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CHE1P STOVJES! AT VrsiLANTl! lOn COOKING &PARLOR STOVES "ZS just rece.vcd. by tho Sulwciiber, (moni y from Albnny) „kin a pond assor.mcnt of [helniw.tnndl.cst pmterns. w,ich wijl be sotí !i Fei ot o lc uiidcrsold ihis sidc Lake Lnc! AIS0( Copper Fnrnituro, Cnnl.Iron Kcïtles. TIN WARE! Jti m on hand BRj!f BETTER LATETHAÑÑEvEr' TIcLSí';rÍ1prn1S ",le plens"rc f nnounfrom New V I .C """ '1C 'ins -1Ist rv6d SïSi -- $ NEWGOODS, consïsiingof Dry Goods, Grocerics, Cmckcry, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, wh,,h he wil ,a „, Very Low Pr.ces lor Rond) fay in Cash. or Produce. qiímiüt G0ODS Wi" bepa'd r W00L in nn ROBERT DAVJDSON. Ann Arbor, June JU. JH4Í3. o4? Hats and Caps, Jj$ TiV I! their varierios. also Cams. Ik niirf J. Gingham bmhr ellas. Suspendere, ric!. Sdk Scarfrand Crava.s. Silk, Li„en and Kul Slovei wiih cvery amele in tbal line cn bc had at fair l.ricos and warrant ,„ sui, bydfrtfi yonr ÜG-Ü:n JAMES G. CRANE. Cheap Hardware Store. rpJKSulwcriberiakes tl„s nie,hod .o inform .1 . i eusloim-rs anrl ,i0 ,)ubiic gcn,.r;,„ bè 8UH conm.ucs u, keep a la.geand 3 ussortmem ot Koro,-,! and üomesííc HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &c. Also Spike ;, Wronaln. Gut and IJor.e Shoe Vnls. Glaw, Sheet lr„, iio„p ]ron. sheoi andl Har Load. Zvnc Bri,ht and Anoni.n Wlro L laasea Gates and Fawetts, MH Saw Cm,, Cu. Snws . llnml I nnd Vood S,v,,. Bot and Kov Hole Say, AmvíIs, ,,. J{,Now..A,!z,.s.C„„,;. er s 1 ooi,, Dcnwing Knivcs. SpQkg s},av Tap Borers, G.8I SC Aflrl Conm.on Au" Iron S,7u,rcS Círound, Wuíeí Li e Cable, Loe i raco nnd Jía[.r Chains, J;ro;id I and and Narro w A.vcs. Spirit and Plum!, Lev' els. loffcther wiih a frencra! assortment of HolIcw War, w-h ch ívifl be sold low for Cash nnpprove. credit at 13, Jk-etiwh EldredsBWk. 11. MARVIN. Detroit, Jan. IGíh. TSíO. 2-18-Iy To Country I?lcBcliasits. THE Subscriber has constanily for sale good nssortnient of heayv WOOLEN CLOTIIS, well adapted lo tlie country market wl.ich he will se!l at wliolrsnle orretnil. vkhy lovv. Cali and sec ihem at the Makrvttas Stork. o_ : Wí A. RAYMOXD. _2-tF Detroit. COUTY ORDERS; ' ■'M L nigkest pricc pnid o cash by G. F. LewX ie, Exehanee Broker, opposite ihe Insurmce Bnnk, Detroit, for orders on nny of the 'oniitiosin the State of Michigan; a!s.tor State securities of all kinds and uncurretn (unds (;,; 'imlsec. Dec 1. 1 = 1."). 