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STUAYED, Fit OM ilic snbscnlicr in Ann Arhor, ahnul Julv 1. D Inrge red OX. with n wliiiu fier-. góino wliiio iimlrr thi' bèlly, I I ye;irs old. VVIji ever wlll return s:iil O.. or eive nformttliun vvhere Uo nny l" founfllo ihe snl)scrilior, on ihe Bnrdwel) fariu, in Ann ArbOr. shall bc übenlly resvanlii). J M. WILDER. , Arbory An. 17, 184f. Ü7r-;fNEW MUSIC. n v e . i v e s junior. THE MOZAIIT COLLECTIONOFSACRBD MUStG,a collectionof new Churcli tmisic, cuiisisiing of l'snlin and Hymn tunes, nmlicms, chanis &.c, adaptcd to the variuus metros novv in use. (vntaimpg a neto vutltoil oj iitstruclion in t! e ruitinicnts of Masic, dcsigneJ or Singing Schoolt-, Musical Associations. Ciuircli Choirs and private Jnstitutions. Beinp the publishersbelicvo, the beat collo tiun oí new Music r.vcr publishod in this country. 'J'he Dook will be circulated in aü the montli of September. Tenther9 who cannot cali on (hc Puhhshers vll lind copies ( jr c.xnmination at the principal Boukselleis iliroughout the United States. l'AINE & BURGESS. Publishcrs, t5() Johv Sr. Nkw York. 2Vew York. Aug. 8, I8U5. 27Ö-4w IVÉS MÜSÍCAL SERIES. The Musical ABC, a method for teaching (herudinicnts of Music. witli songs to sweeten sturly. Jte'ail. $U,25 Th6 Musical Spcllinpr Book for Schools.' wiih Musical recrcaiion asa relief froin siu!y, r)f) Tho Musicnl Reader, ].0() The Bet hoyen Colleciion, ].Q0 Tfie Mozirt Colleciion of Church Music. consisting of new and pleasing tunea adapied to ihe uscot" Sirigin Schools and Church Choirs For sle at 1'i.kky's Booksiouk, Ann Arbor. Micliiiííin. "a. c mgraw & co., Are now reccivingtheir Fall Stock of Boots & Shocs Whicli have been 6clcctcd with niuch care for the IVholesalc Trade. nnf-IEY now respectfully request the MerX. chants of Michigan and adj icent States, to examine their cxtensive siock wnich will lc hdIiI at very low prices for cash or npproved credit. Having for the last fiftcen years eold more Goods at rctnil tbau ony other House in Michigan, they feel l'ully persuadcrl that their selcetion .e to price, qualü.ij, and sz s, will suit the wants of the peoplo. Their stock of Lcathcr and Findings is nlso complete. The rctnil trade continúes ns usual on the first floor. Corner of Jkkfekson asij Woodward Avknües. . C. McGRAW, & CO. Detroit, Aug. 22, 1646. 2lrt-lyDISS0LUT10N. THE Co-pnrtncrship heretofore existing under ihc name and firin of D. &. E. Lcsuer. is by mutual consent this doy dissolved. All those who are indebied to said firtn ly note or oilu-rwise aro requosied to cnll and settlf the same without delay with E. Lesuer, whots authorizcd to adjust ihe business. DAVID LESUEÏt, KRASTUS LESUER. Ann Arhor. Au?, 13. J-4G. 27S-(iw TAKE NUTICE ! Ip J.KSUER will continuo business nt the J old stand, wherc he will hold himwlf in !;i( to wait om bis ciistomers in the brgstyle and at iho shoriest notice. Goods plenty - pnces Iow - cali and sce for yourelves, 278-Cw MEDICAL 1W0KS. AItJEw lot of Medical Books. just opencd and for salo rheap for cash at June I"). 270-tf Pkrrv'í. TO FARMERS! ASCREWsuital.le for a Cider Presa. íor sale ver Iow at the Machino Shop of ÍJ.&R. PARTRI DG E. Ann Arbor, Aur. II), 184f. 277tf THE LIBERTY MINSTREL OE HUNDRED COPIES of the fifth Hilion ot this hiijhly popular wnrk are lor sale at t!ie Siirnal ollico nt '() cenis single, or $4,50 per dozen. Terms Cash. Nnw is the lime for Ltlieny choirs to supply themselves. Iicathcr ! Lcnlhcr ! ! 1000 Sides Sole Leathcr, rl)0 dö Hirness do 200 do Bridle do 10) dozen Cal f Skins, 5) do Upper Lenther. sale by ELDIIED & CO. 27ü-tf 123 Je.Terson Avenue. Detroit.ANN ARBOR TUE undersigned liavinpr purclinsed ihc in terestsofhis partner in ilio Marble Busjüess. wauld iifonn tlio inlialiiinn's of thisnnd adjoining couniics, tl) a t lie onmin nes the business nt the oíd stnnd in Upper Town. ncnr tho Presbyicrion f'hurch. wlirre !p will n'nuracitire to ordr. Monumenls, Orive filones Painl Slonc, Tabrs, $c. fa. Tliosc wÍ8hinj to obtain nny nrtiele in hifi lino of business will find hy callins; tlint be lins nn nssortinent f White and Variegated M'irble from tlie Kaslorn Mnrble Qu'irries, whtcli will be wrouebt in Modern siyle. nnd sold nt castrrn priccs. fldiüng traiiüporiaiion only. C$U nnd ge' ibeproöf. .1. M. ROCKWKLL. Ann Arbor. .Tuly 9, }$4(. 272 I y WIÏ,I,lAM"RriVOYES, JK, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC Hardware and Cutlery, Nnüs, Glnss. CarponfetSj Cooper's and Ulocksmiih's 'Pools. Also. ilnnnficinrer of Coppcr. Tin Ware. No. 7ü, Woodward Avenue, Detroit. 24c!-lv