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Boston has 400 miles of street lights Bichmond, Va., claims 79,000 inkabitants. Deaths on the Atlantic steamers have boen unusually numerous of late. A number of horses have been poisoned in Kansas by being fed raw cnstor beans. An unprecedented amount of lumber is being cut in the Michigan pineries tL is winter. It costs Russia jiearly $125,000 to have her newspapers supervised in the interest of order. The total debt of the city of Philadelphia is $71,835,101, a decrease of $1,000,000 on last year. The distress among the poor in Halifax is considered greater than it has been for many years past. A Philadelphia firm bas just contracted to construct a railway and canal in Mexico, which will open Matamoraa to trade. Ik a woman were to change her sex, why conld she no loLger be a Christiun? Because she would be a he(a)then. Thfke are now 186 American vessels employed in the whale fishery, with an aggregate tonnage of 40,603. New Bedford, Mass., owns 132 of them. "Ukcle Tom's Cabin" was produced in Berlín, recently, -nith great saecess. The play was done in Germán, but the colored fraternity sang in English. The quails were made to quail during the cold weather in ühio, Indiana, Kentucky and Illinois, and sportsmen say that most of these birds have either frozen or starved to death. In Buenos Ayres a great open-air meeting of 12,000 to 15,000 persons was held to protest against the enormous. taxes just imposed by the Provincial Legislature on tobáceo and aboholic driiiks. Ax Irish gentleman ha ving purehased an alarm doek, an acquaintance asked him what he intended to cl o with it. "Och!" answered he, "sure I've nothing to do but pull the string nd wake myself." Dkied apples and oord-wood are not takea at par for subscriptions by the Watsonville (Cal.) Transcript, whieh adopts as its motto : Wc do not belong to onr patroi.s: ünr paper is wholly our own; Whocver may like it may tafce it. Who don't may just let it alone. James) James, probably the oldest man in Texas, recently died, aged 111 years 6 months and 22 days. He -was born near the Red House, Prince William county, Va., May 10, 1764. In his 109th year lie cultivated a waterníelon patch and realized off the same $125. Two thousakd .Indians dweil im Lower Canada, one-half of whom are Catliolics. They join the Kanuck Ciiristian names to those of beasts and -wear them as family names, viz : Jean Baptiste Horse, Charles Louis Bear. They speak French andaré industriors, but poor. Tbere are forty-eight tramways in the United Kingdom, with L1,207,350 expended capital and 2G84 miles of track, 1,124 cars and 9,222 horses. The roads carried, last year, 146,001,223 passengers, their total receipts being L1,145,465, and the net receipts L230,966, or 5 per cent. on the capital. Veiiy young girls of 12 or 14 years of age wear the hair in two long Swiss braids, tied with ribbons to match the dress ; for a full dress a little bunch of liliesof-the-valley or roses or me-nots are w-orn on the side ol tne heart. Older girls wear the liair in rolled curls tumed up at the back, thus forming a low chignon, at the side of wliich is worn a bunch of flowers. In addition to the ancieut ceremony of serving up a boar's head at Queen's College, Oxford, on Christmas day, another curious and ancient custom, that of presenting a threaded needle to each person dining in the college hall on New Year's day, is still observed. After the driuking-horn has been passed round the Senior Burser presenta each guest with a ueedle, threaded with silk of red, black and blue, representing the thrte fácultiesof medicine, divinity and law, enjoining them to take it and be thriíty.


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Michigan Argus