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Kepublican county convontion at Opera House on Tuesday noxt. - A little daughter of Eev. J. T. Sun!:r!and is siuk with scarlet fover. - Owing to the ad vanee ia price of wheat, flour has gono up fifty cents per barrel. -This eveuing the iieform Club is to givo a social entertainment in the Opera House. A nuinber of new cases of scarlet fever are miid to have brokeu out in the Fourth ward. Twelve out of tho twenty towns were represented in the Gnenback county conveution held on Saturday. - Supt. Van liiper of the County House was looking up a pair of No. 11 boots for a pauper, the other day. -He was not a very well posted man who inquirttd of the landlord of the Cook House, if bis wns a student's register. -Peter B.iesler and wife of this city luft yestordny for Arkansas where Mr. B. hm purchased 420, and B. 300 acres of land. - Titus Hutzul of this city bus ercoted au iron puuiii on the farm of Michael Weiuier of Suio, for a well one hundred and fifteen feet deop. For suatching an article of wearing ipparel from ia front of Little Mack's olothing store, QeorgeHawkHMk boarding at the county's expense forty dnys. - John Miller, arrested for stoaliug one dollara worth of wood, and arraigned hefore Justice Clark on Monday, was found guilty and flned f5.70. Faid. -Twenty fonr petit jurors will be drawn at the office of the county clerk to-day, to ierre at a term of circuit oourt to convene in this city on the lftth of Match. A writ of error has boen granted in the case of the People vs. George Hennitig, who is serving a four years' sentence in the StatePrison formanslaughter. The oase will go to the Sopreme Court for review. The suit agaiust Chief Johnson for u"iicf;ed assault and battery while in the discharge of his duty, commencod by a law student, bas been discontinued, as well as the one against the student for oosii ucting the sidewalk. - On complaint of James F. Schultz, freight agont of the Michigan Central Eailroad, three trampa, Frank Moran, J.iiuos Kelley and Miohael Labouty, J were arrested Saturday tor attempting to steal a ride on au outgoiug train. Hordce, youugest sou of the late Dr. D. B. Kellogg, resident of the óth ward, died Feb. '21, of inflammation of stomach and boweis, age 23 years, after au illness of one week. Funeral servioea were held on Sunday at his late residence. - E:irly on the eveniug of Friday last a suit of elotbes valued at $17 was stolen in front of A. L Noble's clothing storn. The suit hauging on a form iu front of a wiiuiow was not missed until the followiug moruiug. No clue to tbe thief or torin which was also taken. --Conipany A, which has lately been reorganized, gave a grand military ball Friday evening at the Armory, which aa beautifully decorated. Parties from Dextor, Yusilanti, Albïon and other points were present. The atteudauce was large, and the occasion a very enjoyable one. - The iuclement weather prevented a represeutation froiu all the towus at the Demooratic county convention held at Firemen's hall on Wednesday. By reforence to the proceedings elsewhere to be fouud in theso columns, it will be observed the most of the towns were repiesented despite the day, one of the most severe and cold of the seasou. County clerk Clark has notifled supervisors of the county to convene in the new court house at 11 A. M., on March i. This cali is made for the purpose of cousideving whether thu county through its offieers, will, or will not, accept the new building. If accepted, county officials expect to move into thoir respective qnarters on the succeediiig Mouday. Jion-Commissioned offieers of company A elected on Tuesday evening, are : Sergeants- lst, Arthur Worden, 2d. Morgan O'Brieu, 3d, Albert Sorg, 4tli, Charles Kiug, öth, Sidney Culver. Ijorals- lst, C. A. E,lwards,2d, J. Chase, 3d, T. R. Edwards, ith.Z.Roath, üth, U. C. Sheeban, Gth, Patrick Sheehan, 7th, Win. Haydeu, 8th, Hugh Ross. Quartor Master- Heury Iiatch. Color Bearer- Titus Hutzel. Death of Rev. De. Bkigiiam. -It is announcod by telegraph that Rev. Chas. H. Brighaui, for several years a member of our state board of health and pastor of the Uuitarian cburch at Ann Arbor, died at the residence of his sister at Brooklyn.N. Y., Feb. 19. He was a man of rare scholarship, great iutellectual honealy andindustry, a warm and hearty fiiend, aotive in every good work, and pirticularly energetic in pushing those ïeforius which promote human welfare and development. Ho was a native of Masiaohusetts, graduated at Harvard, hadtraveledextensively in theold world, aud hia ago was nearly 60 years. He was smitten with paralysisin May, 1877, and has perforined no labor since that time. He was never married, but had many thousands of friends among old and youne. Notakies Public- The tëenato confirmed on Wednesday the following additional Notaries Public for Washtenaw Cmmty: t. B. Greene, E. W. Morgan, A. H. Porry, C. G. liobison, John Pebbles.Ely MDly II. G. Warren, G.S.Wheeler, H. B Gidley, A. W. HaiuiltonC. E. Hiscock, E. B. Abel, William Burke, R. E. Prazer, R. Schnyler, E. B. Pond, O. H. Richraond, J. E. Carr, A. Conklin, B. B. Barnes, Wb. Campbell, E. L. Boyden, H. " T Morton, L. E. ChLlds, C. Joslin, E. W. Giant, Win. McConnick, F. Emerick, Thomas Earle, C. H. Manley, Ira Stanbro, W.B. Uilbert, E. B. Gidley, C. Maok , P F Blobser, C. Knapf, J. C.Kuowlton V. E Shaw, Z. P. King, C. S.Pitkin. C S Greeorv, A. T. Bruegel, H. S. Dean W. B. Sinith, E. B. Clark, L. D. Taylor R. E. Douglass. Just opened a full line of Cottons in all the dosirable ruakes and width at extremely low pricefl, and a full assortment of Hamburg Embroideries in unusually choice patterns, at 6tf Mack & Schmid's.


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