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James Lee and Joseph Uclormey, agetl 19 and 2Ü respect ivi') i . while skating hnlt' ii mile outidtí oL Louii's dock, un Jjíike Hurón, were druwncd at dark Tucsdny night. The bodiea have beca recovered. The Grand Lodge I. O. O. Y., at Michigan, met at Jackson Tuesday. The Orand Hecretary'a report showed: Initiatioits during the year, 1,513; by card, 800; reinstated, 300; total, 2.113. Withdrawn, 48J; suspended, 1,490: expeíled, 27; deaths, 101; total, 2.098. The total membership of the lodges in the otate is now 13,326. Mrs. A, O. Miller, the Michigan actrets, died at Chicago, ot' consumption, last week. Amos E. Korbes, a fine young man, the son oí' a widow lady, of Dayton, Newaygo county, was iustantly killed by a falling limb on the 18th. At Hesperia, Oceana county, Taeaday morning, the thermometer marked 13 degrees bclow zero, much the lowest point reached there this winter. Plenty of snow. 8. 8. Liscomb, a citizen of Charlevoix for the past eight years, but who recently went to Jackboro, Texas, with the intention of settling there, was killed by a vicious norse on the 16th. He leaves a wife and four children, who are at Charlevoix Mr. A. S. Dyckman, of South Haven, was reoently informed by Ohicago cammiasion men that reliable intelligence trom southern Illinois and Missouri show that the scvere cold of the present winter has killed the peach buds in those sections, and that none of that fruit may be expected in the Chicago market froni there next seaaon. Scott flerrish, ono heaviest lumbermen of Nort.' ern Michigan, gives it as his opinión that the stock of logs cut this year in Mlchigaa wiü nut xoeed and probably not equal in qmntity the log erop of 1878. He prediets a niueh larger deniand for lumber than last year, but no material advauce in pricoK. (ioo. Voorheis's residence, at Port Huron was nearly destroyed by fire on the 21st with its contents. Loss 82,500; insured f2,000 A Grand liapids man whose name is not given paid $'20 to a Romeo justice for a paroxyatnal kiss bestowed on a hired girl at the hotel. , Charles A. Smith, of Union City, has been found guüty, in the Branch Circuit, of asbaalt with intent to kill Ira B. Buell, May 25, last year. They had aquarrel over au account of $4, and Sjiith attacked Buell with a knifc, inflicting four wounds in the head and body. Jas Monks, in the employ of the Wagar liumber Oompany, was instantly killed at a raüroad crossing near ÍSheridan, Montealm county, on the 17th. His deafness prevented his noticing the approach of the train. He was an old and respected citizen of ionia cotinty, having resided in Keene, near Saranac, since 1837, engaged in farming. He waa 70 yeara of age, and leaves a large family. Friday morning as Kev. Aaron Fassett, colored, of Jackaon, was dressing himself by the fire, in some nncountable marnier his cotton shirt caughtfire, being alone,before he could d i vest hirnself of the garment or extinguían the tiamep, all the upper part of his body and both arms were burncd to a, blister. He is injured sa seveely that it ia fearod thut he cannot live. The Grand Trunk Kailroad Company are preparing to erect n large elevator at Point Kdward. The engineer is uow engaged locating a site. The Fort Gratiot people have nearly all joined the Red Kibbon Club. It is estimated that nine ont of ten of the inhabitants have fligned the pledge and meetings are held three times a week. The Sheriff of Manitou County, with a companion, walked from Beaver Island to Charlevoix on the ice last week. A dangerous and seldom attempted feat. Green villc Independent: Seven car loads of Green ville fiour crons the Atlantic for sale in English markets by K. Middleton- 140,000 Ibs. put up in 1,000 sacks. Vermontville Hawk; M. W. Cramer, when he read the cali to arms in 1861, chopping down treeB for a winrow, left his ax in the side of the tree, went out, served through the war in the Eighth Michigan, carne home, went to the woods, found the ax and fmished cutting down the tree, returned to the house and Raid to his wife: "There. now, that tree is UUWli. The Right Rev. Bishop Casper H. Borgess, of Detroit, the Catholic Bishop of this diocese, has sent his resigQAtion to Home. A new elevator is to be erected by the Michigan Central H. R. in Detroit, lt will have a capacity of 1.000,000 bushels, and will be completed by Sept. lst. Senator Chandler was sworn in and took his old seat in the U. S. Senate on the 22d. UlgUy V. BU lio Ireen UUUflllUud Vy the U. S. Senate as Collector at Detroit, and George C. Codd as Postmaster. Mr. Jenny, of Flint, is at Petosky purchasing maple loga, which are to be shipped direct to France to be used for veneering. Judgement was entered in the Ingham Cir" cuit on the report of the referee, Hon. John j'. Ailam, for $11, '222 05, against R. H. Morrison, of Sturgifi, the defaulting treasurer of the Odd Fellows Grand Lodge, and his bondsmen. In the Berrien Circuit Court, Klizabeth A. Boyce recovered f97 92, besides costs, from Henry Shafer, for selling liquor to her husband. The Lake county Star publishes Lafe Fariend's marriage notice and hig caution not to trust his wife, both in last week's issue. Peter Thomas, agcd 53, a in iner at the Atlantic bopper mine, near Houghton, Lake Superior, was instantly killed by a vall of falling rock on the 14th. His son was also seriousiy injured. The residence of John Bewser, in Allegan township, was burned on the 21st with all its contentB. Two children, aged 4 and 2 years, were alone in the house at the time The youngest is believed to be fatally burned. Last Bummer there were rumors afloat that W. A. Morrison, of Albion, had been killed by Indians, but it has only been recently that they could be verified. Letters have now been received statïng that his body had been found on a road leading irom Fort Scott, Inciian territory, scalpcd and badly burned. He had left the fort a day or two previous with considerable money, intending to go south. and whether he was killed Dy Indians or by robbers is not known. He was identified by documenta and letters found upon hia person, bo that there seems to be no doubt that the sad news must be true. The body of an unknown man, supposed to have been about 50 years of age, was found on the railroad track near East Saginaw Tuesday. Mrs. L. R. Fiflke, wife of the President of Albion College, died Tuesday mom ing. In an altercation at Kvart TueHday afterHoon Charles lrving shot and killed C. E. St. John, of Afihtabula, O. A man calling himaelf Eugene S. Peck has been arrested in JackBon for passing a draft raised from &6 to $6,000, on O. K. Brownell, of íátockbridgo, Ingham Co., in payment for a farm. The prisoner is about 27 years of age and pretends to hail from Cohoctun, N. Y. Another draft raifted from $1 to $1.000 was fuund in hiö poRseesion,


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