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The Legislature

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Feb. 19. - The Senate passed the follovving billn, the last only having as yct passed the House: Bill providing for the medical treutment of indigent children; bill amending section 2999, and repealing section 2i)!)3, Compiled Iiaws, relating to insurance; bill 23, incorporating Petoskey. Vu evening BesBion was beid by each House, this being the last day for the introduction of bilis, öince the meeting of the Legislature, 363 bilis and joint resolutions have been introduced, in the Senate against 330 two years ago,and in the House 726 bilis and 47 joint resolutions. H-venty-five bilis were introduced in the House but none passed. The Senate and House met in joint convention, the journal of yesterday was read and Zachariah Chandlcr declared elccted United States SeRator. Fcb. 20. - At the morning Bession petitions were rsetived asking that all railroads whose charters had expired be put under the operation of the general law; for the taxation of mortgages: i ora lower standard upon kerosene oil: also, remonBtating against the passage of Senate bill No. 10 At the aíternoon session the House refused to coneur in the amendmentfl made by the Seuate to House bill 3, rrmking male persons solely qualiíied to vote at meetings of congregations of the Episcopal Ohuroh. Á motion Lo reconakiei (he vote was laid ui-on the table. ïhe following were passed: Joint resolution rt'mitting a penalty of $8,000 incurred by the Chicago and Lake Hurón Bailroad company, for non-pay ment of taxes; bill detatc.hing territory froin Grayling and Maple Quary, and organizing the town of Frederick. The Committee on Printing finished the examination of witnesses on charges against the State Printers, and passed resolutions exorieratiag the printers and State oíficers from all blame in auy of the transactions investigated, and commending W. S. George & Co. for the nnmner ín which they liad fuliilled the contract. The wi+nesses examined this evening testified that the so-called "bastard" type wan the same shown when the contract was made, and the same as that used in printing the United States statuteB. The asylum investigating committee have taken 300 printed pages ol testimony, and have three weeks more of work in Kalamazoo. Feb. 21. - The Senate passed the following bilis, all of which have already passed the House : For the appointment of an assistant librarían: Heducing toll on the Bay City, Vassar and Wal rousville plank road : Making appropriations to the State Reform School: lteincorporating Brooklvn : and a joint resolution in reference to palygamy in the territory of Utah. In the House, bilis to reincorpórate the iillages of St Louis, Albion and Lawrence, were reported favorably, he rules suspended and the bilis passed. The following were also passed : House bill 144, to authorize the villagc of Sault Ste. Marie to borrow money: House bill 156, to reincorpórate East Saginaw. Both Houses adjourned till Mondav evening The personal statistics of members of the House, show thst there are 41 farmers, 18 lawyers, 13 merchants, 10 physicians and druggists, 3 manufacturera, 2 lumbermen, 2 fruitgrowers, 2 class themselves as miscellaneous, and one each as follows : brewer, editor, banker, contractor, real estáte dealer, artíst and clergyman. The House is inostly composed of carpet-baggers, only 16 members having been bom in Michigan.


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