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- Manchesterpeople indulge iu" phautom" sooials. - Miss Couthoui is expected to read in Ypsilanti, Feb. 19. - 2G9 children wero enrolled in Doxtor'a school during January. - The famous Eatou-Day, Ypsilanti slander case will probably be appealed. - Ypsilanti Firo Department give a ballthia evening. Shake your feet for $1. - Soarlet fever closod Taturack, and whooping cough Hammond Schools in York. - A railioad meeting set down at Manchester for Fob. 4, was adjourned to the 21st.. instant. - Prospects are that three business blocks will be erected in Manchester the ensuing suininer. - Preparations are being made to put up sevoral dweiling houses in Hilan as soon aa spring opens. - Exainiuation of Christian Henrich of Freodoni for alleged rape, has been adjourned until the 24th instant. - Samuel Thorn of Manchester oontemplates going to Kansas where he pro-empted 1G0 acres of land last fall. - Mrs. Ofikley has sold her interestin the Carpenter farm near Mooreville to James Soeley of Ypsilanti. Consideration $1,800. - Assistod by Speil's orchestra from Detroit, the Musical Union of Ypsilanti innouncean entertainment on the evening of March 7. - Dwelliug of Hugh Fate, two miles uorth of Moorevilla lately burned, suining all the houaehold goods of its tenant, Mr. Couse. - The annual inspection of the Ypsilanti State Normal School and its workings was made by the visiting committee from Legislature last week. - Albert Younglove of Ypsilanti, the AuguHta township farmer who was recently so sevorely injured while outting timber, it is now thought will recover. - The Grand Lectuxer as well as masonic District Deputy are expected to visit Manchestor on March 4 and 5 for iustruotive purposos. Noighboring lodges will be represented. - County Treasurer Pairchild has settled with all the town collectors save those of Ann Arbor, Ypsilanti, Saline and York. These have had time for col lection of taxes extended, some twenty others, fiiteen days. -The State Normal Ploiades of Ypsilanti have electedthö following officers: President- Mary Essig ; Vioe President - Ida Spoor; Recording Secrotary - Sarah Ball ; Corresponding Seoretary - Mattie Essig; Treasurer - Mary Fort. - Special attention isgivenby tho editor to the correctness of the local market reports in the AllGUS. It is oorrected weekly froni personal interviews between dealers and the editor, and may thereforo be relied upon by our farmer-producing readers. - Says the Manchester Enterprixe: " We are informed by competent authority, that the estáte of Elias Haire, deceased, will uot be ablc to pay more than 10 or 15 cents per dollar upon the non-securedindebtedness. Theestate boing encumbered by rnortgage, etc." - Horrigan and Patney, charged with stealing from the two tanneries in silanti, were brought before Justice Skinner oneday last week but on account of the illness of the principal witness they were, in default of bail, sent to the county jail to await an examination on the 14th inst. - This is valentiue day. Small boys improve it by getting a dig at a rival who has supplanted hini in his girl's affections. Grown people use it to reduce the sizti of vain-glorious folks and remind theruof their faulta. Altogether it serves to settle a good many old scores, and, in a way not particularly disagreeable. - An important real estáte transaction is on the tapis in Ypsilanti and will probably soon be consummated. The talked-of movement provides for the erectiou of a largo block of stores, a hotel and an opora house. The improvement would be a great one to Ypsilanti, and the citizens earnestly hope that the sale will be made. - Democratsof Washtenaw are remindod by the cali elsewhere published, of the county convention to be holden in this city on Wednesday, Feb. 2G, at 11 A. M., at Fireinen's Hall, to elect twelve delegates to attend the state covention at Lansing on the 28th instant. The figures opposite each town and ward show the nuinber of delegates each is entitled to. - Michael Horrigan, the young man arrested in Detroit and brought to Ypsilanti on a charge of burglary in being implicated with Calvin Putney in the robbery of Holand's warohouse, wag, togother with Putney, sent to the county jan at Aan Arbor to await examination set down for to-day. The adjournment in the case was caused by the sickness and non-attendance of the principal witness, Howland. - At a special meeting called at Grange Hall, in the village of Chelsea, February 8, represented by many of the best farmers of ten townships of Washtenaw county, after a long and spirited discussion, a Farmers' Mutual and Protoction and Defenso Association was organized for the purpose of co-operating with other associations already organized to protect themselves, as farmers, against those who are claiming royalty on the Lee & Teal farm gate, and also against any patent right itcindle. The following officers were elected . President, Chas. H. Wines, Chelsea ; secretary, John Cook, Chelsea ; treaeurer, Henry Twotnly, Dexier ; executive committee, C. M. Davis, Sylvan ; Wui. Glenn and Dexter Sweet, Waterloo ; Darlius Joslin, Linden. Just opened a f'uli liue of Cottons in all the dosirable makes and width at extreniely low prices, and a full assortment of Hamburg Embroideriea in unusually choice patterns, at ctf Mack & Schxiid's. New Prints just received, the choicest st-leotiona of all tho bost makes of Sbirt ing and Dress Prints, at Gtf Mack & Sciihid's. - Senator-elect Jonas of Florida used to be a carpenter.


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