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- There wero no chapel exercisea this weck owing to tho examinations. - The rocent action of the ltogentg is the leading topio mnong tho students. - The Junior Lawa willhavoa "quiz" twico a week the remaindyrof the term. - The Laws gave Professor Cooley a rousing weloome at bis flrst appearance after the Rogent's meeting. -The lOth annual reunión of the ' Phi Delta Phi" will be held at Armory Hall, February 21st, 1879. ■ - The address to tho law students on Washington's birthday is to be given by Henry M. Cheover of Detroit. - The great affair of the seaaon, tho "Junior Hop," comes off at Armory Hall this evening. A grand time is promised thoso attending. - About fivo hundred students assisted in the serenading of the members of the Legislature and tbo Eegents at Mr Beal's last Friday evoniiig. -Prof. J. C. Preeman of the Chicago University, and a gradúate of Michigan University, class of '68, has been chosen professor of English Literature in the Wiscongm Univorsity. - It is reported that Professor Morris has sent in hisresignation, which ia now in the hands or President Angel!, and that he will accept a professorship in the John Hopkins University. - Prof. Geo. S. Morris, one of our most distinguished professors, has been invited to accept the chair of philosophy and ethics in the University at Baltiraore, Md. He will accept and leavo at the end of the present year. - Fullowing is the prograinnie of exercises of tho Webster society for this evening : üration - G. A. Laubscher. Boading- Fritz Morris. Dobate- Re sol vod, That religión has more influence over the poople of the United States than the law has. Afirmativa - G. D. . Michlejohn, A. F. Hanson. Negativa - , W. C. Hudson, I. C. Bush. - At a meeting of tho Athletic asso. ciation Friday evening, thoLaw Lecture Room was crowded. Professor M. C ; Tyler opened the meeting with a very . interesting discourse ou the different college gymnasiums, their work, ex. pense of erection, the colleges having , gymnasiums, etc. He then reviewed the , proceedings of a meeting some ten years sincc, where the subject was diacussed by tho lïogents, and the question laid on tho table until now. He hoped the students would tako the quostion from the tablo aud by their own efFürta raise the thirty thousand dollars nocessary. Judge Cooley in his usual happy vein followod with Borne remarks showing the great necessity of a gymnasium. - Then followed Professor Duuster and President Angelí, all hoartily endorsing the movement, and offoring the students their support at all times. The students are in oarnest on the subject and a great many are joining the association. - Thefollowinggentlemen composing the University Glee Club, left thia morning for Flint and Pontiac to give a concert in each placo thia evening and to-morrow evening respectively : I. C. Goff, Director. Messrs. Banks, Buffet, Hodgeand Smoot, first tenors. Buckley, Haunuuj, Loomis and Durgin, second tenors. Richards, Hurd, Parker and Wood, first bass. Chase, Grant, Kirkland and Oiborne, second bass. - At a joint meeting of the Senior and Junior classes of the Law Department held after lectures Tuesday, tho following resolutions wero offered by the committee and ununimously acoeptod by the students: To the Alumni and frieuds of Michigan Univer - sity : Wheeeas, At a meeting of the Regents of the U. of M., held Feb. Ith, 1379, the following resolution was adopted on motion of Rogent Rynd. Whereai, We have reasuu to believe that the leetures in the Law Department are irregular and frequently omitted by different professors lor many uays and even weeks at a time, to the great detriment of that department ; thcrefore, Resolved, That the Executive Coinmittee be direeted to inquire into the facts, and report at the neit meeting of thia board the exteut to which this habit of absenting themaelves from duty at the regular lecture honra has been practiced by the professors in the Law Department, as near as the ame can be ascertaiued, during the present college year. nd Whsreas, Since we have been in attendance wpon the lectures during the last two years, we believe ouiselves to be in a better position than auy others to know of anyomissions or inattention on the part oí our faculty in the discharge of their duties, if any sucl: Hiere has been. And Whkbkas, The insinuations made in the resolution passed, not only reñects upon our faculty in the positions they occupy and on tlieir private characters as high minded gentlemen, but also afftct injuriously the welfare and standing of the whnlfi (lpnürtmimt AnH Whbheas, No such omiasions or nogligences as are rcferred to have occurred within the last two years, but on the contrary we know thut our leeturors havo faithfully discharged their duties to us as a department, aud besides have ever mmifested a Hvely interest in the progresa of tLe students aa was esjieoially showu in the gratuitous examinatiuna wilh whicli Judge Cooley favored the Júniora last year. and in extra lectules delivered by uil the professors. And Whekeas, ïhe Law Department of Michigan University ia second to noue in thia country. It has become a aource of revenue to the mstitution. The Regenta themselven in their last memorial to the Legislature say, " The Law College ia exceedingly prosperous and much more than aelf-sustaining." Itarapid growth and efficiency is due eutire-" ly to the untiiing faithfulness of the present faculty, eonsisting of men eminent for theic legal learning and virtuea, appointed and holding their present poaitiona on account of their special iitnesa aa inatructors. Over 400 studenta attracted from 28 States and from forein landa are at present availing themselvea of the advantages it offera. Be it therefore Resolved, That the above resolution in the slurs and insulta it impliedly oifers to the Law professors is wholly falae and without justidcation. And be it further Kcsolved, Tliat this action of the Regents could not have come from diainterested motives , and we appeal to the Alumni of the Univetsity, the Prese, and the people of Michigan to save the best intereats of our Department from irreparable injury. Signed, GEO. M. BLAKE, Chairman, H. M. W00DP01U), J. J. MÜNN, C. E. EPLEU, R. B. MoNIGIIT, K. MIHILLS. Adopted by the whole department without a diesenting voice. February llth, 18T9.


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