241-tf FOR SALE C'IP. AP for CASH, or every kind ofcountrv Produce, Súdales, BrtHrsJTarncss, Trunls, Valises, Trun!: Val'ses, Carjwt Bfi.s, frc. Also a ooa aseoritnent of Wmrs & Las ita wliich will bo sold vory íow, nnd no uiMtako ni COOK' & ROIÍÍSS.ON'S. Ann Arbor, Augusí 12, 1846, 277-tfLOSS BY FIREÜ MITCIIKLL EACKER, succenor of W, u Agent lor ihe PucfotcTt)R I.nsi-kam k CuMi'v.w. of ÍJiiriford. ui II insure l)itcllin$, Jiarnf, Mrrrhtintlhf, nnd all othcr insurable property on ns low lerms as ;my oilier good conipany in the Uniied Stntcs. FARMER's BARNS IXSüRED ÁGAÍNST LIODTNING.' Office in tlie Second Story of New Posl Ofiicc Building, ponh ol Conrt HÓusc. Ann Arbor. íunc 1(. 1946. 2f0if JLOÓKÜERMi!! TUK Suliscnlier oiU-is o sell Fony Acres of 'to(M Land in tlie County of Livingston - The land is timbefed, and tihin tuo pifies ó) of wlierea slcom Snw inill 13 crcciing. Ten acres are clcaied, ami :hcro are ion acres mor. reodyfor loc-in;. Tliore is a ood log Jh-um and sorno Irnii frees on ihe jircm.Ve. 'J'Ik terms w.ll lic lilicral, nnd pnyirTeflt Hy I.t made in ciirpcnter'ö woik. (qrnber r n eoöd ifiiin. Apply tu the subsenbor Mi Ann ArW. S. 1. AH)ni.C. Ann Arbor, July 13, 1S-1C. 'J74 !!w TE -M P FAX A NcinüñjiET" Pl. KH'LKY woiild say lo lus frirnds ;nul tlie Iricnns ut' Tcmperünce, ih.u h h.-i mken Ihe Tcniperortco Fiuuse, larely kebt hji CJ. beatón, whne lir woniil lir lad ii' wuit uporr ilieni. ifny nnd Oais srftd Stabbluif lo ncctiininodote ir.ims. Dütroil, iauuary I. Io46. O-iÓf Paper Ilaiiin-H. A lol "I Ciipcr Miin-m;:. mi.l K,, ' %. ten.14. for sile chciippr than ever iflèieri in lilis V illage. al PERRY'S BOOKSTOÍIK. Jnne l:. .J7f) ,f Uliaiteï iTIortagreM, JUST pnnie'l and far eale ai ilns orficu ir. ...■, quantity.S. HOLMES & CO., WHÓLKS.tLE AND JlETAïl; ÜEALÉIÍS IN" 9TAPXR AND TAtf&t DRY GOODS, ry Groccrirg. Carpclingj f"d '■paper iiati-urs. o. 03 Woodward Atenué, Lamed' i Blode, Detroit. J Hor.MK.s. Ñcw Vori:. rTTr , s BÖlhcs' Detroit. ( tTL mke thismcihod oí nforminp our friendi T T nnti cusiomcrs dtroöghbtfl t,e Sintc, that 'e nrc still poging il)ö riven tei.or ofour ■-..ys. i0 do oiL' bufines pon id honorable princples. We uould slco ren'nrdedr,C k"r1Cdi!"lén!S fór 'he P"ie . SSftoSiH fr Ur c!lston' d woud be lly of New V„rl, i JJo'mc rcsukr. ir rl 'é invite thTln ■ for 'he evdence of ul.irh récd M,,?y '" "1,Cí-CÍtV' nnd wc f're Í6W yorkrcctui6new and freili Goodsfrurrv Wnn('?'OOOI]l)S -TVÓOI.ble 'Wooí firte 'i"--"i'y olgood rniníBíiÁl "UI bc paid tlie lllghe8t ninrJiCt P'icó Perroit,,InySBLl!IIQLMES & CO.f. OÍ WOO3LÏÏ FULLED CLOTH AND FLANNELS ïaüruad' e