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Fever & Ague

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- ü This excellent coinpound is for sale ly the iropncior's Agcnts. MAYjNARDS; 263-ly Willson's Corn ülili, (Mc'Knight's Palent.) The suhscriber wouid hercliy any to the pullic thftl heis jkiw prepared to furriish on oUa:,l nolice, thuKc who wh, a poriablc ruil], cnpdhïè of grjnding $Q bufüiéls ol'enrs of corn per boon or griml oiher conrse rfiin lor feecl.rehelled corn (witli a rusli.) nif) om clovér sed. A-u. &c' cnlied J. L. McKniglua i,:tcm corn unitlurand elover rubber, A. c. Thoeubscribor is n!so ptepnrcd to sell k.v,i and coriiy riglife tó s.íkJ putent oti lilr'cral Knus Tlu möchi'nc work likc a clinrm. npplicubü iö hoF86, walcr, or sienin p'uwèr: ohé horee, j3 fiudicient to perform tho mjeeaeary (,'rinding'for nny fnrm or oiher esiiiljüshtnent for home conRumption. hut möïa power is nc-cessary io do custom wori; fo a profil ThéanDseriber lins nów in opcrniion in hi shop af his TüU)perftác6 Houeo.'ïii JnölisJn, n iwo liortc jiowrr. ly which, with ilie lorco of one horso (only il picscm) he diivcs said macliino. Tlie ndynrting-p8 of fredin? corn nnd col.b in this wojf is 'now too XV el j iindersiood lo necd rehearsing. S.ufficoit to .:iy, ihat to the Bnath Wbere théy'rtfisö corn eney. nnd worth p'-rlmps IOcci.Iö pur huolicl. ih"y tliink it in object to econoinise by ilms feeding corn añd cobh mc.iJ and tlint too whère they give írom to for for f?r'"ding eithcr for feed or distillniion. One. tvvo or thrto competent eaJceuicij wnntcd to sotl rightá to snid m;ichino in ihia Smto nnd Ohju, nrid to sell righia to Thomkin's nmrticing machino in tliis Siate: the best nuw in UdC. J. T. WILLPON. Jackson, Mnrch 2, 1Ö46. 2G0-Üm