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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DU. TVYI-OK. ATTOÜNEY AT LAW, . Chelsea, Micu. TJIWAI-D MACLK N, M. !., Pliyeician and J Surgeon. Oñico and residence, 71 Huron street, Ana Arbor. Office hours früin 8 to 9 a. m. nd froin 1 to 3 p. m. MUS. SOPHIA VOLI.AND, M. I., Physician and Surgeou. Office at residence, 41 Ann ptret-i. Will at-end to all professional calis promptly, day and night. WH. JACKSON, Dentigt. Office corner of Maiu and Washington atreet, over Bach k Abel's Btore, Anii Arbor, JVTieli. Anesthetics administercd if required. WM. WAO NUK, dtaler in lleady-Made 01 oth iug, Cluthn, Caasimercs, Veslings, ïrunks Carpet Baga, etc., '21 Suuth Main street. CSOHAKHKKLK. Teacher of Ilie Piano-forte. Pupüs attain the debired skill in piano-playiug by a systenmtie course of instrucliou. For terms, upply at residence, No. 12 W. Liberty Btreet, Ann Ar .or. Prompt attention paid to piauo-tuning. FHUEA.UFF & OORBIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW. E. K. FU !E UBT, Juutice of the I'eaca. All bnwiuess prumptly attendod to. Office No. 8 East Washington street, Rinsey & Seabolt's block. HEXBY K. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer In Keal Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Office, No 3 Ooera Honse Bock, ANN ARBOR. EVEEÏBODÏ SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUGH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arbot Fomth St.eet, Eautof Court Houw; Ut Hoer. J. H. ISTICKELS, FREH & SALT ME ATS, Bmi, sna;o, Lard, etj., STATE 8TBEET, OPP(JSITE NOUI'HWEST COKNEK OF UNIVEES1IY O iMPUS. Orders promptly Olled, Farmers having meats to soll should give hun a culi. 15(18-yl THE ANN ARBOE, SAVINGS BANK Ann Arbor, Michigan. Capital palcl in 8 50,000.00 Capital seciirity 100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking Busineps ; bujs and sells Exchaiige on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; sells Sight Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe; a!so, Bella Passage Ticke'.s to Liverpool, London and Glasgow, via theAncbor Line of Steamships, whose rates are lowcr thaa most other firstclass liiacs. This Bank, already haviDg a large business, invite merchante and others to open accounts with them, with the asaurauce of the most liberal dealing consistent with Bafe banking. In the Saviags Department interest is paid ''■ annually, on the flrat days of January and July, on all suma that were deposited three months previous to those dïys, thua affording the people of this city and connty a perfcctly safe depository for their f imds, together with a fair return in interest ior the sanie. Money to Loan on Approved Securitleg. Directobs- Christian Mack, W. W. Wines W D Harriman, Daniel Hiseock, R. A. Beal, TVm. Deubel and Wülard B. Smlth. ' OFFICERS: CHK1STIAN MACK, W. W. WIJES, Preside' t. vice President CHAS. E. HHC0CK, Cashier. A CARD. The undersigned respcctfully informs hls friendi and the public of Anu Arbor and vicinity. that h has purchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Bye Stuffs, C-c., Formerly owned by thi !atp George Grenville and l that he wil continue the drug butiuess, in all its branches, at the old tand, NO. .■; .SOI'TII MAIN SXK1ÍKT. By giving strict attention to business, and sellirg soods at reasonable iric:es, he hopes to merit a share i of Ihe public patronage. tW Particular attention will b paid to the compouniing and fllliu of Phys.cians' Prencriptiona by competent assistants. EMANUEL M4.NN Ann Arbor, March 25, 1878. ÏBERBACH & SON, ürnLLists anfl Pftarmacists, i 12 South Main St., Ht on hand a large and well Belei-tcd stook of DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEMICALS, DYE STÜFFK ARTfSTS' & WAI FLOWER MATERIALS Toilet Artlclcs, Trusses, Etc. PURE WIKES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furuithiiig of Phy sicianB, Chemirts, Sclioo'e, etc., with Puilosopbica ud Cheuúcal Apparatu, Bohnraian Cliemica Glaesware, l'orcelaiu Ware, Pure üeagents, etc. PbysKduu' (,rcscri)itiou cartfmly ureiiared Hhour' A Spíirfini (íoveriior. Gov. Roberts, of Texas, aflects an austere and Bpartan life. While at work in bis office a correspondent describes him thus : "He was seated on a Bplint-bottom chair at a plain table covered with boolis, pamplilets, aad papera. In the middie of the room stood a bed with common quilt thrown across the top like a blanket over a horse's back. The fireplace and mantelpiece are of the primitive kind ; all the carpet i burned away in front, and at the side stands the broom by which the room is Bwept. A clieap 'little washstatid stands in one corner of the room, and the whole place looks for the world like a half-kept student's room at college.'


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Michigan Argus