iiuron R'ver, near t'1(i Ti TERMS ïïïiB Sfi? ''- ?nêl win 'er o -14 cJn.s per vn ' r fr"}8 aDd CVo;, u,ln,nkc. UWiH,' .6 dlh 'he' Qublhy SiffSSjL'S5; ,'!'1''"?l of One' mne thé S6vJafofen1E ,cllh fcS rond, n,arke), g_ g V"ul yen' ')' Ri1";i""nri"' 'Tiheo ,w H' in "le Bame Thi Uoo! w Lb er %V,rre ' 'ne vijth t- jwï o' "vo;íe consisicjir wih th "1 v'rrnndefi,irfr?ed '" tr''s hls'u0!t scvtbe Insi Vj "véírt ' V""11"0"" niStOmcr9 for shnll meet tSeSÏÏÏÏÏS couñkn Utó we &C., S6.Ó '(I b6addfcd io S. W. Koster IV. ib froö 'hs vill 38Cr(S lnivcd sold at rprcll'7atWnCi wil' ho ch,s. n,onS;;d;c;a 7edlt ol 3 öfthepurtÁ H OF co1S46. WHOLESALE & RE TA IL. png l'apcr, Pnntfije Paper of nl ;'■ rapZ L.AÍNK UOOKS, fnll and hall bevind of w ery vnne.y of Ruim, Memorartdun, ook", &V . To Teachers, and oihers buViï m i'Km.l.cs. a lrge discount made J " babbath Sc%1 ancTBiblc Socirty Dopositor. 0 17-ti To Wool Cirowers TE .bS 'cave to inform oi.r Woo! Gro%Vma „urchaáe'Tt ' LWeShal1 bC PrPared for 100,000 Ibs. be ,1,1c : ,o ,,ay ,hc lughést pricc the Krsten, mar! kei wil! nfTord. Grehl rtnpWflt m ihade laai JBson pnvongiK iho Knsicn Delers and Manu(acturrrn,in rcferrmc to i,e poer condition of Miclujjoo V,.ol- nuich of it being in had order and a considei-nblo poriioA hcin aniftíírf. Wc would u-tc. inl;e oécSsion o requcst thnt ihe uimost pimis Phould he inken to hnve tbc sheep ell washed bif.irc she;irinjj. ihnt die Ta-r l.o,l;a bc cm yíT. and (lint cacfi FÏoecé bc cnrelully lied op wud proper wool iwino. (cost IS3 o ■-'". -i per II. j ñfmp twino s iíe he: it wilt (e fpund ircMilv ro i&Óndvrtntiigo of Wooi Grow im;. pwuipthéfr wool in ibis mutmtr. l„wftshctl wool h not inerchiiniabl.e, and w!!l ba r..jocto !.y mostjf tioall of the Wool byCrs, y benig JilIiL-uk i H.-;m. ' HOLMF.S fc Co. Wuoinvurn Avr.NPr. D,m roi . , M :, rch 26 . 1$4 6. ó:,7_u "Síenni Toundi-y." TI1K ndarlgïed I. mn bouglit the èmiro X nlerflj , U. vv R. Partridéo and Geo F Ivcm in ,i„. -stem Ann Arbor" w.ll manuiociurc;all kinds of Caèlina lo ordcrL .ui I wilM... , ,,,,- ro iiffViish any Kind of Cismas 10 nni.M.M. .„.,:, ,, II.,,, IS. i'nr(ii(!e t Co 11 X ft. P-.mi:,, (V, ,.„, j,rIn(ÍL:o. K,n't A ... snd to all oihtrs who mfly favor thcnr v 1 1 K a cali. H. B. HARKT?:. A t K-T. WILLIAMS.Ann Aibi.i. Iec. 2G, Jfc-lb". 'JH-tC To SporfsnK ii. RNKH L üssortinèoi .i ("wtél .-nd Irort Rnrrei Kifc.s. nnd fingl.j Mtfrol r"" 'i". hefoli. Gun L..rks. Onme lüe Shot ronches. P wder FIKk. f,,rF. vI 1, .oYRf!. 24S-ly 7t!, Woodward Avenue, Duor.