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- Whooping cough in Clinton. - Hillsdale banks discount Cinadian bilis fivo per cent. - Prohibition potitions ara in oircu lation in Teoumsoh. - Hillsdale's Agricultural society pur pose to add ten acres to thuir grounds - Prohibitionists of Albion will run candidate3 for office at charter election. - Homer people are petitioning the legislature for a seven per cent interest law. - Jackson consumes 800,000 gallons water daily. No statistics of the other kind. - A check of $100,000 was sent by treasurer of Wayne County to state treasurer. - Charles W. Barber of Quincy, to'ok the firstprizo in the inter-collegiatecontesthold at Adrián. - " Betsey Ann," a noted trotter ownec by Thomas and Goodrich of Albion was lately sold for $1,200. - A coinmittee is investigating the charges against the management of the asylum at Kalainazoo. - Meinbers of thcbarof Branch County have formed an association with N. P. Leveridge for President. - Board of supervisors of Calhoun County will order a special election to fill Judge of Probate vacancy. - Circurnstances have compelled the Hillsdale Lodge of tho Order of Mutual Aid to surrender their charter. - There were 10 blind and 83 deaf mute boys; 19 blind and 83 deaf mute girls in asylum in Flint, in January. - The Ad ventistPublishing Association contémplate erecting a paper mili on tho Kalamazoorivornear the Duncan bridge. - Let fruit mon bear in mind that the winter meeting of tho Michigan state pomological society will be held in Lansing Feb. 18, 19,20. - Win. Ontwater of Kinderhook is held to bail in the sum of $200 by Justice Root for good behavior toward his wife for sixmonths. The naughty man. - The statement that the Sho-waecae-mettesintend torow ns professionals next season, is untrue. They have just received afonr-oaroishell fromïrov, N. Y. - Sutter Brothers, the Chicago tobacconists, who have the cigar contract at Jacksou prison, have compromised with thoir creditors at thirty-seven and onehalf cents on tho dollar. - Luther C. Lot, a white man, and Emily Good, a negro woman, of Tecumseh, have been arrested on a charge of 1 ,1 .1 1 : ; i. .in. i? t i lowd and lascivious cohabitation. Lot is a shoemakor and thofemaleis blacker than the ace of spades. - Fred Eokerman, the Grand Itapids youth who was recently convicted of brutally assaulting a young girl named Carrie Gauss for refusing to marry him four years ago, arrived at Jackson last week to serve a seven years sentence. - In 1878 thore were shipped ftom Marshall 18,332,900 pounds of freight, billed at $23,860,05 ; and thore were received 16,406,880 pounds, onwhich $31,060,0ü was collected. Total reoeipta of the station, inoluding tickets, etc. , f 18,292,(10. - W. A. Jaekson of Coldwater, while on the roof of a lean-to of his rake factory last week slipped and feil striking upon his hoad on the hard frozen ground, fracturing his skull to Buch an extent that bis death ia looked for at any moment. - Tvvo boys namod Wilbur and Killduff, living near Hubbardston, quarreled about a jack-knifo trade and Wilbur offectually settled tha affair by shooting Killduff, killing him instantly. Wilbur was arrested. Buth boys wera about 17 years of age. - Tho Detroit Free Press gives an ac - count of a rúan in that city who has been a great drinker for twenty years, and who says that for ths past twelve months hu has drank not less than a quart of pure alcohol per day. Five years ago he was worth $23,000; theother day ho pawned his wifa's cloak to got liquor. He says he has tried to cure his craving for stiinulants with chloral, nervine, opium - everything- bat with no success, until about ten days ago he cotnmenced taking large quantities of thenewr remedy, chinchona rubra. He now has no desiro for drink, and, though he has not yet had time to toll whether the cure will be permanent, he considera himself a free man. - An odd lookiug genius struck town the other day ; ho had footed it iu twenty miles froin Claiendou tosee the Prosecuting Attorney. " Some low down trash, " as ho said, had acoused him of stealing a buffalo robe, and "by gosh they had got to prove it. " He was a man of infiuence in that township and he wa'nt going to have his reputation cut into. " Ever heard of me?" he said. " Don't know who I am ! Wal, that is curus. I am Hank Sniith, the skunk skinnor of Clareudon. Why, stranger, I've skinned one hundred and forty skunks this winter ! Everybody knows mo: I'vo skinned skunks for the last twenty-five years 'round Charlotte, Hastings, and all through these parts. Guess you dou't live here much. This ere knife is what I do it with," exhibiting a caso-knife with the blade half gone. " I never took that ere buffalo robe, and I've footed itiuhere to make them prove it. I ain going to let thoai know that the skunk skinner of Clareudon is on arth. Whar is tho Prosocuting Attorneyr"' Keoeiving the information desired, ho reaohod out a hand as broad as a fair-sized cabbage leaf, reinarking, "Shake, stranger, shake. If any one asks you if you ever soen Hank Smith, teil thoru yes, and that he was ou the war path a whooping, with his warpaint on, going for them trash about that Buffalo skin." - Buttle üreek Journul.


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