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Oratory And Orators

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Professor Mathew's latest work, Ora tory and Orators, is sure to meet with the same remarkable success which bis other Works have uttained. In his flrst works, "Getting on in tho World, "which has jiiKt ruaohad its forty-second edition, Professor Mathews struek the key-note of suocessful authorship, which in each ofthefive suceeeding volumes from bis pen he has wonderfully maintaiued. - Oratory and Orators is as muoh a book for the general public as Getting on in the World. In it is found the same fascinatiug style, a delightful intermingling of wit and wisdom, the same wide knowledge of the best men and the best books, the same happy wayof giving his readers so much that is practical aud available for use in evory-day lifc. Oneleaves this work with the feeeling that he has been well paid for reading it, that heha.s been instrueted as well aa entertained, that hu is wisur than he was before he read it. To the student, the elorgyinan, the lawyer, the statesman and the public speaker of every class, itis a book of peculiar valué and ïutorest. It contains man y gema of oratorical eloquence and wit trom the greatest orators, and it is filled with valuable thought and hints on true oratory and true eloquence. The following extract from the press in reference to this work may be of interest to our readers, and show how thoroughly the subject is treated by the author. " It covers the whole field in a thorough and musterly - Boston Globe. "To the general reader it is a book of absorbing interest, abounding in anecdote and illustration, aud full of excellent aud diserimiuatiug criticism of oratory and orators." - St. ImuU Pont and Dinpntch. " The orator that can succeed in fase i - nating his audience ascompletely as the author of this book does his readers, may he regarded as a splendid succesg." - Joston Hume Journal. A mine of wealth, a store-house of rich things. It is delightful reading from beginuing to end, and is as valuable as it is delightful. It is worth two dollars to read what Prof. Mathews Bays of Patrick Henry, Henry Clay, Daniel Webster, liufus Choate, John C. Calhoun, and that wonderful English orator, Bolingbroke."- tnMu7Ze Gazette. " It will attract the closest attention from all thougbtful lawyers, politicianii, statesnien and clergymau.for itis a mine of wealth, full of practical suggestions and information that could not begathered together in a dozen yeara. Besides the value of th directions to a public speaker, the book abounds with sparkling anecdotes and gems of thought of celebrated oraton."- Philadelphia Record. Oratory and orator is a I2ino book of over 450 pages. It umy be had of booksellers, or tho publishers, S. C Griggs & Co.p Chicago wül send it prppaid on receipt of tlio price, $2.00. Kreenback Cotint Couveiitioii. Delegates froin cities aud towns of Washtenaw Couuty met at Fireuien'a Hall, at 11 A M., oq Saturday. C. F. liateg of Scio, called the meeting to order, and urged theselection of good men to attend Lansiog eonveution. - Mr. B. was, on motion elected teroporary chairman. Mr. Blackney, Secretary. Upon motion chair named iollowing oommittee on creden tials : Qeo. Ken wiek of Northfield, Win. Geer of Superior, and W. E. Walker of Ann Arbor. Alao a commitee on organization, thus : Patriok Wall of Northfield, Roscoe Copland of Scio, H. A. Carr of Lima. Adjourned to 1:39 P. m. A1TERN00N SESS1O.V. Com. on organization rtported Geo. R. Williams of Lima, for President. W E. Walker, Secretary. The cities and towns were represented as followg : Ann Arbor, lat. Ward- J. J. Parshall, Abrani Hawkins, Thomas Geer, H. Lewellyn. 2d Ward- Thomas F. Leonard, J. Schumacher, H. Bunister. 3d Ward - W. E. Walker, G. Mulntyre, J. Keen, w.. Uoth, iu n'ard - H. (J. Waldron, E. Beahan, Chas. Thayer, X. Keating. óth Ward - J. Spraguo, D. S. Milieu. Gth Ward- Dr. P. W. O'Toole, P. Dignon. Town- N. B. Coyert, A. 3overt. Augusta- J. D. Olcott.R E.Dougiase, H. Darliug, E. Darliug. Freedom- H. E. Peteii. Lyndon- Thomas Young, P. W. Watts, B. C. Boyce. Liuia- H. A. Carr, Geo. K. Williams, Thomas Covert, Sampson Parker. Manchester- W. Kimball, H. Burch, Jas. Gordonier, Geo. Ingram, Thomas B'arwell, L. Greenman. Northfield- Patrick Wall, John BroLaw, Authony Burke, Geo. Kenwick. Soio- G. A. Peters. S. W. Holmes, J. N. Preister, C. F. Bates, Roscoe Copeaud. Saleui- T. D. Lue, Culviu Austin, I Win. Murray, L. Gorton. Sylvau - A. Blackney, J. M. Congdon, Chas. Allen, George Erntton, B. Wigfet, E. C. Fuller. Superior - Wm. Geer, T. V. Quackenbush. Ypsilauti, lst. Ward - üeo. Amsden, Wm. Barr, A. McNichol. 2d Ward-A. McPherson, L.Knisely, Reuben D. Roys. 3d Ward - H. D. Martin, John Lowry, J. W. Spoor. 4th Ward- J. Newell, A. F. Barr, M. Warner, óth Ward- Jas. AI Forsyth, A. H. Smith, J. W. Babbitt. H. C. Waldron moved delegates fioui each rpreseutative district get (ogethor and select delegates to state couvention. Adopted. After a reeess for the purpose, the folowing gentlemen were designated : First district- J. D. Olcott, J. M. Forsyth, Lewis Sherwood, R. E. Douglass. Second district - R. E. Frazer, T. D. Lane, Patriok Wall, Wm. Geer. Third district- G. A. Paters, J. M. J.mgdon, Horatio Burch, Sampson Parker. Adjourned.


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