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- Dexter's United Workiuen have received their charter. - Arthur Lowery of Bridgewater, has purchased the Cranefarmiu Woodatock. - Excopt one stnall frame building eTery place of business in Dexter is occupied. - The Manchester paper believes its and Saline"s depot " are as near alike as two peas." - The Ypsilanti Senlinel sighs lor a stone-yard that trampa may gi ve that city the go-by. - Time for collection of taxes inYpsilanti city.iseitended to and including to-morrov. - Ypsilanti has a ladies' literary club that has been in operation for several months with greatsuccess. - David Silvers of Clinton purchased the bankrupt stock of Enz and Bruegel of Manchester at 60 cents on the dollar. - Albert Younglove, the Augusta nier, ïnjured by a ialhng tree near xpsilanti, was buried on Thursday of last week. - Müthew Gensley of Lodi has pnrchased a 203 acre farm, located sixteen miles west of Little Bock, Arkausas, paying therefor $2,500. v- The Milan Dramatic Troupe, are making preparations to bring out the popular and interesting drama, " Above the Clouds" soon. - Fish Comissiont-is ot' the state have sent to D. W. Paimcr of Bridgewater, 60,000 California salmón to be placed in Eiver Raisin Lake. -Mr. F. S. Fiuley of Ypsilanti, sends his butter to Detroit, where it retails for twenty-five cents a pound. He manufactures by the Cooley prooess. - It is clainied that Geo. Hall, agent for the D. H, & S. W. Ey. Co, at Saliae, has been longor in the employ of the company than any other man on the road. - Geo. F. Eichards, collector of townBhip of York, Bettled with county treasurer Fairchild on Monday, and roturned home with a receipt in his pocket, a happy man. - A meeting of creditors of James Henry Bacou of Superior who has made nassigninent toTruiuau B. Goodspeed, called at law office of Albert Crane in Tpsilanti on Mouday next. - A Germán temporáneo meeting will be ïeld next Sunday eveningin Lodi, and lev. Mr. Thorward, of the Germán M. Í. Chureh of this city, will deliver an ddress. The choir of his chureh will urnish music for the occasion. - To perfect his files the late publisher : the Argus wants the number for Jan. 1867; Jan. 3, 18G8; Dec. 30, 1870; Dec. 28, 1877, and will be under great obligation to any subscriber who will furnish him with auy or either of them. - The cases of Horrigan and Putney of Ypsilanti, the first for burglary and the second for having stolen goodsin hispossession, have been sent to the Circuit Court for trial. In default of bail they are both as yet in the county jail. - Mr.Lemuel Bissell of Ypsilanti was severely injured at Jackson last weekby a piece of wood trom a circular saw hitting him ou different portions of his body. Without waiting to have the attention of a physician he took the train for home. -The regular meeting of the teuaw Couuty Pioneer Society will be held at Saline on Wednesday, March 5th, at lOo'clock A.M. A general attendanco is desired as questions of itnportauce to the society will come before the meeting. J. Q,. A. Sessions, Secretary. - Mrs. John W. Van Clevedied at advanced age Sunday evening of pneumonía. She was long a resident of Ypsilanti, and leaves a large family of children. Her husband is now quite ill, so seriously, indeed, that he will be confined to the house for some time. - An examination ofBarneyE. Wade, charged with embezzling fundsas agent of C. Aultman&Co of Springfield,Oiiio, was begun on 13th inst. at Manchester. Prosecuting attorney Emerick being obliged to return in the afternoon adjouriunent was ordered to Feb. 25. - A session of the Detroit Presbytery is being heldin Ypsilanti toconsiderthe case of the Rev. Mr. Murray of Saline, in connection with the well-knowu scandal that has been agitating that coinmunity ever since last fall. The meeting is being held with closed doors. - A gentleman who recently left Ypsilanti for the West, and is now connected with one of the ludían agencies, has sent home the scalp of a Cbeyenne warrior killed at Fort Kobinson. He saya that, contrary to the reporta sent from there to the papers, nearly every Iridian killed was scalved. - James Treadwell of Superior township died on Monday morning aged about 60 years. Mr. T. carne into this county at an early day and, by diligence ceeding in obtaiuing a goodly share of this worlds goods. The deceased was a brotkerof Edward Treadwell ofthiscity, and was buried on Wednesday. - ïbe new block at the corner of Ccngress and Washington streetsin Ypsilanti will eontain six stores, each 20x90 feet. The upper storieB have not been planned as yet. J. F. Sanders will occupy the corner, the second and third stores will be owned by Clarence Harris, the fourth by Sanders, and the fifth and sixth by Wallace & Clarke and H. M. Curtis respectively. - Some men cutting logs on David Blackmer's timber traet in Milan feil a Btub about fifty feet in heighth, in the top of whioh was fouud a large flat turnip which had grown there during the past season, undoubtedly frouj seed dropped there by some of the f eathered species. The top of the stub being filled with rotten debris, furnished rich food for the nouiishment of the plant. - Ou Thursday morning, Mrs. Chris. McGuire of Dexter township, attended to her morning duties as usual, - not couiplaining, so far as we eau learu, of any physical pain or difficulty. - After breakfast, Mr. MoGuire and bis hired man went out to work ; but were recalled in a short time by a message that Mrs. M. was sick. Mr. M. haetened toward tho house, but his wife died before he reached her side. - Dexter Leader. New Priuts just received, the choicest selections of all the best makes of Shirt ing and Dress Prints, at 6tf Mack & Schmid's.


Old News
Michigan Argus