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Tuehday, Feb. 4.- Senate.- Mr. Cameron fWia.), from the Gommitfae on Privileges and Klectioun, nubmitted a majority rfport, .signed by the Bepublican inombcrs. ddolarlng David T. Curbin duly eleeted Senator frum Soiitli Carolina, and duly i (üititled to a seat. Mr. Hill, from fche same eommittee, Kubmitted a minovity report, signed by the ' Democratie íiumbere, in favor of Úxe Incumben!, M. C. Butler. Both reporta were oí printed, ánd placed op the calendar Mr. Coke ;.t lengtk Ín favor of eonstractlng a railroad j ín Texai-' to The Rio Orando, after wbieb. j ti"ii waH revamed of tho resolutioiis Oí Mr. i miinuH, declarlng the validlty of the Thirteenth, I Fourteenth and I'iftoenth amenamente, and Bpeecïu 8 were' made pro and con by MenHrs. Edmn&ds and üayard. The House devoted the day, ín committce 0Í the whok-, uion the Army Appropriation bill. Several propoaitions for a ïvdm-tion of the army wen made and voted down An evening I ation of tlie Miasissippi Leyee bill, was held. WEpNïiaDAT, Fel.. 5.- Senate.- The Seuat, alici.' a protractad debate lastlng until nearly iiik'lit adopted Mr. Edmunds1 resolutions Ing the valiility of the later conHtitutional nents, A nmnber of amendnjonts wcre offered by the Demócrata and rejected. The ! Morgan subatitute, adopted by the Democratie caucus, was also voted down - 18 yeaa to 2ti nayn. The Edmunds resolutions, as oriiually iutroduced, wpre then adopted by a vote ofxS yeas to 17 nays. I Nothing elte of importance transpired in the I Senate. House. - The report of the Committee on Electtonj i-i theFlortdi contestod case wa,s snbmitted in favor of Jeeae .(. Finlay, and adverse to th I claims of Höraöe Biabee. The minority Submitted dissenting views; and botto reporta were recommittod. The passed tin: Afiefdaaippi Levee bill ai'd pent the rest of the day on the Army ! Appropriation bill. Thuksday, Fob. 0.- Senate.- Mr. Paddock j submitted a í-esolution instructing the Committee on Agrípulture to Inqulre in regard to the reporta rning Infectloua diseases among horned cattle. AL'ret-d io Mr. Wallace subiuitted a reaolutíon requesüng the 0ommitte on Oommetoe to report the Qouse bill, kimwii as " Flu; liitcr-Statc Commerce bill," at the earlieat poseible moment,. I aid on the table. He save notie j that ba would cali it ii e at an early day TIk: bill to provlde for takíuíí the tentb and pubwerjucnt oenmsec was passed. HOU SS, - Mr. Hayos mtrndnr--d a bilí, appropriating $60,000 Cor ttie impróveiaeiit of the niinoia river, and enlarglsg the Illinois and Uiclügan ship iíuiílI Mr, Cumminga introdnood a bilí makinfr appropriationH for the paynii'ní o f the arreara oí penwious. . , . 'Jhí; Army Apprupr.atiun IjíI] wan aiSOUSBed at lenRtli. The main features of the Burnside Army Bdorganization bill were iaoorporated into the biil by tlie cummittee of ttw whole, aBd a notíon was pude to enraft opon it ateo tiie proposition to transfer tlio Indian Bureau írom thu Interior to the Wa Department, pending which the House adi Hirnod. Friday. Feb. 7.- Senate.- The Committee


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