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From The State Capital

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Lansino, Feb. 15, 1879. The event of the past week at Lansing was Üie Republican SENATORIAL CAUCUS, held in the Hall of the House, last Thursday evening. The candiel ates, ex-Secretary Chandler and ex-Gov. Bag&y, had been on the ground for soroe days, having quarters at the Lansing House. Botli had used every exertion to make votes. The House was crowded upon the occasion of the caucus. Senator Palmer, of Detroit, presided, and Olerk Crossman, of the House, acted as Secretary. Cliandler and Bagley were put in nomination for the United States Senate, their friends extolling each in warm, earnest words. This part of the speech-making occupied about an hour's time. There were 89 Kepublicans in the caucus. Two ballots were taken, and on the second ballot Chandler had fii) votes, Bagley 19, and Senator Palmer 1. The agony waa thus over. A committee was appointed to wait upon the candidates nd invite them to address the caucus. While waiting for the candidates to come in, Congressmen-elect Horr, Hon. Sumner Howard, .Tudge Van Zile and others addressed the audience. After a delay of twenty minutes, Mr. Chandler was introduced to the people. He thanked the caucus for the honor they had conferred upon him, and then proceeded to review the record of the Kepublican party. He spoke for about twenty-five minutes. lohri J. Bagley was next introduced, and spoke for ten minutes, thanking his friends for their votes and kindness, and expressing his love for, and allegiance to, the Republican party. His speech was well received. At 10:20 p. m. the audience adjourned, after which the usual amount of hand-shaking was performed. It is thought that the Democrats will nominate O. M. BARNES, Of this city. He was their candidato for Governor last fall. He is a lawyer by profession and qtiite wealthy. The Greenbackers will probably nominate MOSES W. FIELD, of Detroit. He once represented the Detroit district in Congress. THE ELECTION FOR SENATOR, by law, occurs next Tuesday, Feb. 18. Of course Mr. Chandler will be chosen Senator for two years from the 4th of March next. He has already served eighteen years in the United States Senate. GIRLS' INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL. Mr. Henry Willis, of Battle Creek, wlio iias been very active in starting the movement for an Industrial School for Girls, lias sent the following memorial to Lansing, which throws some light upon the subject: T r he Legislatura oL Michigan: As the question of the Girls' Industrial and Edncational School has been merged in that of a reform school for girls, I wish to explain tho plan I have adrocatedand still adhere tn in regard to the former. In doing so my object ia to draw a line between the two institutions for tho obvious reasons that, by the plan which I propose, in the establishment of a strictly industrial school, the nnmber of girls who are daily becoming a public charge will be diminished by taking thcm from the towns. eities and the country while yet innocent of crime, though beset by temptation on every hand, and thus give them a home where industry, morality, economy and honesty shall be inculc&ted, where the scienee of cooking, house-work, and every industry pertaining to womañ hall be taught, as well as those branches which fit them for successful business. I would ask an appropriation of $25.000, and recommend: That buildings of moderate dimensions, plain and substantial, be erected; that everything be done with an eye to economy; that sufh'cient grounds be purchased to enable the school to raise as mueh produce as possible in order that it may soon become, in a great measure, self-sustaining; to incite girls to greater industry, I would have each reeeive a certain percentage on everything which she makes and produces for sale- this to be invested for her at interest tmtil she graduatea. I am convineed that the institution may soon be self-sustaining in a great measure, thus relievirg the State of a burdon of taxes so alarming ly gi-eat as it is becoming. II. Willis. Petitions are coming in asking for the abolition of the TOWNSHIP SUPEEINTENDENCY of common schools, claiming that the same is a faiíure. The present system has now been in force nearly four years - long enough for a fair "trial of its merits or deficiencies. The trouble with the township plan is that incompetent and indifferent men have charge of the examination of teachers. Poor inspectors, of course,.send out poor teachers, and poor teachers curse the State with a poor order of district schools. The times demand live inspectors and competent teachers. We caimot afford to cripple in any way our public-school system. CRIMINAL ABORTION. Mr. Kuhn, of Detroit, has introduced a bilí to prohibit wholesale child-murder in the State ef Michigan by criminal abortion. This is a very important and vital matter, as the growing and damnable crime of aborlion strikes at the very root of all our social system, The crime, too, is not only prevalent among the lower classes of our people, but it finds its way to to the so-called "upperten" of society. We have reason to believe that many a woman in high life has damned her soul to all èternity by this fearful crime. Anything that can be done to stay the ravages of this growing sin ouglit to find favor in the eyes of all right-thinking people in the State. One can hardly piek up a daily newspaper without reading of from one to threc cases of criminal abortion. There seems to bc a growing aversión, among women in high life, to the care of children. Added to this is the fact that thousands of young women are conigning their illegitimate offspring to untimely graves. ILLÜMINATING OILS. This evening Prof. Kedzie, of the Agricultural College, will dehver bis lecture on illuminating oils, in tho Hall of the House, beforethemembers of the Legislature. Some parties have great faith in the professor's knowledge on such subjects, while others think he is very impractical and visionary. VISITORS FKOM IOWA. Tlie architect, superintendent and two of the Building Commissioners of the Iowa State Oapitol are in Lansing inspecting the finish and furniture of our Capítol. a W. ff.


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