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- Albion votes against a city charter. - Kalamazoo Í9 talking about .$50,000 worth of sewers. - Susan B. Anthony is wantod in Hillsdale - to lecture. - Chicago aud Lke Huron Hailroiid advertise for 40,000 ties. - -James Nall & Co., extensive dry gooda retailers of Detroit, have failed. - The State anti-secret society associa;ion ineets at Adrián on the 26th. - The Union City Branch Co., National joins the host of tleparted newaw pers. - An aggravated case of iuother-inaw prompted Adelaida Wright of Flint to suicido by poison. - There will be a rivalry bet ween Flint and Jackson as to whioh has the next state band tournauient. - The lust i9uo of the Lansiug Jouriid bristles with politics - of the gamation sort - both out aud inaide. - Mrs. Doty, a worthy old lady, for raany years housekeeper at the Monroe Young Ladies Seminnry, died lately. ■ - The Pontiac Qazette justentered upon its 35th year. It is pretty old but seven weeks youngor thaa the Argus. - Mr. and Mrs. Myron Sturdevant, of Albion, aged 80 and 78, died lately in Albion within a few days of each other. - The state is asked tu build a $1,000 hog pen at Jtiekson. The present pen in use at the prison is declared a nuisance. - The Rirer and Harbor Appropriaion bill reported to the House, approjriates $2,000 for improveinents to Monroe harbor. - W. II. Harrison.born in Ann Arbor, lied recently of ossification of the heart, n Adrián where he had lived the past hirty years. - There have been soventeen deaths 'rom diphthoria in the towu of Suurrait, and eight in Gra98 Like, during its reent ravages. - The Coldwater lïepublicai got on he wrong side of the senatorial quesion. lts editor is now 367 degrees reuoved from the P. ü. - The inerchantsof Battle Creek have ornied a nierchants union - that ïoeans, vhen a customer doesn't pay up they advertise him as a dead-beat. - Convictod and fined $250 for too much affeetion toward a citizen of Adian, Mrs. HattieBirdseye has raisedthe aniount and is confined no tnore. - W. F. Ilicka, the Greenback candilate for SherifT of Barry county, has led a quo warranlo against Sheriff loughtalin, the Republieau incumbent. - The Fredonia school boys who turned their teacher out of doors and battod ïim with a base ball club. have been convicted and fined froni $20 to $40 each. - A Battle Crepk paper thinks the outlook for business is excellent, because or the first time siuce thepanic of 1873, here isn't an unoccupied store or salesrnnm in tKaf. oifr' M'ill 111 Llini 1.11 . - The Berger troupe, moet of whom are residents of Jackson, have signed a contract for a tour on the Pacific slope, of twenty weeks, with guaranty of $1,)00 per week, expenses paid. - The Ionia Circuit has genteneed Geo. iVilber, the boy who recently shot another boy with whom he had a quarrel, o eight years in intermedíate poison on lis plea of guilty of manslaughter. - David Ward of Pontiac, has bought a railroad. It is the Duukirk, Chautauqua Lake & Corry railroad, ó miles ong. It originally coat nearly $3,000,000, but Mr. Ward got it for $75,000. - L. D. Halsted of Cold water, has just made a large sale of furs to a London ïouse. The consignment consisted of' G,3ö4 muskrat skins, 534 skunk, 322 coon, ö black bear, 9 fox, and 100 mink skins. This is his second shipment within a few months. - Frank Estabrook of Clinton, late (jreenback candidato tor tne Jjegislature aas leased 75 acres of land at Kenner, a joint ten miles this'side of New Orleans, and is already at work plowing the saine and is planting it to early potatoes - The case of the people vs. Geo. P. Brown, of Albion college, has fallen to the ground on account ot irregularities. Brown is a son of Judge Brown of Port Huron, and while attending Albion college he voted, and was arrested therefor on a charge of illegal voting. It is to be regretted that the case couldnot have gono on to a test of the question of student voting. - Perry Bailey an old and respected citizen of Ferris, Moutcalm county, committed suicide on the 9th by cutting nis throat with a razor. He has been troubled over a year past with an incurable disease which causod him great suffering, and which at times robbed him of hisreason. He was a farmer in good circumstances, and leaves a wife and several children. He was about ÓO years of age, and served as a soldier all through the Mexican War, aud was much respected. Senator Christiancy to the editor of the Argus; My Dear Bailey : Pleasesay to the people of Michigan that myhealth has improved wonderfully. My cheeks have resumed theiv healthful color ; my limbs feel more sprightly, and, altogether I am nigh iuto a new man. The ucarer I get to the Peruviau winds, the more satisüed I am I shall return to Michigan better in health and riuher in pocket. Be kind onough to convey my regards to Zachariah, and say to him if he will sond a flask of bis best b it inay come handy when out on the raging Atlantic. As ever, Ao. C.


Old News
Michigan Argus