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BUSINESS DIRECTORY. DIS. T.lïLOl!, ATTOUNEY AT LAW, . CholBea, Mich. DONAI.I) MACLE VN, M. D., Physician aurt Kurgeon. Office aud residence, 71 Huron Btrect, Ann Arbor. Office houra f rom 8 to 9 a. m. and trom 1 to 3 p. m. MKS. SOPHIA VOLLAND, M. D., Physician and Surgeou. Office at repidence, H Ann Btreet. Will at. end to all professional calla promptly, day and night. WH. JACKSON, Deutist. Office corner of Main and Wanhiuiütou etreetn, over Bach & Abel 's Btore, Aun Arbor, Micli. Anesthelics adminJstered if required. Wil. WAGNER, dealer in Ready-Made Cl oth ing, Cloths, Caesiineiea, Veslings, Trunks Carpet Bags, etc, 21 South Main slr. et. CSi'll IKHEKLE, Teacher of t he Piano-f orte. PapilB attain the desired pkill in piano-play;g by a systeniatic course of inntruction. For tcrnis, apply at residtmee, No. 13 W. Liberty Btreet, Aun Ar-ior. Prompt attentiou paid to piano-tuuing. FEÜE1UPF & OOR BIN, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. E. K. FB IE .ÜFF, Justice of the Peace. All business promptly attended io. Office No. 8 East Washington utivet, Rinsey & Seabolt'H block. HENBÏ B. HILL, ATTORNEY AT LAW Dealer in Keal Estáte, and Insurance Agent. Office, No 3 Ouera House B'.ock, ANN ARBOR. EVERÏBODY SAYS THAT S. B. REVENAUCH IS THE Boss Photographer of Ann Arboi Fourth Street, Eaat of Court Houae; Utjloor. J. H. NICKELS, FRESH & SALT ME ATS, Hum, Sauaages, Ljird, etc, STATE STREET, OPPOStTE NORTHWEST CORNER OF ÜNIVERStlY CAMPUS. OrAtm promptly filled. Farmers having meats to geil should give him a cali. 1568-yl THE ANN ARBOR SAVINGS BANK -A.nn Arbor, Michigan. Capital paid in 9 50,000.00 Capital security 100,000.00 Transacts a general Banking Business ; bujs and eells Exchange on New York, Detroit and Chicago ; uells Sifïüt Drafts on all the principal cities of Europe ; siso, sella Passage Tickets to Liverpool, Ijondon and Glasgow, via theAnchor Line of Steamehips, whose rates are lower thaa most other firstcliss lines. . This Bank, already having a large business, invite merchants and others to open accounts with them, with the asenrance of the most liberal dealing consistent with #af banking. In the Savings Department interest ie paid semiannually, on the first daye of January and July, on all Bums that were deposited three monihs previous to those da.ys, thus affording the people of this city and county a perfectly safe depository for their f unds, together with a fíiir return in intereBt for the same. Money to Loan on Approvcd Securitles. Dibectors- Chrisüan Mack, W. W. Wines, W. D Harriman, Daniel Hincock, B. A. Beal, Wm. Deubel, and Wülard B. Smith. OFFICERS : CHRISTIAN MACK, W. W. WINES, President. Vice President CHAS. E. Hl 4COCK, Cashier. A CARD. The undcrBigned respcctfully ioforms his friends and the public of Anu Arbor and vicinity. that h has purchased the stock of Drugs, Medicines, Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, &c.y Formerly owned by th late George Grenville, and that he w II continue the drug business, in all Ub branches, at the old stond, NO. 5 SOUTH MAIN STREET. By giving etrict attnntion to busiuens, and telling gooda at reas inable prices, he hope to nierit a share of Ihft public patronage. t& Particular attention will be paid to the compouniing and filling of PhyaasUn1' PrpRcriptions by competent ass stants. EMANUEL MANN. Aun Arbor, March 25, 1878. EBERBACH & SON, üriffiisls ui Ptiarmadsts, 12 South Main St.. Havo on hand a large and well sekcted stock oí ' DRUGS, 'i MEDICINES, ' CHEMICALS, DYE STUFF8 ] ARTISTS1 & WAI FLOWEH HATEHIALS Toilet Artlcles, Trusses, Etc. PURE WINES AND LIQUORS Special attention paid to the furniBhing of Phy siciins, ChemiBts, Sehoo's, etc, with Püiloaophica nd Che oical AppiratUB, li ihemian Cbemica GlasHware, Por:elain Warö, Pure lleagentB, etc. Pliymeia is' preecriptioua ca"efu ly preparad jtli hoi"tmii Duel in a Ballroom. Two youiig men, Samuel Tomlinson and George McGregor, were present at the balUat Cedar Hill. In the ballroom were collected young ladies and gentlemen of the best society. the dancers was Miss Burdett, who was engaged to marry Tomlinson. Both Tomlinson and McGregor claimed Miss Burdett for the next dance, and a quarrel aroO, but McGregor triumphantly led 'the lady out on the oor. Tomlinson drcw a pocket knife and attacked his rival as u. and the girl were swinging corners. McGregor also drew his knife, and a terrible tight ensued. Both cont " tants were badly stabbed. Miss Burdetf. fainted. MoGregor is fntally cut. -.Dalla i Texas) letter.


Old News
Michigan Argus