mr. Shoemaker, to umml the law for the incorporation of fire inaurance companics; by Mr. Farr, to próvida for takiug appeals in j'ustices' courts. Hotjse. - Bill wère introduced, as followa: By Mr. Hall, to make an appropriation for the Agricnltural College; by Mr. Baldwin, te amend the law relative to tho size of packing bárrela for fruita and vegetables; by Mr. Mosher, to regúlate the sale of intoxicating lïqSörs; by Mr. Henderron, to amend tho law relative to divorce f rum bed and board; by Mr. McGurck, to organizo the county of Custer; by 5tn Holt, to protect the ówners of log lumber and timfcer Hoating in or lying-oathe banks of the waters of this State'; joint resohitinii uithonziug the Board of Auditora to iMU land scrip in lieu of outatanding internal improvemont warrants ; by Mr. C. H. Hopkins, to authorizi) the Uovornor to cause an annual inspection of Uie Michigan Academy, comniiwion it.s ollici r. iml appoint it graduatea brevet Seoond Lieutenants in tho State militia Bills passed : House bill to rostore ti market oeriain swamp lands in Gratiot county; Honse bill to amend the law relative to liighway offleers; House bill nlativo to the salaries of county oflicnrs. . . .Tlio Legisiature adjournod to-day till the lOth, in order that the Logislative committees miglit have an opportiuiify to visit the various ölte Instttutjons.


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