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- Company A will parade to-niorrow at 4 r. U. - A new seal for use at County Clerk's office has been procurod. - Twenty-five desks for supervisors' room arrived on Tuesday. - Mrs. Thomas Walker, resident of the city 34 years, died on Sunday aged 57 years. - Let eveiy Democrat turn outto the ward caucuses called on Monday eveuing next. - James Smith has purchased froui Edward Bj-craft his wood-yard on Huron street. - Mrs. Kelly, formerly of this citj', died at her residence in Farwell, Mich., on Friday, of heart disease, aged 52. - D. Marx, faniiliarly known as the "King Clothier," has purchased the residence of Mis. Wanty on North Main stree. - Our real estáte transfers transcribed from the books of the Register of Deeds, prove that the bottom hasn't entirtly dropped out of the market. - A nuniber of amendments to the city charter were adopted at Monday evening's session of the council and forWiirded to represeutative Sawyer. ■ - Mr. J. B. Billings retired trom the management of the Leonard House on Tuesday Mr. Thos. F. Lsonard, the owner of the building, will henceforth be the landlord. - Messrs. Kearney & Cropsey, co-partners in the grocery trade the past three years dissolved ou Tuesday. Mr. K. purohased the interest of his late partner and will continue the business. - Trial of Eugene Bodell, a meniber of the senior lawolass of the Univer3ity, oharged with obstructing the sidewalk on Gregory House corner, and arrested on Friday, was postponed to to-day. - Rooms forruerly occupied by attorney Cramer over Tremaine's drug store are betng put into a condition of occupancy for city attorney Sessions, who will remove his office before many days. - Among society nevvs quietly ciiculated is that of a contemplated marriage, to take place ere many weeks shall have passed, between a wealthy gentleman and widower of Anu Arbor, and a lady residing in a city withiu a radius of twenty-five miles. - About three hundred persons constituted the audionce tht asseiubled to hear Theo. Tilton Satnrday ovoning. In discussing theology he said he did not believe very muoh in ancient or modern theology ; about as much as he did in Adatu's apple or Duffield's pair. Which of courso brought the house down. - Ma&gie Moore is a charmingly blithe actress, and won many friends in this city. It would seem well nigh impossible to have so much merry-making enTeloped in one sniall body, as she contains. Deserving, she was greeted by an excellent house. Were she to come again there would not be a vacant seat in the Opera House. - Tbere will be an entertainment for the Ladies' Library at the residence of Dr. Douglag, Huron street, on Tuesday evening next. The Dramatic Club of the Junior class of the High School have kindly consented to give " The Wonian of '86," and the Glee Club of the Senior class of tho University will sing. An unusually pleasant evening is anticipated. Admission, ten cents. - Much exoitement exista aniong the Germán Workingmen's and other secret societies over a bilí introduced into the Senate, which, in effect will prevent secret societies from insuring its members. The bil] if passed wou'd cut off all such cooperative insurance compauies as the Masouic Aid Association, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Knights of Honor, Ancient Order of United Workmen, Royal Arcanum.and various other organizatious. Two numerously sigued reinonstrances have been forwarded to representative Sawyer. Go to McFarland to get your Dental work done. Prices to suit the times. - White'a premium teeth $0.00 to $10.00 per set. Pure gold filliugs, 75c to $1.25. - Gold and Platiua alloy, orStanousgold, 50c to $1.00. Feit foil, 50c. Teeth eitracted without pain. No extra charge. All work fully warranted. Office over Tremaine's Drug store. 2-2t Lost. - Ou the Eiver road, Detroit or 4th streets, Thursday, Feb. 20th, a Lace Shawl. A reward of five dollars will be paid for its delivery to thia office. 8-lt


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Michigan Argus